The Drowsy Titan

"We're heading to a lair???" Alex asked

"Uh you know I may have memories but their modified so may I ask what a lair is?" Owen asked

"It is where the strongest and mythical monsters decided to stay, mostly a knight is in there but the design of this place tells me it isn't." Alex said

"You talking to Owen?"

Alex just nodded at Quinn, Alex thinks that Quinn is hiding something from him considering how chill he was a while back.

"Sounds easy to me, Hey Alex lets do the ice and fire combo we used against the eldion!" Owen said being excited to their upcoming fight

'Using the eldion as a basis of how strong the next monster we're going to fight is gonna be a smart decision, the eldion has a flesh almost as strong as obsidian and the fact the my fire didn't even open a wound to it is terrifying. We gotta use the characteristics of the eldion to know how strong the monster's gonna be.'

"Boringgg!!!" Owen said

"Shut up!" Alex shouted

"You talking to me??" Quinn asked being confused with Alex

"Uh no!!"

"Before we go I just want to say one thing." Quinn said taking a deep breathe

"I cant handle your safety but! I can handle mine so whatever happens you should always watch your back and sides." Quinn said after with a cunning grin appearing on his face

"What a petty disclaimer..."

"So that's how it is..."

The three went inside a door and followed a long spiral staircase that leads approximately 100 meters down. The staircase is so dark that Alex could barely even see things but Quinn seems to be on a fine position and it make sense cause his sort of a vampire.

They've reached the end of the staircase and Alex and Owen both gulped cause they might be in for a dangerous surprise.

Quinn kicks the door so hard it broke the chains in between. A 10 foot tall masculine and bearded man wearing a red cloak similar to Santa's can be seen standing up due to Quinn's attitude.

"Humann… DIE!!!"

"So you're the so called Drowsy Titan huh." Quinn said

Alex initiated a fire from him to the other end of the room hoping to slow down the titan but it doesn't even feel pain. Alex clenched his fist and unleashed a fire midair blocking the titan's sight.

"Quinn let's get to the side!" Alex shouted but Quinn just stood there waiting for the titan's attack

'What the hell are you planning to do?'

"What's happening???" Owen asked cause he couldn't see in the darkness

"Let's switch!" Owen shouted

"No, I don't know if it also happens to you but every time I return to the surface I lose balance and with a monster that strong losing balance isn't something we need!" Alex explained making Owen worried

"The flame that Alex released mid air is just about to vanish and it is at the point that the monster can now see Quinn."


The titan raised its fist preparing to take a blow but when the titan is about to release the blow, Quinn spitted blood on the titan's face making it more angrier. The titan's fist sped up but inches away from Quinn's face, the blood grew tentacles that then ripped the skin of the titan's head cancelling its punch.

"Wow... Never thought that a shut-in would have the much power.." Alex said being astonished by the sight

"Hey dude! What happened???" Owen asked

The two switched and Owen saw 4 tentacle like red objects tearing off the skin of the titan.

"Holy shit! Are you the one who did this Quinn?" Owen asked


"Man, I really expected you to be strong considering hundreds of S ranks got killed by you over the decade." Quinn said on a lazy voice

"His weaker now, I'll let you guys take the prey." Quinn said as he leaned over the wall behind him

Owen kneeled down and holds the floor with both hands and generated layers and layers of ice spikes but it isn't just ordinary ice, Owen modified it so that once its melted a small ignition would be able to lit it up.

The ice has now encased the titan's lower body making it unable to move. Alex took over and knowing what Owen planned he grabbed on the ice and tried to unleash 2% of his flames but as his palms released the fire he was fired backwards hitting one of the monoliths that support the place.

Alex's fire ignited the ice and it reached the titan slowly melting him to death.

Outside the word an announcement from all over the world was being announced by multiple angels who have white wings,

"The Drowsy Titan has been slain by Alex Pine, Owen Grace and Quinn Charlie Blood. Congratulations humans!"

The angel then vanished.

Back underground the two, I mean the three were celebrating their victory but Alex can feel the pain of the burns in his palms and his ribs being broken when he hit the monolith.

"Congrats guys! Tomorrow we'll be famous, not like I want to though.." Quinn said

"Hey hey Alex, Ask him how'd he do the thing!" Owen said

"Uh may I ask you a question??"

"Yea sure.."

"Owen and I are wondering how'd you do the thing on the titan's skin a while ago?" Alex asked

"Oh that! I always have that power ever since I was cursed by the stupid babel." Quinn said scratching his head laughing

"I also want to ask you one thing, when you fought with the eldion, you managed to unleash such powerful flame and not get hurt and now with a weaker flame you came flying backwards, why'd that happen??" Quinn asked

"It's because our body is weird." Owen said

"I also don't know." Alex replied

"Once we get back up, we'll only have a few hours before the press and the government came to us so that angel better hurry." Quinn said



"Uh I forgot you guys didn't know this, We will be given rewards." Quinn said with a smile on his face