
Jake king pov

My name is jake king and I was never normal even a child what would take another months to do I do in days I walked and said my fist words after months of being born by the time I need to go to elementary I was already at a high school level thanks to my perfect memory by high school I could of gotten multiple PhDs my parents never really saw my genius because they were always working and I realized early on that the harder you work in life the harder it gets so in pretended to be normal I b's and c's but there is when the problem stated I was bored. So like any good genius I started hacking doing illegal things to see how smart I was but even them that got boring when you able to hack into the pentagon without trying it gets boring fast thought I did get all there dirty secrets.

That lasted as long as you think It could I was once again bored but then I found it the one the best things that humanity made anime, cartoons , and fanfiction. They opened a new world to me a new world not ruled by boredom but with my boredom came the realization that this world sucked so I hacked into a bank got money moved out my parents house and became a full time otaku.

I woke up from a another all-nighter "what should I watch today" I got up and take a shower and brush my teeth I make some eggs and go to my living room then turn the tv that I designed my self "tv randomize a show for me" after a few second the show Johnny test shows up it has 6 seasons I start watching it and it's a pretty good cartoon its about a boy name johnny test with his talking dog Dukey his super genius scientist twin sisters Susan and Mary test and it tells his life as he gets experimented on and also use his sisters invention to do stupid stuff it was a pretty good show but the one thing that did bother me the most is one of the villains bling bling boy aka Eugene Hamilton he is a rich fat boy that has a crush on Susan test and is always trying to get her to fall in love with him through obvious and dumb plans the thing that bothers me is that he has so much potential but he keep wasting it on trying to get Susan test for example he is really rich he owns a team of scientist almost as half as good Susan and Mary test and lets talk also about his determination if he only direct it onto another place he be as smart as Susan and if he worked out he might be able to actually get her if I was him I would be able to get her easily anyway I sit all day and watch every season of the show by the time I finish I look outside and see its dark outside ''lets go get something to eat".

I put on a hoodie with jeans and sneakers and go outside as I start walking I feel something a tingle on the top of my head and I step back just to to see a anvil a fucking anvil I look up and see nothing 'the fuck" thank god I step back now you might be wandering what that was well I like to call my very own spider sense it occurs when my life is in mortal danger its been started since in was a teen its my very own superpower. I continue walking till I get to the 7 elven and go inside get some cookies and cream white chocolate and my favorite monster energy drink as im getting my stuff I start getting the tingle again I immediately drop down and to the floor just in time to hear a man say "give all the money in the register" 'dam that was close' as soon as I think that I get the tingle but stronger I look around just intime to see and catch a bottle falling down 'few' I wait till the robber leaves and go up and pay for my stuff then cashier give me a dirty look but honestly what did he expect me to do try to take on a gunman with no weapon of my own do I look stupid to you I leave the store and start walking home and get to my go to the park to rest 'man I'm having really bad luck right now you know its almost like gods trying to kill me like those fanfictions I read" as soon as I think if that I see something that make my guts turn a red ball bouncing into the road and a child running to go get it I about to start running to get the child since I work out pretty often but I get the tingle again and its one of the strongest ive ever gotten so I look ahead and then I see it something that make my very soul shiver truck-kun I immediately stop just to see the child go through truck-kun and I swear I hear a tch from him without even thinking I start running home "fuck fuck FUCK" as I'm running I realized something once again it I live in the city but right now its quiet the type of quiet in the horror movies where the killer is about to get its victim I'm about to to stop but then it happens my tingle goes berserk all over me and hear it the call of the void "hoooooonk" I look over just to see truck-kun in front of me time seems to stop I can see my life flash before me and then their only one word I can think of as truck-kun hits me "painful" then everything turn black.

The void

Jake pov

A bright ball of light is silently floating in the darkness yes this is our MC " so I'm dead" " yes you are mortal" I turn around and see somehow a a being the shape of a human with hand feet and whole body but no facial feature only stars and universe and he seem to bee wearing a suit " R.O.B is that you" R.O.B"Ding Ding mortal I the great R.O.B have decided to grant your wish" jake "wish when did I make a wish" R.O.B"why today don't you remember you said that if you were bling bling boy you would be able to get Susan test to fall in love with you" jake"what I just saying that I dint really mean it" R.O.B" well to bad truk-kun already killed you and I cant put you back into your world" jake"goddamit or maybe I should say R.O.B dammit whatever Ill do it but can I least get some wishes" R.O.B"sorry kid you said you easily so no whishes not like you need it you got a perfect memory, super intelligence, you're a quick learner and you have that spider sense which you somehow have but ill be a good sport when you get into Eugene's body you will be able to lose weight faster" jake "fine I like a challenge anyway" R.O.B"ata boy now lets get you on you way" after he said that he takes out a baseball and swings it at me before I can even say anything everything goes black again.

Bling Bling island

3rd pov

Inside of a luxurious room a out of shape pale eight year old with pale skin blue eyes and freckles draped and jewels with a necklace with two diamond engraved B's with some bandages on his head is starting to wake up.

BBB pov

"ugh this has to be the worse headache I've ever had" as I open my eyes I see that this is not my room not only that but my body fells smaller and heavier way heavier then I look in the mirror and I see a different face "huh bling bling boy" then I it hits me the memories come to me I see all of Eugene's eight years of life and I finally remember I was transmigrated as bling bling boy who slipped on his ice cream and hit his head " so I am no longer jake king now I'm Eugene Hamilton" I look at my new body "ugh going to have to work on this and my voice sound really wrong but don't worry ill complete you're wish Susan test will be yours or should I say mine".