Madorn Makes Sigils

"So, you want me to do...experiments. In order to…"

"Find the hidden rules of the occult. Yes."

"I don't think we have time for that," Ted said, hesitating. The suggestion of him being the penultimate occultist was so flattering that the thought of being used - yes, used - as an experiment thrilled him.

"But I can make time," he continued. "Let the men rest. I will teach you the ways of sigilwork, like I would have taught them to the good doctor, had he miraculously survived."

"If he had survived...wait, wouldn't that be the exact opposite of what you want? Him walking around, well, not literally walking, of course…"

Ted bursted into laughter. "Mad, you are priceless. Anyway. When do we start? I have lots of things that I need to share with you in case you are ever to have an idea about the true nature of the occult."

"We start right now. If it suits you, of course." Madorn bowed.