Chapter 2

I wake up frantically. I missed my alarm. Crap. And I need to drop Tom at daycare.

I wake Tom up and tell him to pick his outfit for today while I get dressed. As i walk to my room I notice dads bedroom is still closed. I shrug it off. It's good he got to sleep in today.

After getting dressed I run back to Toms room to see him struggling to get his shirt off. After I quickly help him get dressed we both flee down the stairs to the kitchen. Tom goes to the table to sit down while I pack lunch.

2 missed calls from Maddy

12 missed messages from Maddy

I didn't even hear my phone ring. After packing a sandwich and a packet of chips I go back upstairs to grab my bag. Might as well bring my purse in case I get hungry and need to buy more lunch.

As I'm walking downstairs for the second time this morning I see a pair of feet leave the bathroom. They definitely didn't look like dads. Oh. The lady from last night probably. I roll my eyes and continue my quest.

"Come on Tom Tom!" I say loudly from the door and he comes running up to me with Fred in him hand. I swear he never goes anywhere without that thing.

I get Tom buckled into his booster seat in my car and hop in myself. Starting the engine, i Bluetooth my phone to the car speaker and ring the daycare. After explaining why he's late Tom starts crying.

"Tom? What's wrong buddy?"

"Hungry." Crap. I forgot to get him breakfast. Pulling up by a convenience store I get Tom out of the car and we rush into the store. Finding the snack section Tom points to a chocolate bar.

"No Tom. Have to have something healthy." I say and he pouts. Don't know why cause no one has an effect on me when they try it. We walk over the the drink section and I grab out two Up and Go's. Lucky I brought my purse I think to myself. After paying for them we jump back into the car and continue the journey to the daycare centre.

Trying to start some small talk to ask Tom some questions.

"Who's going to be at daycare today?"

"Maybe Mrs L." You now know where Maddy gets the caring gene from.

Pulling up I grab Tom out again and we walk hand in hand to the door where I open it and lead him inside. The place was so colourful and overwhelming. Walking up to the counter the receptionist on the phone mouths to sit down. After sitting down and putting Tom on my lap as a daycare worker comes into the office like place I'm in.

"Ella, is it?" I nod my head in response.

"Do you mind if I talk with you."

"I'm sorry, I'm in a rush to drop this one off then get to school myself. Do you mind if we chat when I pick him up?" Hoping for it to wait.

"I'm afraid not. His dad picked him up yesterday and I tried to talk to him about it but he wouldn't listen."

I nod for her to sit down. Might as well do this while the receptionist is busy.

"We've noticed a bit of behavioural, changes." She says thinking and planning her next words. I nod wanting her to continue.

"We, the staff as well as myself, have noticed Tom chewing things. But the thing we need to work on with Tom is him biting other kids."

I looked down at Tom.

"Tom. Have you been biting other kids." He nodded with a sad face.

"We'll have to talk about that tonight then Tom." He nodded again.

"Would you like me to take Tom inside?" The lady asked. I nodded in response and got Tom off my lap. I waved bye, signed him in and got back in my car.

Already feels like such a big day. Driving to school was quicker than I expected and by the time I arrived it was way after first lunch.

I had to rush to class and when I opened the door I got stares from everyone. Putting my head down I skipped over to my seat and opened my book.

The teacher was writing on the board the whole time and somehow noticed I'd entered when I thought I was super quiet.

"I've handed out the assessment task already Ella so you'll have to come up and grab one."

Whyyyy. Please don't make me get up again. Slowly I lift myself up from my desk and make my way to the teachers desk.

Again I could feel eyes on me from every direction. It was nerve racking and uncomfortable. Just breathe Ella. Just breathe. It's just getting a piece of paper.

I grabbed one off the teachers desk and turned to go back to my seat and I tipped over the pencil jar. How convenient that it was sitting there.

I stand there in shock. I quickly start picking them all up and the fiery headache has come back. Why now? I thought I had one yesterday. So annoying and I'm still embarrassingly picking up pencils.

After putting them back on the desk I shoot back to my seat and keep my head down. I open up missed messages from Maddy.

Maddy: Ella, where are you???

Maddy: Ella? Ella??? ELLA?!?!

Me: hey, I'm at school now, sorry and with a killer headache, got any painkillers?

"Why are we on our phone Miss Taylor?"

My last name. My head looks straight up at my teacher about to get up me. I put my phone back in my pocket while saying a quick sorry hoping he'll ignore any punishment.

He used to be my favourite teacher. Now he make kids rewrite the same sentence over and over and in my case might make me take it to the office.

I quickly scribble down the notes the teacher put on the board as the bell rings for second lunch.

Authors note!

Leave your feedback here! It's a bit of a boring chapter but I'm thinking about putting a drama in the next one!!! Till next time. And thank you my besties that are reading it!!! ❤️

[edit: I didn't put drama in the next chapter, it's in the 5th chapters, sorry 😣]

Thank you lovelies ❤️✨