Bludgeoning, Piercing, Lunging

Days passed, turning into weeks, and it was soon time to visit the wizard in his mountain again.

The returning ritual was a bit less elaborate, and to Ted's great delight, contained one bucket of water less than the last one.

They arrived into the obsidian room, and proceeded to get the briefing from Eric.

"So, you have managed to kill all opponents with any chance of harming Eknie, except for one," he explained. "Your reflections did fine. I assume that your trip to the realm of mirrors treated you well?"

"No complaining, except…"

The high cor sighed. He would eventually have to explain everything in any case. It was better to just rip off the bandaid right now and be done with it.

He told the wizard about the lion and the humming, and about Tom, too.

Eric listened, his other hand tightly pulling his own beard.