Chapter 4

After getting dressed into my outfit I picked last night, the white dress, black belt and purple cardigan, I call Maddy.

"Hey, what time am I picking you up?" I ask excitedly.

"Now! Come on, get your butt up!" we both laugh.

"Calm your farm Maddy. Do you mind if I bring Tomas?" I ask her. I hadn't thought of where Tom was going.

"Yeah no worries. I love that little cutie."

"Ok, well I'll be there soon."

"Ok, see you and Tommy soon." We hung up and I walked to Toms room.

"Hey Tom Tom. Want to go out with me today?" Tom is sitting on his bed playing with Fred.

"Yes. Up El." I walk over and pick him up.

"Ready to see Maddy?" He nods excitedly.

Time skip brought to you from by Best Friend (she really wants to kick Brady's a$$)

"Maddy, up." Maddy and I laugh and roll our eyes. He likes being picked up.

"Here they are." Maddy says as Ashley and Brady are walking over hand in hand. Brady looks at me, winks and I roll my eyes.

"Umm, what was that for?" Ashley asks.

"Nothing." I say with a smile, trying to play it off.

"Where to now?" I ask the group.

"Do you ladies want lunch?" Brady asks.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Tom squeals.

"What do you want Tom?" I ask as I have to buy it. He points straight at McDonalds.

"Happy Meal Tom?" He smiles and nods.

"Ash and I want sushi" Maddy spoke up and Ash nodded her head.

"Ill grab some McDonalds with Tommy." Brady said. After I grab Tom, we split our separate ways and of course Brady just happened to feel like McDonalds. Walking over no one spoke a word and I liked it like that. I wanted it to stay that way. After ordering we waited at the nearest table. I was hoping, and praying, that Brady didn't say anything.

"Ella." Ugh. I jinxed myself. Here we go.

"You stopped texting me last night." I nodded and looked down at my fidgety hands.

"Yep." I whispered.

He ran his hand through his gorgeous brown hair. I mean, what? What was I thinking?

"I know you miss me love." He smiled at me. I frowned.

"We're over Brady. Way over. Been way over for ages. And you've got Ash. Don't let her down." I said this time instead of whispering.

"I'll do anything for you babe." He said quietly.

"I dare you to tell Ash." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Where's Tom?" He said with a smile. I looked next to me to see an empty seat.

"Where is he?!" I wanted to scream. I felt sick to my stomach.

"Why are you smiling?!" I could smack his smug little face. I don't know why he was smiling. This was serious. Suddenly a little blonde child ran up to me with his hands full.

"Tommy!" I said as I hugged him.

"You scared me buddy." I said as I grabbed the bags of food off him and put them on our table. He walked around and sat in his seat.

"You'd be a great mother." I looked straight up into his dark brown eyes. He was staring at me and admiring me. You could tell he spaced out from his distant looking eyes and his head in his hand. He was caught in his own little world. Until I snapped him out of it.

"I'm not planning on having kids mate." He was back again and smiled wider.

"Not yet love."

"What do you mean, huh? Funny guy?" I said rudely. As soon as those words escaped my mouth I regretted it and bowed my head down. I shouldn't be mean to him. I just couldn't.

"I can call it off." He whispered and I looked up at him.

"I know you miss me. Miss us. I miss you babe." He said trying to convince me. I shook my head.

"No. You're committed to Ashley now. Your dating her. You can't just up and leave a relationship." I say. I need him to know and remember that.

"I've done it before." He says with his cute, gorgeous, smug smile. Wait, what was I saying? I sigh. I know I miss him but I can't. Not after what happened last time and certainly not when he's in a damn relationship with my best friend.

"I know. It's sad to see you jump from girl to girl." I say patronisingly. His smile fades. He looked serious now.

"You know I'm awfully sorry that I left us. It was stupid. I never thought of the consequences. Never thought of us ending." He looked genuine but still I couldn't date him.

"Please just give us another go. Please baby." His sad pleading face was too much to bare and I looked down once more.

"Hey guys! We've been looking for you everywhere." As soon as I looked up again he was smiling and everything. He'd put on his facade.

"Maddy!" Tom cried. I looked over to his tear-soaked face.

"Tom Tom, what wrong buddy?" I say as I pick him up.

"I'll just be right back ok ladies?"

"What about me?" Brady asks.

"Yep, be right back ladies." I could hear the girls laughing and giggling.

I took Tom straight to the bathrooms. Using the lapsed hand towels I started wiping his face.

"Now tell me what's wrong Tommy."

"You're not mummy. He said you could be a mummy but you're not."

"I know buddy. I might be a mummy one day. I might have my own babies. You'll be an uncle. But not yet. I'm not a mummy yet, ok Tom Tom?" I didn't care if I told Brady I didn't plan on kids. It was half true. I hadn't planned them... yet.

Tom nodded his hand and hugged me. He was just adorable. Beep. It was adorable until my phone starting ringing which startled Tom.

Brady: it's killing me that I can't hold you in my arms

Brady: I miss you so much love

"I wanna see Ashy." Tom cried grabbing my hand.

"Alright, let's go!" I say putting my phone back in my pocket. Tommy dragged me back out to our table. Eager little fella.

Hi there lovelies

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