
Bling Bling island

BBB pov

After I sat down and went through my new body's memories I've come to some conclusions one my new family is rich like really rich it would explain why Eugene could afford all the things in the show, two Eugene was spoiled rotten it would explain why he fat and undetermined when her could of obviously become a genius but his mother and father spoiled him since the day he was born and was never refused anything from birth and it would explain why his in love with Susan test although she's cute then only reason his truly attracted to her is because she the only one who would say no to him which in turn built a attraction which now unfortunately I feel now most likely because of the soul mergence.

Now that I'm in control its time to start making a plan to get Susan test which should not be that hard for the very easy reason that Susan test is a apathetic woman who would only like you if you look good and barely pay attention to her I mean why do you think she is in love with gill next door but to get to her ill have to get her sister which will be easy enough barely anyone pays attention to her but the hard part is getting into the house which I already figured out ill use one of the stupidest person in this world johnny test it will be to easy to get on his good side but now I have to do something which will set the plan in motion in need to apologize to Susan test and tell ill stay away from her for now.

As I'm going to the door of my bedroom I hear a voice if not a shriek of a banshee" euuugeeeeenee" and my door open and I see my new mother She has brown hair and sky blue eyes, mostly wears a golden-buttoned, royal purple blazer with a mini-skirt, dark violet low-heel pumps, along with a fluffy turtleneck shirt, gold earrings, and a hat with the same color as her suit yikes I see where Eugene got his looks from she walk up to me and hugs me Mrs. Hamilton "eugene my baby are you okay" BBB"yes mother im fine I just needed some rest" Mrs.Hamilton"good tell mommy if it hurts I came to tell you im going sowhere with you're father so be a good boy or else" when she says that last part she glares at me and pulls my ear BBB"ow yes mother ill be a good boy" Mrs.Hamilton"good now goodbye" and with that she leaves, I start rubbing ear'damm that hurts now onto where I was going to' I get out of my room and start going to my family's scientist lab, I go to my personal elevator and take it to the bottom the I arrive on a platform with a huge computer in front of me and a very commutable looking seat then I look around and see many scientist working so I cleared my throat really loud and they all stop and start running towards me three main scientist come up to me one tall and old with white hair grey mustache who looks like the word grandpa come to life , another one is short and look like the a typical nerd, then the last a black man of medium height, all of them have glasses and all say " sir" to me BBB"I have an announcement to make from now on we stop any plan that has to do with making Susan test fall in love with me, some of you might ask why the sudden change of hearth well its simple after I hit my head I had a realization that no matter what I do she wont be mine so I say it again stop any plan that have to do with getting Susan test to fall in love with me" to say that they were shocked was a understatement why because they were literary crying tears of joy old scientist"finally sir you've seen the light"BBB"yes yes now I need someone to contact Susan test labs for me to apologize and tell her that ill leave her alone black scientist"yes sir" with that said I sit in my chair which was really comfortable man being rich is awesome.

After a few minutes of waiting the twins come up on the monitor of the computer these two would look identical and none would be able to tell them apart if not for there hair and personality one give a caring personality even with the face of disgust she has Mary test she has long curly red hair tied in a ponytail and green eyes. She wears a pastel yellow shirt with a moon design. blue jeans, olive green sneakers with a moon design, white lab coat and a moon hairclip then the other which has a cold felling to her and her face shows a face of pure hatred and disgust but she still looks beautiful dam this body this is of course the lovely Susan test she has long straight hair whit a star clip at the top she has the same lab coat as her sister and shirt but she hers has a star instead of a crescent moon in the middle and she is wearing a black skirt and black shoes, I can see why Eugene likes she's cute but her sister is cuter, Susan"WHAT DO YOU WANT EUGENE" Mary"yeah we have more important things to do" BBB" hello Marry, Susan I have called you today to tell that I will stop pestering you and I am no longer in love with you and also tell Johnathan that I said hi bye Mary" with that I press the end call button not even taking a moment to see their shocked faces, I turn my seat to see my three scientist BBB" gentleman I've come to realized that I need some training so start a new plan to help me losing weight that wont effect my growth and also make sure its all natural and also I going to need you all to start teaching me somethings" they were shocked for a moment but they recovered and all said "yes sir" and with that they left, you might asking why I asked them to teach me when I already smart well the reason is this is a whole new world laws in old world might work here plus I need to learn how to make the crazy stuff they made in the show, and with that I get up from my seat go to the elevator and I think 'let the games begin Susan you will be mine and maybe you're sister two'.

Porkbelly,Test House,Susan and Mary test lab

Mary pov

As soon as the screen went black I turn to Susan and ask "do you think he was serious" Susan"probably he did look like he meant it but who cares at least were free from him we should throw a party go invite johnny" "ok" I said then I went outside and go to my little brothers room and knock "johnny" the door open and a fiery haired boy comes out wearing a black t-shirt with a yellow hazard/radioactive symbol in the center, a short-sleeved federal blue open jacket, green-baggy pants, and black shoes with white trim and soles. He also wears a black watch on his right wrist Johnny"what do need me to fight Eugene again I'm on the last level of my game" Marry"Acutely it seems that Eugene going to supposedly stop going after Susan so where throwing a party and we wanted to see if you wanted to join" Johnny" oh sure at least I get more time to myself then lets party"

3rd pov

The test siblings celebrated the end of Eugene bothering Susan at the end of the party johnny went back to play games and doing what a eight year old boy does and the sister got back to their experiments and occasionally stalk Gill next door but they did not know that today eugene died and what replaced him was BLING BLING BOY the TRUE BLING BLING BOY as some people would say.