Her choice

A barely noticeable smile formed on Nina's face which quickly faded when she looked at Tom's scared face into his soulless eyes. She tapped Jenny's hand softly, rubbed her hand, and went back to firmly grasping Jenny's hand.Sneering at the grotesque man before her, she gritted her teeth in anger."Why are you looking for such a girl?" she questioned with hostility in her voice.

Tom chucked sarcastically, " Now why would I be dumb enough to tell you, I just want to see that girl behind you and I'll be out of your hair"

"Well, as I told you earlier, this girl is one of my own, so we will be going ." She said firmly, she would not let Tom control the situation, but most importantly she would not let Tom take Jenny. Briskly turning around to look away from Tom and began to take long strides towards the door from which the light was flooding into the alley.However, this time there were three small figures of children, each of different sizes, peering anxiously at the scene which was occurring.

Upon seeing them, Nina forced a serious smile onto her face. Today seemed to be a roller-coaster of emotions for her, her face was straining from the effort." Come on kids! Didn't I tell you to wait for me as I check? There's nothing special going on h..." Her playful scolding was cut-off as she felt the roots of her hair being pulled back aggressively. Her head jerked back violently, making her loose balance temporarily. She quickly took a step back to regain her balance and froze in that position.

"Oy! we're not done talking here, yet you turn around, show me your back, and completely ignore me?" Tom spat out irritably as he harshly tagged on Nina's hair again, pulling out some strands of hair in the process. He kicked the back of Nina's knees, forcing her to fall on her knees. She was still holding Jenny's hand tightly while Tom's hand roughly tugged on her hair. He paused for a few seconds, relishing the tension in the air as he could hear the woman who was at his mercy gritting her teeth in pain.

Not bothering to go around to face the woman who was on her knees' Tom squatted behind her holding a small pocket knife in his other hand. He pulled on Nina's hair again so that his mouth was directly above her ear and deeply drove the knife into her exposed arm. Nina groaned in pain whilst Jenny, who was still being held by Nina and had a front row seat to these mans actions, felt her anger flare. She began her beast transformation.

" Now, it seems you forgot who I am and who I work for, you may have a deal with him...but you must never forget you place you ant..." he lowly muttered these words into her ear, so that the only person Nina could hear while slowly twisting the knife which was deeply embedded into her arm playfully. Looking around, he raised his voice as he spoke the next words," I see the kids have all come to watch us, we better set a good example and act like the civilised people I know we are." He said mockingly as he pulled on her hair one more time tearing out even more strands of hair. Nina didn't say a word.

Tom chuckled lowly upon the prolonged silence," I think it's about time you gave me that brat you are holding so desperately so I can finally examine her." He roughly pulled her to her feet by her hair as he made the demand." Here's what's gonna happen, I'll let you go, you turn around and show me the child. If it's your brat, whoopty-doo!" he said with mocking nonchalance" But if it's the kid we're looking for, She. Comes. With. Me." The nonchalant air became menacing as he said the last few words. Saying these last few words, Tom slowly let go off her hair and Nina slowly stood up, straightening herself when she was on her feet with an air of distinction. This man could not phase her, but he had clearly struck a nerve in Jenny.

Jenny's transformation which had receded, had started again, except now it was happening at a faster pace. There was a dark scales on her exposed skin, cat- like ears, and a long feline tail behind her, covered with sharp, obsidian scales and four dagger-like spikes at the end of her tail which were curving inwards. It almost looked like a flower with sharp midnight petals. Nina's eyes flashed with excitement as she clearly saw this transformation and tried to figure out which bread of beast resided within this child. However, she knew it was not the time for such trivialities." Be still Jenny...whatever happens, don't do anything...it will be alright, trust me." She whispered these words soothingly for only the girls ears to hear." Promise me." Nina looked into Jenny's eye's deeply. Jenny nodded and Nina smiled and began talking loudly so that everyone in the alleyway could hear.

" I'm sorry guys, I've only known you for a short while .... especially you Jenny and this may be a bit selfish in your eyes, but I have to do this....I need to atone for all the things I've done and the secrets I've kept from all the kids I've raised...." she paused and took a deep breath "Tom I will never give another one to you or your despicable group." She said resolutely as she let go of Jenny's hand and pulled out the dagger which was still embedded in her arm. Walking bravely towards the man who had a greater physique than herself, with knife in hand, she smiled at him, provoking him even further. "Jenny remember your promise." With those words she charged towards Tom with the dagger before her.

Tom moved to avoid the dagger that was going to pierce him, but failed to completely stay clear of it's path. It grazed him causing blood to trickle out of his torn skin but it was nothing like Nina's wound which had blood gushing out. Tom cursed once he saw the wound and charged towards Nina. Grabbing hold of her neck, he pressed her violently on the alley wall. He punched her stomach repeatedly whilst suffocating her with his other hand. After several punches, he threw her on the floor like a dirty rag and began his relentless assault with his feet. he kicked her over and over again, on her face, abdomen, legs, pretty much anywhere he could. The children screamed in protest as they watched but did not move, it was as if something was keeping them there. Jenny couldn't take it anymore and took a step towards Nina, but upon meeting the determined woman's eyes, she stopped.

After some time Tom stopped his relentless assault when he felt Nina couldn't possibly be residing in the land of the living anymore, he turned towards the young girl and walked towards her with calculative steps. Jenny did not move, she watched. Behind him she could see a dark shadow slowly rise from behind him as a gleaming object was repeatedly plunged into his neck. Like a great giant, he collapsed in a lumbering pace with a confused look on his face. He was dead. Tom's dead body fell face-first before her and the shadow that took him down, collapsed with a soft thud right next to him. It was Nina.

"Release," she whispered. with those words the children who seemed to be trapped at the door flew towards Nina. They all knelt next to her, Jenny included," I don't have much time, that pig made the poison spread faster....so listen, this is the most important thing I will ever say.... from now on, let it stay in your minds....you four are family. My family. Please- please...promise you will take care of each other." they all nodded, even the overwhelmed Jenny.

Nina smiled," Good... now I want all of you to hurry inside, there isn't much time...close the door and knock it five times, then you open it immediately...have you gotten it?" she asked as her breath became more laboured, they nodded again with tears streaming down all their faces. Nina smiled," hands..." she whispered heavily, they all put their hands on hers and she grasped them," I'm sorry I made a selfish choice please forgive me...I- I love you all, please never forget, no matter when I met you-you, you're all my family..." tears rolled down her face as she whispered these words heavily with dense emotion.

"Now...I need you to go..." Nina softly urged. At that moment, their voices seemed to return and all four synchronised an answer," NO!" Nina's smile grew wider,and she mustered all the strength to sit up. " Go, they are coming, go now! I'll hold them back....Jenny...Leo...please take your siblings." Jenny and the slightly shorter boy next to her hesitated for some time, but upon hearing footsteps in the alley way they nodded. Jenny grabbed the shortest child's hand while the boy, Leo, grabbed the hand of a boy who was slightly shorter that him. Leo led the way toward the door with Jenny following close behind. Nina smiled as the light that was flooding the alleyway slowly disappeared as the door closed.They were safe now.