Battle with the Eldion

"Oh while we're walking may I borrow your phone?" Owen asked which Vorden agreed

The two left the forest 30 minutes ago and now they are on the walk to get to Quinn's turf. Apparently Quinn never goes out of his mansion no matter the occasion which gave him the title vampire lord but he leaves the house when a friend of his is in danger so he is not exactly a bad guy.

Vorden lend his phone to Owen and When Owen started typing, Vorden quickly leaned sideward and his eyes were focused on the phone.

"You know you can just tell me that I look insane." Owen said

It silenced Vorden and they just kept walking. They are still a half a kilometer away from the mansion and the ambience around them is slowly changing, Owen also thought that the people and monsters around them are getting fewer.

What Owen searched is his identity online in order to prove that he is the one who originally owns the body he is in but no matter how many times he clicks an article, there really is just no proof that he exist.

"Damn it! Alex lets switch!" Owen said

Vorden looked at him and it really creeps him out.

"I don't know how?" Alex said

"Just think that you truly want to get out, I'll weaken my resolve so it'll be easier." Owen said

Vorden's eyes widened as he saw something weird happening, The white haired, blue eyed guy in front of him change physique as if something unclothed him. He is now seeing a black haired guy with blue red eyes.

Alex searched up his full name and there bunch of images and articles about an accident 11 years ago came out.

"See I told you I'm the original." Alex said

"Maybe the internet's rigged but I would still search for the truth!" Owen shouted

"Owen Bro, are you alright?" Vorden asked making sure that things isn't going south

"I'm not Owen, I'm Alex Pine a flame user." Alex said

"Shall we continue our walk?"

"AH! Yes of course, the mansion is just right after that corner." Vorden said

'Is he some powerful guy? Cause not even Lord Quinn is capable of holding two skills'

They've entered the castle and sure enough, Alex was amazed to see how many trophies greeted him on the ground floor. He observed the place further more and got even more amazed that the place is being supported by adamantium, incredibly strong metal.

"This place is HUGE!!!" Alex said with excitement obviously covering his face

"Lets go up now brother Owen.. UH I MEAN ALEX!" Vorden said awkwardly

"No need to go up, We will begin the game right at our garden." A familiar voice said from the stairs

As footsteps approach, Vorden quickly recognized that it is the boss. He thought that the words of Owen or Alex may have caught his attention making him get out of his own room.

Originally, Quinn doesn't leave his rooms since he doesn't really need food or water to survive but once a day in a week his girlfriend AYASE visits him especially on Friday's.

"My.. MY LORD!!" Vorden said as he kneeled down the ground bowing his head

"I have brought this foolish human in here sir just as you said, Though let me warn you this person may have some screw's loose." Vorden further said

Quinn's just ignored Vorden's word as he was observing Alex's physique, He doesn't look strong and he also sound different from the guy he talked to but an imminent aura coming off him is making him feel a lil bit off.

"Uhm, I hate to interrupt you from shaking your head back and forth but should we start the challenge now?" Alex said

'Hey dude, lets switch..'

"Why? Your flame is stronger than my ice!" Owen said

"But I cant use its full extent, basically 2% of my fire can burn my whole arm." Alex said

'Is he talking to himself? Maybe he really got some screws loose.' Quinn thought

They've reached the garden but instead of seeing flowers, They were greeted by big trees and a Giant hippo that is peacefully taking a nap and just when Alex is about to speak Quinn pushed him off which alerted the monster making it jumped backwards.


Owen quickly took over which caught the attention of Quinn due to the sudden change of Alex's appearance.

'Just what kind of ability is that???'

Owen started running in circles with the eldion running after him, he dashed at every corner and uses his ice abilities to get the higher ground but the ice just gets crushed by the eldio's nose hitting it.

"Damn you brute!"

'I really wish not to use my powers cause its too cold but the other one is too weak to deal with this thing.'

Owen remembered that the hoodie he is wearing has a pocket knife underneath. He grabbed the knife and threw it at the beast and just before it left Owen's hand, He made ice out of air and launch it at the edge of the knife adding additional force.

It hit the eldion but it only scratched its skin.

Seeing the beast almost unscathed, Owen dropped to his knees and place both of his palm on the ground and generated massive amounts of ice spikes all heading in front of the beast. Owen may have a limit of 1 meter but that doesn't mean he could push the ice forward.

The eldion got several scratches but it still breaks through the ice that gets pushed to him.


The eldion growls and dashed forward to Owen which made him no choice but to run further. No matter how much he runs he knew himself that he would just reach a wall or a corner which puts him on a disadvantage which made him think of a plan.

Owen makes a weirdly shaped sword on his hand with the ends of the crossguard being twisted and its sharpness is better than that of a kitchen knife.

"Alex right!? This moment is time for you to shine, listen I am going to make a sword as strong as I possibly can and I want you to ignite it as strong as you can and swing it to that fat bastard." Owen said

"Ho- How?! I couldn't even manage to pull off 2%" Alex said

"You have to make your body feel everything so that the damage would be reduce, we only have one shot we have to do this!"


Alex manifested the body and with no other choices left he swung the sword on his left hand as it is ignited on flame releasing a U shaped afterimage.

Everything on that forest just became so bright even at the farthest corner.

Owen saw the bright orange light and he dropped down to his knees in astonishment.

Back to where Alex is, blood can be seen dripping down the sides, the eldion's stomach has been cut open which made it lose its balance making it fall down and the fire dried its blood out on a quick instant.

Alex is staring at the burning ice sword along with his hand only maintaining light burns.

"I did it!"

"You did it."