Beta Testing BBEG

Five people walked into a room filled with specialty chairs designed for Full-Dive Gaming. It was not the first of its kind, but it was the most in-depth model created so far.

"What do you think it will be like?" Thomas, an excited-looking short man, asked as the group walked into the room.

"I hope it's better than Grave Online. That was a great game, but the fact that we had to get off every hour was really killing it," Grace, a calm-looking female, said as she moved to one of the chairs.

Four of the five Beta Testers moved over to one of the seats and started to look over the equipment before sitting down.

"I heard that these new models use frame jacking, so we will be able to spend a lot longer inside the game. I still don't know exactly what kind of game it is other than an FDMMORPG called Caster Online," Tera, a mellow looking female that was standing with her twin brother Forest, who was looking at the back of the chair, but it was completely sealed up.

One out of the four was not waiting and was already sitting down. This was Kade, and he was one of the top FDMMORPG players in the world but was known as a soloist.

"What are you doing?" Forest asked Kade as he moved around to the other side of his chair where Kade's was.

Kade ignored the twin, and dropped the helmet down on his head, and activated it. This wasn't Kade's first time using one of these.

He had been invited to try them out when they were first created, and he knew exactly how they worked.

One year.

That was how long the five Beta Testers would be in the game, and that would only take thirty-six hours. While that was a long time to be in the game, it would give the player more than enough time to truly enjoy the world.

Other things were not explained to Kade the first time he had gone in, including the realness of it all. The only way to get out of the game after you got in was to die, in-game.

The problem with that you also felt pain, and the FDG, Full-Dive-Gear, disoriented the person using it. The first time Kade had gone in, it was almost three months before he realized that he was even in a game.

"Be prepared; this won't be like anything that you have ever experienced," Kade said to Forest but never heard a reply as his mind synced with the FDG.

[Welcome to Caster Online]

[Tester Account Verified]

[Unknown Fighter Class] Activated!

Kade felt his mind start to splinter like it had the first time, and he was concerned about the Fighter Class that he had just received. Kade had chosen The Fighter Class, but there was no mention of special Classes when he had talked with Simon.

He was the Class Director that everyone had to meet with before we could enter the game, and he had explained that it would be slightly different. Simon told each of them that there would be some slight personality changes when they entered the games.

Simon was told to lie to the Beta Player because they were going to become unique parts of the game. The term for them was BBEG or the Big Bad Evil Guys.

Kade opened his eyes and looked around, immediately feeling on edge. The door for his room in the tavern was open a hair, and he had locked it before bed last night.

Kade was still dressed; it was his habit to sleep with his clothes unless he stayed in the capital. The people out in the rural areas tended to be more lawless and more willing to commit crimes.

Kade wrapped his hand around the sheathed sword lying in bed with him for easy access and quickly scanned the room. There was a chance that whoever had come in would have already left, but Kade hadn't been alive this long because he left things to chance.

There was a sound that came from under the bed, and Kade smiled. His face took in a menacing smile that would make a person's blood run cold; he had found his target.

"Come out, or I will kill you," Kade said as he sat up, and unsheathed the sword, pointing the tip down in the center of his bed, and then drove it down without waiting.

There was a scream, but three more strikes silenced it, and then blood started to leak out from under the bed. Kade smiled, withdrew the sword for the final time, and got out of bed.

There were the sounds of boots coming down the hall, and then the door burst open as two big men ran into the room. Kade looked at them, pointed to under the bed, and pulled out the Royal Questioner Chest of Akio.

Both Men stiffened at the sight of the man and then nodded.

The two reached under the bed and pulled the dead body of a young man out from the bed. Kade walked over to the face-down body, and then kicked it over, and reached down into the pockets of the bloody coat he was wearing.

Kade took the paper currency known as Ards out and then put it into his pocket, turning to the men. He nodded, and the men grabbed and then hauled the body away by the arms and legs.

No questions were asked because one does not ask a Royal Questioner anything unless you are the King. The child was Castless, so it was not worth talking about anyway, but no one would dare question Kade even if it wasn't.

"I was sent out here by the King, but I hardly think that it is worth my time to keep this game up," Kade said to himself as he thought about the reason for him being out here, Ahna, but was it really worth his time anymore?

Was King Akio worth following? Kade started to have strange, bothersome thoughts, but he started to think that it was time for some change in how this world worked.