The Huntress

The audience went insane in an instant; they had been fooled into thinking that they were watching an underdog story about a dainty little woman with big expectations. Things like money and perfume bottles found their way flying towards her. Even a few femininely embroidered handkerchiefs ended up at her feet. She picked one up and smiled widely.

"She is a treasure," Theinskvalur said. "An absolute, living, breathing diamond with all the sparkles."

"She is still technically my wife," the cult leader whispered to the rotting man. "You touch her, you find yourself entering the next stage of decay."

Maybe it was a risky thing to say, but Theinskvalur smiled.

"I would not dream of looking at her in that way. I simply cannot help appreciating her talent. But I also fear for her."

The next stage was not guaranteed to drop off any contestants at all. It was a simple game of strategy, one that was designed to simulate a situation of a hopeless war.