๐ˆ๐•๐€๐ ๐๐Ž๐•

Why, I am here again? wait, I hear footstep. I followed the sound where from and I didn't know that someone is here. "Show yourself." Between the tall and lush trees I had someone I did not expect. Seems we have met before but I can't remember anything. "Are you alright?" I ask.

He look towards me. "I can take care of myself." I'm listening but I couldn't do what you want I have mine. Don't get angry with me. I'm only helping you. "Hey! what are you doing?!" I carried him against his will. "Its okay, I will help you to treat that." I don't know what I am this doing but I like helping him. I counted my fingers more than his wounds, where the hell did he get this. "Don't move." I said to him.

He say nothing but he looked into my eyes as if he were saying he didn't like it. "I'm sorry." I step backward and return where I first saw him to know what happened to him. The breeze becomes strong because of the trees around me. I smelled blood somewhere. I turn right and run as fast as I could. I was suprised what I saw after running. There's many people lay down and all beaten but who? Don't tell m-- I couldn't finish what I am saying I was exaggerated what I saw. I over react that I let my guard down.

"Not bad" I was beaten from behind, In his demeanor he seem doesn't look me and looking for someone. W-what? why the hell he is here.


He so tiny against him, I should help him. "Damn it!" the blood from my head was leaking due to the beating hard on me.



Uhh.. ..

"You left me no choice."

While watching him fighting with another man. I never thought this man was like this, he has beautiful eyes but he is like a hungry animal with each drop of blood, he did not show any doubt while fighting. I found interesting on him after that.


I didn't notice my wound was to cause me to lose a lot of blood. oh, his enemy. we both knocked down by his opponent and faced at the same time as we fell causing the opponent's defeat and loss of my blood while watching his fight as blood dripped from his hands and I passed out.



Cave? "I thought you are dead, You're lucky." He said to me. The first word I heard after I open my eyes. I want to thank him anyway but I don't want to owe him because of the wound on my head I wasn't move what I want. "Argh! my head is killing me."

He look at me "Say nothing again?" Our eyes met and he suddenly come in front of me. "Let me thank to you by showing my appreciation of what you did." He said to me and taking his clothes off.

I kiss him deeply on the lips. I trail small kisses on his inner things and suck on the sensitive skin. He moans. I give him a small hickey until I move down there.

I hold his wrist with one hand and lock at his dick. I rub it with my palm lightly and he squirm and moan. "Never been touched huh?" I smirk.

I lower my head and put an inch of his dick in my mouth while holding it. He moans loudly. I trail my tongue over it a suck on it. He burries his head into the his clothes.

He stepped on my top, smiled to me with his beautiful eyes.

"May we meet again."


"Big brother, wake up!"

Oh, it's a dream. Feels like real. "What time is it, Ivana?" I asked her before I get up on my bed and she suddenly answer.

"It's already noon."

As the whole day passed I could not forget every moment in my dream. I guess my dream is connected to my past after the accident 10 years ago.

While I was staring my window everything looks fine and calm even the trees. I'm having the thought that the guy know what happened 10 years ago the person in my dream. "Yes, may we meet again."



"You doing alright? don't train alone in one place, come to my bar. same time."


Tch. fuck you, Toga. You haven't changed but I guess he's right. Part of the past but not included in the future. I should I find him as soon as possible.

When I received toga's call, I immediately prepared because he gave me some time to get ready.

I cooked food for Ivana, sometimes when I'm having a lot of free time. I always taught Ivana how to cook basic and sometimes I'll listening to her tantrums. It's nice Ivana and I worked well after the few years.

"Ivana, Let's eat." I shouted her


Ivana was so special to our family, she so creative and lovely little sister. She's always my responsibility. When we're young she come to my room always carrying a book for me to read but our relationship as sibling was changed after the accident.

"I cooked.. . so do the dishes." I said

She give me a softly smile, and I wish I can get my memories back immediately. I hope you can wait a little more, Ivana.

I went to the bathroom to get ready.

Having a great temperature and nice view is a perfectly nice. When the accident come, there's no way I couldn't forget but more of my memory lose.

At first accident, it was the coldest night ever, my viens are gripping tight restraining my emotions from breaking free, my joints reigned its tranquility from within, trying to be so still. I am at the verge to burst yet my tears are held back itself. I don't know why, but I'm keeping my wholeness firm as that night had no moon and the light I saw was merely the bulb hung overhead. silence brought no serenity, it made the voices even worst. my moon left me. it's a complete lose my memory even my litte sister got hurt because of that. I never permitted to make its way across my path. but then the world is too broad and experiences are rains that pour for intentions.

One night I was on the couch while watching my favorite movie but suddenly rain poured out, ripping off the silence of my riveted mind. I couldn't help but to come closer to the window and witnessed the grieving nature, that was my comfort. I kept the romance between me and the nature solely for that night, I am so inloved with the rain. My mind had nothing to think about but the stunning flow of the time and the breeze that kept my body alive. I accompanied the moment with the smothing music, oh what a life but Toga didn't leave me.

"Ivana, take care of yourself I'm going home late tonight" I told her before I left.

My lovely, car. It's been a while. ..

"Do you missed, daddy?"

Oh, It's time I need to go.


Tch. he's like a dog waiting for his master to go home.

"You made it." Toga said to me the first he saw me.

"Yeah, let's go." I parked my car and Toga hug me tighly.

"You doing okay?" He said to me and I nodded to him to response as yes.


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That was so big. I don't have any idea Toga was the owner here. "Feel free, find yourself the right path and choose the right thing this time, Ivan." Toga left me.

Everyone looks so happy even they smile are real but me I don't have anytime for this because Ivana was waiting me and she is the only one left. I don't want lose her too.

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Wait, do I know him? he's too far for me. "Enjoy! have fun." the girl shouted him and left.

But he couldn't say anything. I didn't know what to do because after the few years I didn't come in bars. I feel bored, the bartender offered him a cocktail that was called red evergreen. He's look sad, I guess were both on the same boat.


You can do it, Ivan. "Hi, would you mind if I drink with you?"

Why he turned and look around? I'm talking to you.

"You mean, me?" He said to me.

"Yeah, you can say no if you don't want to" I smiled at him. Hoping that he say yes. Please. say yes.. omg, what I am doing.

He agreed.

"Oh, I forgot. let me introduce myself. I'm Fushiguro, Ivan" I reached my hand to him.

"Ayato, Henji."

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After a having a short conversation, he is the someone I'm looking for. he is the guy in my dream.

W-wait.. ..

He seem don't know nothing.

"Would you mind if I'm leaving right now? I have something to do. gotta go." He said.

"Yeah, sure!"

"I really appreciate that, may we meet again." He suddenly leave. I snapped for a moment and remember my dream. The same guy said to me, my guts was right!

"Crap!" I lost him.

Where are you? please, don't leave already I have something I wanted to ask.


"Do you how heavy you are right now?"

He's here! wait, Henji looks weak they gonna fall in a minute.

"Toga!" I shouted toga


"There's no time. I'll tell you everything after this. grab the girl and put her house safely and I can take care the guy. got it?"

Oh, crap I forgot henji couldn't carry the girl anymore they're gonna fall.


"Gotcha" Yeah, we meet again.

"Hey! what about the girl?" Toga ask me

"Keep her safe home, I have something to do right now. I'm counting on you, Toga."

I left Toga and the girl, I took henji to the motel at the highest level so that I wouldn't remove him from my sight like before. I hope you can help me.

"Count me in your future, Henji."

I didn't realize that I drank so much, and I suddenly passed out. When I woke up I didn't expect henji was already gone. again...


Henji where are you? please. I need you, I shouldn't sleep. I lost him.. . again.

What I'm gonna do, I lost didn't I???

I went to the bar to check Henji, I searched him where the firstime I saw him but no one couldn't know him except the girl from last night.