A Demonic Rear

Ted felt the presence of the Air Snake, with more clarity now than ever before. It was here, slithering through the trunks of the old trees. It was here, sending sparks through the air, vibrating everything around Ted until he felt like the world was spinning.

He was in the eye of the storm, with the curious serpent examining him with swirls of wind going around and around like a carousel. Ted did not feel fear as much as he felt sheer anger.

"Go, now! Leave us alone!" he shouted into the swirling air.

No response. Of course the snake would not comply. It was not even a given that it understood human languages.

If Ted would be able to cast an intention strong enough, though, perhaps there was a way of tying the Air Snake to a singular sigil.

Ted took to constructing a sigil of his own making, drawing into the snow with feverish speed.