It Was The Angel

'But what does that mean? Can I use those tree's magic?' I asked C6.

[Yes. Your system can change how fast it will grow and the fruit or grain it can bear.]

'I thought this was a fighting system?'

[No, it's not just one thing. Systems are unique software to help you as a program become better and complete your goal. You will not always need to fight, and you can gain skills from training to do things other than fighting. Once you have learned said skills, you will be able to do them without my help.]

'What? Why didn't you tell me before?' I asked.

[*sigh* Let's move on. You need to be careful using such skills too much; you have a charge gauge that depletes when you use a skill, combat, or nature; it burns your total charge.]

'C, how am I going to remember that?' I asked, shaking my head.

Instantly, a light lit from my wrist, and I covered my hand quickly. The light was terrible at night; why did C6 do that?

[Is my name really that long? Anyways, you are the only one that can see these bars; take your hand away. The red is your total life force, and the yellow is your charge. now you will be able to keep track of it, so be careful!]

'You will be here, right? you won't let me die, right?' I asked C6, starting to get worried.

He had just brought me out of my old life, and now he was saying that he might leave soon?

[I didn't say soon, but I am here for as long as I am here.]

/What does that even mean?!' I asked in despair.

[I am your guide, Rhune. It would be best if you got strong. This journey will be an all-uphill battle for you the entire way from what I have seen and heard. I can help you learn the system, but you will have to rely on Ahna, and she will do the same for you. Rhune, your real life is about to start right now, that old life is behind you, and it's time to be the person you should be.]

I had a tear in my eye, I had just met C6, and he had completely changed my life in a matter of days. Now he was telling me that one day he would leave. I wanted to be mad, but that wasn't fair, no.

'I'll try hard; I can't promise I will succeed. There is no way to promise something like that, but I can promise that I will try,' I told C6.

[Then get some sleep here, tomorrow there will be all sorts of training. I will keep watch and wake you when Ahna wakes.]

'Okay, thanks.'


Instantly, I was awake, like I had just closed my eyes and opened them, but I felt rested. I heard Ahna stir behind me, and I got up and walked back to see her.

I walked back to find her sitting up and straightening her hair, but the tiara Ahna had on before was gone.

"What happened to your tiara?" I asked.

"I took it off; I will sell it in the next town and get us supplies, but first, we need to get some food!"

Ahna stood up and dusted herself off, but then I realized something, she was clean! What was going on?

"How are you clean?" I asked her while looking her over,

"Oh? Mmmm, that's right, you wouldn't know about this. Here let me show you first, then I'll tell you about it, okay?" Ahna said with an understanding smile.

"Uhh... Sure."

Ahna stepped about arm's length from me and then raised her hand just short of my chest. An orange light started to spin around her hand like soapy water. Suddenly, C6 began to talk in my head, making me step back.

[Targeting female magic source... Target acquired, confirm.]

'Confirm?' I asked back.

The lines dropped down, and the waves slowed until they stopped spinning around Ahna's hand.

[Basic Cleanse spell rank 2, changing the magical parameter to increase spell by 2 ranks, changing the attack range to 10 meters from touch. Change spell type to Create from Alter. Change spell function to Forest Lair Crafter.]

Lair Crafter? What was a lair? Abruptly, time snapped back, and the spell changed.

When I worked on the magic, the orange started to turn brown and became a bit more solid and textured. Then, the two tendrils drilled into the ground in the next moment, and Ahna gasped, falling backward onto her bottom.

I was rushing to her side with the room shaking, and I hadn't a clue what was going on. Ahna was stunned for a moment until looking up at me with a confused look on her face.

"What did you do?"

"Umm... I don't... Know..." I said, while I also prodded at my mid to prompt C6 to speak up.

[I changed the spell to convert this into a hideout that you will be able to edit yourself after getting the proper skills. for now, it will be your home; tell Ahna to relax and that this is God's divine will of something like that.]

"It's okay, C... The angel said it would be okay. Something about divine will and making us a home," I shouted to her, but something unexpected drew my attention.

Besides me, there was a small green plant pushing its way out of the ground. As I watched, the tiny sprout began to ground at a crazy speed.

I had to pull the stunned Ahna back out of the way as the plant grew into a medium-sized table. More sprouts started to pop up all over the place, and I could hardly believe what I was seeing.

As furniture grew out of the ground, I stood up and helped the still wide-eyed and quiet Ahna. I moved her over to one of the two newly formed chairs and helped her sit down.

I turned to see a wall grow up to block off the cave. I frowned, but then a door cracked in the wall and opened.

I turned around again, and one colossal bed grew up in the corner. Moss and weed grew together to create a soft green sponge-like mattress.

After that, some shelves and other things unfolded, but soon it was quiet again. I sat down at the table with Ahna and looked at her.

"Okay, this is better," I said, trying to sound casual.

"God just did this for us?!" Ahna cried out, throwing her hands the air in either disbelief or joy; it was hard to tell.

[No, it was the angel... I mean me!]

'No, it was the power in me, and this god nonsense needs to stop. We will have to figure out a way to break the news to her,' I said to C6.

[You could be right; I feel like things are already changing around the world right now. The world you know is going to get a lot bigger soon, I think.]