Nice to meet you

"That's a question I don't fully know the answer cause you see we got separated for 20 plus minutes or something like that." Owen said

"Your arm? What happened to it." Vorden asked

"You probably know Alex's flames are on a whole other level and he used that to destroy that strong glass that blocked our way, I first thought it was stupid to use so much flame on a glass but after seeing Quinn's conditions I was glad he did." Owen said

The two healers stared at him thinking the weirdness of what he just said.

"Uhh I have another personality or rather I am the other personality." Owen said

"He has another personality who can use flame." Vorden said

"That's something weird." The healer from Owen's left side said

The severely damaged arms Owen have are now slowly going back to normal. The healers are still casting their magic to speed up the process but the damage is just so severe even S class magic wont be able to heal it completely.

"This is as far as my magic go."

"Me too, this would heal over time but that time would be so long like a month."

"That'll do I still have my ice ability to rely on." Owen said

The four of them walked out of the place where Owen decided to come along with Quinn's guild. They get on the super fast van that Vorden rides on a while ago. As Owen is just about to sit, the van suddenly accelerated forward.

"I didn't do that intentionally." Vorden said

"Of course you didn't!" Owen said

"If we switch do I still get the burnt arms?" Alex asked

"Probably not." Owen said

"Who're you talking to?" the healer asked

"Alex." Owen said

The two healers just stared at him for a while just made the conclusion that Owen might be crazy.

The other van where Quinn is currently in. He is being treated by every healer and medic on that van. That van is set to have the seats on the side just in case someone needs to be treated. Quinn's conditions are now fine, he just needs to rest for a while.

They've reached the castle where the Quinn and his guild resides in.

"This place is way more lively than the last time I went here." Owen said

"Mademoiselle Amyrtha is back from her journey." The healer said

"Your French? you doesn't sound French a while ago, And who is this Amyrtha?" Owen asked

"He is our Lord's girlfriend." Vorden said

"Let me tell you this guys but I literally thought that Quinn left his girlfriend cause he is flirting with the person who is after me just a day ago." Owen said

"our Lord always dreamt of making a harem but failed." one of the healer said

Amyrtha came rushing outside the castle as she heard the vehicles coming. She's worried to her very core, she is even having hard time breathing. She greeted the unconscious Quinn from the van as the healers and doctors pull the stretcher he's in.

"How is he?" Amyrtha asked

"His fine now but he was just seconds away from death when we came to his location." one of the doctors said

They headed inside to put Quinn to his room.

Vorden and Owen got out of the van where Owen has grabbed Amyrtha's attention.

'His the guy in the video!'

"Who are you?" Amyrtha asked Owen straight ahead

"My name doesn't matter actually." Owen said

"His name is Owen Grace and he is just trying to look cool." Vorden said

"Shut up Baldy!" Owen shouted

"Your with Quinn when the God's city was cleared." Amyrtha said

"Uhuh!" Quinn activated his echo location to hear Amyrtha's heartbeat pattern

'Normal, I guess she's a good one.'

"Stop checking her heartbeat you creep." Alex said

"Sorry for Baldy's rude attitude, My name is Amyrtha, Quinn's girlfriend." Amyrtha said

"I know this isn't the right time to say this but I still want to say this, Quinn flirted with another girl after we cleared God's city." Owen said

"That's the 80th time." Amyrtha said as they started walking inside the castle

"Wait! you're keeping count of Quinn's mischiefs instead of leaving him, that's new." Owen said

"What's new about that?" Amyrtha asked

"Woman barely do that nowadays." Owen said

"May I ask what happened to that arm of yours." Amyrtha said while staring at the burnt arms that is now a bit pinkish just waiting for the skins outer layer to heal

"Me and Quinn got separated and my other personality used his flames to break the glass that separated us." Owen said

"So which means you are possible suspect to what happened to Quinn." Amyrtha said

"Call me a suspect how many times you want but if it weren't for me and my other personality, Quinn should've been dead by now." Owen said

'What's this with other personality?' Amyrtha asked herself

"Hmmm lets just wait for Quinn to wake up." Amyrtha said

Owen decided to stay there for the next four hours waiting for Quinn to wake up to clear Amyrtha's suspicion. In that four hours many guild members of Quinn just go back and forth at the living room where Owen is sitting. He's been waiting for something to do to aid his boredom but nothing comes up till he heard the news that Quinn woke up.

"Hey dude Quinn woke up." Owen said

"Lets switch." Alex said

"Who are you?!" Amyrtha asked as he saw a black haired man with red eyes

"I believe Owen already told you about the other personality." Alex said

"Oh what happened here Miss Amyrtha?" Vorden said

"Who is this guy??!!" Amyrtha asked pointing her finger at Alex

"Oh he! His name is Alex Pine and according to him, Owen and My Lord, he is the original owner of that body where he and Owen switch." Vorden said

"Nice to meet you and don't you have a surname or you just prefer being called Amyrtha?"