Chapter 3

"Do you want to order takeout." I jumped.

"Shit. You scared me father." He smiled. Yeah, I know, he actually curved his lips in and upward direction. If that were crazy enough for you then look. He's downstairs! It's a miracle.

"I was thinking pizza. One for me and one for you and Tom to share." I nodded and replied.

"Just get whatever Tom wants for ours."

He nodded and went back upstairs. Honestly, I was surprised dad had even come down but he seemed to be in a good mood.

When the pizza arrived I placed it on the table and called Tom down. Not long after Tom came down and we had sat down to eat, some chick came down to the kitchen and snatched dads pizza. Huh, so that's the girl dad brought home. She looked tall with long, silky, brown hair. She wore a pretty red dress.

As soon as she disappeared back upstairs, Tom started crying again.

"Hey Tom Tom. What's wrong buddy?"

He sniffled and came around to my seat.

"Up El. I don't like new mummy."

"She's not our new mummy Tom. She could be but we don't know. Ok Tom?" I said as I lifted him onto my lap.

"Now Tom. Why are you biting other kids?"

He looked down sadly. He started to suck his thumb. I thought kiddies looked so cute when they sucked their thumbs. I'm not sure why.

"They say mean things to me. And they take my trucks."

I nodded in understanding.

"That's still not a reason to bite, ok Tommy? If they say more mean things go and tell an adult." He nods. "It's ok Tom Tom." I say as I rub his back.

Not long after we had eaten most of our pizza Tom had fallen asleep. He was the cutest thing ever. He had his thumb, that he was previously sucking on, hanging from his mouth. I carefully picked him up and took him to bed.

After tucking him in and closing his door quietly, I went straight to my room. I have to pick out what I'm going to wear tomorrow. I'm so excited to see Ashley. We haven't seen each other for a few weeks. And of course she's bringing Brady. He's a great friend. Haven't seen him for months. Last I'd heard Ashley had ended it with him.

But oh well. I decided to wear a white dress with a black belt and light purple cardigan. And now I have nothing to do. Except study. I grab my laptop out and email my teachers from the sessions I missed today. Hopefully they can send through the work we did in class today.

Ring. I answer my phone to Maddy.

"Hey Mads, how are you?"

"El. You never ring me back today." She says cheerfully

"Yeah, I know I'm sorry. Did I miss much from English?"

"Nope, just a boring lecture."

"Oof. I feel bad for you. Anyway what's up?" I was curious why she called.

"Nothing. Just wanted to make sure you were ok. And I'm super excited for tomorrow!"

"I'm good. Just accidentally slept in and I am super excited as well!" I could feel the excitement running through my veins. I wanted to squeal.

"Anyways Mads, take care of yourself. Don't do anything stupid. I wanna see you tomorrow. And I don't want to be third-wheeling." We both laugh.

"Yeah, hmm. Maybe I'll sleep in tomorrow. Just so you can deal with Brady."

"Very funny."

"Ok, bye El!"

"Bye Mads." I hung up and sighed.

Going back to my computer, none of my teachers had emailed me back. I can't say I was surprised. Its a Friday night and they're probably sleeping. I worked on my assessments until it was nearly midnight.

I didn't want to go to sleep. I mean, I should cause I have shopping with my friends tomorrow but I don't really want to.

Brady: hey. Can't wait to see you

Me: yeah. I know, feels like forever since I seen you

Brady: yeah, it does. I'm with Ash again.

Me: yeah. I know. Ash did invite you, didn't she?

Brady: yeah. I just wasn't sure if she told you.

Me: yep, I know. How's it going?

Brady: well I miss holding your hand.

Me: that was ages ago Brady

Brady: mmhmm. I know. I thought we would make it

Ugh. Get over it mate. That was a while ago. I don't get boys. They just want to sleep with all females.

Me: your with Ashley. Don't forget that.

Brady: you can't threaten me love.

I just roll my eyes. I shut my phone off and focus on my missed work again. I need to stop getting distracted and stop procrastinating.

I write a note for later. Talk to kindergarten teacher. I have to remember to talk to her again.

A look over at my phone again to see more missed messages from Brady. Should I look at them? I puff a sigh of frustration as I grab it anyway and open the messages.

Brady: sweetheart, you can't do anything to me

Brady: You know I miss you

What a douche.

Brady: and i said I was sorry before

Brady: come on. What can I do to get you back baby?

Me: do you want me to tell Ashley? Huh?

Brady: I know you won't love

Me: what makes you so sure?

Brady: I know you want me back babe

Is he for real? Maybe I should just tell Ash.

Brady: come on Ella.

Me: Brady.

Brady: so that's a yes then. Pick you up tomorrow at 11:30am

Ms: NO. Brady! Stop. We can't cause your dating my best friend. And secondly, you're doing it again. When we were together.

Brady: I'm willing to do it cause I love you

Me: no Brady, maybe you shouldn't come tomorrow. If you're going to try to 'win' me back don't bother.

Brady: no please Ella, we can work this out!

Damn boys. I seriously don't get what goes through their heads. He's got a girlfriend and I still haven't forgiven him from last time.

Thinking I should really get some shut eye now, and needing an excuse not to talk to anyone else I put my phone on charge. I hop in bed and wait for sleep to take me over.

Authors note!

Hi there lovelies ❤️✨

How's it looking so far. We've now got some drama. Got any feedback too? If not that's ok but if you do feel free to comment it here! 😊

Enjoy your day!!!