Chapter 5

As Tom lead me back to our table, Ashley was no where to be seen. Maddy looked uncomfortable to be at the table and Brady had his head in his hands.

"Where's Ashy?" Tom spoke as he sat down next to Maddy. Brady looked up at me and Maddy stood up.

"Ashley went home. Want to come with me for a second Tom?" Maddy said as she got Tom up and lead him over to the playground while I sat down across from Brady.

"Why did Ash leave?" I asked him trying to avoid his gaze.

"Well, I broke up with her." He gently grabbed my chin making me look at him and into his eyes.

"I don't want to be with her. I want to be with you." He paused then said. "So will you take me back?" I took his hand in mine, to remove it from my face.

"I'm not sure. Just, let me think about it. You can't just break up with someone one second and get with another the next." I replied. I really will think about it. He looked down then at me and nodded.

"Maddy!" I called her over.

"Where to now?" I asked when she arrived without Tom. She must have signed him into a kids room.

We can't let anything get us down. "We've all come here to do some shopping so that's what we'll do." I say with a can do attitude.

"Dude, there's a bra sale going on right now!" Maddy spoke loudly as she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the store.

Brady didn't want to be in a store surrounded by lingerie. He thought his complaints would hurry us out of there but nope.

"Why do we have to go here? There's bras everywhere." He complained

"Not everywhere." I said pointing to the undies section. Maddy and I laughed.

"Why buy knickers and bras when I'm just going to take them off later?" Brady whispered to me. I slapped his arm and I could feel a bright red blush form across my cheeks.

"Why Brady?" I half yelled half whispered back. He looked at me like a dumb dog.

"Why what Ella?" I was pretty sure he was faking it.

"Why me Brady? Why break up with your girlfriend for me? Cause you were bored?" I spoke quietly.

"No. Ella, I love you. I want you. I need you. I can't live without you. I'll do whatever it takes to get you back." He pleaded. I sighed. Then Maddy came rushing over with a bra in her outstretched hand.

"Here. You should try this one on. I think it would suit you." He said happily. It was cream coloured with creamy mesh around the bottom and a light green strip going diagonal along the right side. She then dragged me again to the fitting rooms.

Brady followed close. It was funny seeing him uncomfortable in a bra shop. He wasn't game to touch anything.

Maddy and I both piled into a stall and we both tried on bras. As I put my cream and green coloured bra on, Maddy had put her simple dark red bra on.

"Omg, I love that on you El. I got the right size too." She said with a wink.

"Can I have a look." Said the peeking Tom from outside our stall.

"Brady's a creep." Maddy whispered to me then proceeded to call out to him.

"You creep." We decided to buy one bra each.

"Can we stop by the bookstore? It's getting late." Brady asked as we exited the store.

Maddy and I both nodded as we proceeded there. I hadn't read a book for a while. Mum and I used to read a lot. We'd both read different series of books and then we'd swap. It was like a tradition but not at any time of the year.

"Ella? Ella??? Earth to Ella?" Maddy clicked her fingers and I snapped out of my thoughts. We had arrived.

"You go in Maddy, I'll stay out here with her." Brady said. Maddy walked in and Brady grabbed my hands in his.

"I'm sorry for bringing you here. I should of known." He said lightly. I nodded and looked down.

"Hey hey. It's alright, do you want to leave?" He said bringing my face to his chest. A few tears escaped my eyes. Ones I had tried so desperately I hold in.

"No. No. You hurry up in there. I'll just wait out here." I said pushing him away.

"Ok, I'll be quick love." He rubbed my arm before going in. Not too long after he came back out with a book.

"Is Maddy out yet?" He asked and I shook my head no. After sending her a text she came out empty handed.

We started our way towards the exit.

"I'm sorry for what happened a second ago." I spoke up and broke the silence.

"No no, it's alright girl." Maddy said.

"You don't have to be ashamed love. You get emotional if you need to. It's a part of who you are. And we're all here for you if you need us." Brady said sweetly.

"Nothing is gonna get us down. We may have wasted some time and bought only a bra for the whole day but that's ok." I said cheering up.

"That's right. Not even being surrounded by bras will ruin this day. I may get nightmares from them but that's ok." Brady joked. We all laughed and giggled out hearts out.

Then a wave of nausea hits me like a tsunami with ringing in my ears and a voice inside my head screaming "MATE". At the same time a man crosses into my vision and he's all I can see. The loud ringing in my ears, my blurry vision and this mysterious man distract me from the fact that I've fallen. Fallen to the ground with a cold shiver of loneliness and a fire of desire. My vision stays blurry, only clearing when He enters my view.

I feel sparks fly down my arms, then through my back and I see the man again as my vision clears a little. I'm in his arms now but I feel as safe as can be, even with his panic-stricken face. Why was he panicking?

I feel drawn to him. His presence is comforting. His touch reassuring. His strong aura making me want to stay close forever. He moves his lips, trying to talk to me but I only hear the ringing. His lips look so pink and pretty. His face looks so handsome. I can feel his body radiating heat.

He talks to me again and still nothing is heard. He looks around, his face looking more spooked by the second and his mouth still moving. Maddy's worried face comes into view. She puts her hand to my face. She gets my mysterious man to back off and I feel the sparks disappear. I felt everyone watching me and watching Maddy try calling me. As Brady comes up from behind her they both turn heads quickly to the man and back away.

He bent down and grabbed my face sending sparks through my cheeks. He looks around and as he looks back to me I feel my eyelids get heavy. His worried face is all I'm able to see and is the last thing I see before the void of darkness.

Authors note:

Now this chapter I was excited to write, cause for me writing and reading books I just want to get straight into the action! Haha, don't forget to like and share!

Thanks my lovelies! ❤️✨