Chapter 6

Maddy's POV

We all laugh. I'm enjoying my time and I hope Ella is too. I don't know why Brady is even still here. I break away from my thoughts as I hear a thump and a man pushes me.

"Look out! Back up!" He's yelling. He picks a limp Ella up.

"What are you doing?" I yell back.

"She's fainted! What's her name?" He yells again.

"Why do you need to know?" I ask as he puts his arm behind her back to support her.

"Hello? Hello?" He asks El.

"She's still awake!" Brady yells from behind me.

"What's her name?" He yells.

"Ella! What's wrong with her? Are you a doctor?" I yell at him.

"I'm doing my training but that doesn't matter. How old is she?" He asks. I'm sick of this. A stranger is basically holding my best friend.

"She's 16 now shove off!" I say getting down trying to make her do something. I'm tapping her arms and hands but she doesn't move. She just stares at the stranger.

"Is she alright?" I heard a faint Brady come up behind me.

"Does she look alright to you. She's gone limp. She's obviously alert but she's not moving!" I say rudely. I didn't care, I just needed Ella to be fine.

A growl escaped from the strangers mouth. Brady and I instantly turn our head to him. His eyes now a shade of blue similar, if not the same, as El's.

"Back away from her. I actually know what I'm doing. You can trust me." He says as he kneels down again to Ella and Brady and I back off. The man felt her cheeks.

"What's your name?" He asks me not looking at me.

"Maddy. What's wrong with her?" I plead. He looks down to Ella just as she closes her eyes.

"What happened?" I screech as the man grabs his phone out, dialling a number. I start breathing fast and call to Brady. He comes over with tears rolling down his face and it's only now that my mind registers what's just unfolded. I hug him and start crying.

"Im coming so can you set up for her. 16 year old female. She collapsed but was alert she's just closed her eyes. I'll explain when we get there, I can't right now. Ok I'm coming now." He hung up and picked Ella up.

"Woah. What are you doing? Is there an ambulance coming?" I scream.

"No. I'm taking her there, will you calm down?" He whisper-yelled. He started walking outside and Brady and I followed him. He walked to a black car and placed Ella in the back seat.

"I've got her now, you can go back to whatever you were doing." He says hopping in the drivers seat. I frown. He seriously doesn't think we're just going to leave her with him.

"Uhh, no, we're coming with you." I say as Brady hops in the front and I hop in the back next to Ella.

The man started driving not asking questions and we all stayed quiet. But I wanted my questions answered. There were too many unknowns and I'd just hopped in a strangers car. Who knows where he was going to take us.

"Maddy? You need to calm down." The man says from the front.

"Why did you decide to help Ella, huh? Who do you think you are?" I ask not caring how my words came out.

"I'm Damien. You are?" Damien asks Brady who responds back: "Brady."

"Where are you taking us, Damien?" I ask, rude again but still not caring.

"Hard to explain Maddy." He replied.

"You're taking us out somewhere to kill us." I say as I start to panic.

"I'm not, don't worry." He says calmly.

"What do you want with her?" I hear Brady chip in.

"Nothing mate. Don't you guys worry." He says defensively.

Not too long later Damien stopped the car, got out and grabbed Ella. Brady and I both jumped out as fast as we could, not wanting to let Ella out of our sight.

Damien took Ella into a white tent sitting by the edge of the woods. We were in the middle of nowhere. When we walked in a lady had set up a bed with machines by the side. She motioned to put Ella on the bed which Damien did.

"Who are you?" I asked loudly. Damien gave me a glare back and walked over to Brady and I standing inside the entrance of the tent.

"We need you to wait outside. I have to let the nurse work." He explained trying to push us outside.

"NO! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO HER?!?!" I yell once again crying.

"Will you help her outside?" Damien says to Brady. He looks at me and guides me outside.

"What are you doing Brady?" I ask as Damien zips up the tent door when we're outside.

"Why would he bring her here?" Tears flow down my face uncontrollably now.

"Why not at a hospital?" I whine.

I hear murmurs from inside and I put my ear to the tent door listening for any words.

"...she's my... I couldn't... those humans...leaving help her" Damien's deep voice was heard then the nurses voice.

"She's fine but...something changed..." it was hard to hear them but I think I managed. What did Damien mean by "humans"?

"Did you hear what they said?" I ask Brady who shook his head no.

"He said she's something and said something about 'those humans'." I used fingers for quotation marks.

"I heard the nurse say she's fine but something changed." I continued. Brady looked up to the tent. He opened it from the outside and barged in.

Ella was awake, sitting up in the bed and Damien was holding her hand. Brady and I both rushed to Ellas side pushing Damien out of the way.

"Are you ok Ella? I worried so much." I said. She nodded her head and smiled a weak smile.

"What's wrong love?" Brady asked her.

"Nothing." She replied then her face dropped.

"Tomas." She said as she started hyperventilating. The nurse shooed us out and zipped up the door but not before seeing Damien calm Ella.

Authors note:

Oooooo! Maddy's point of view! How's you like this chapter? I'm happy to read all your feedback and make sure to like and share!

Thanks for your support lovelies! ❤️✨