Meeting Chekov

"I mean my step brother." Alex said

"That makes sense cause he's way more talkative than you are." Owen said

The night came and Alex prepared the luggage he will bring tomorrow.

The next day arrived, Alex has put some ointment on his arms that are still pinkish. He chose his best clothes cause Brian and Ayesha would probably hate him for not wearing something good after now meeting them for almost a week.

"So what kind of person is your step-sister?" Owen asked

"For me... she's quite overdramatic." Alex said

"And your stepdad?"

"A combination of my sister and my brother." Alex said

"Quite the family you've got..."

Before opening the main door of the house Alex checked whether Quinn messaged him but there are no messages. He then left the house and proceeded to ride a cab to get into Mick, his stepdad's place.

The ride has been so quiet with just the car's radio being heard from the back. Alex just enjoys the scenery that the sun has shined upon, Owen is just humming inside the darkness as he is not capable of doing anything when Alex takes over.

The area is starting to change as they get closer and closer to their destination. The advanced buildings are now transitioning into traditional concrete houses, shops, and bakeries. The plants that they came across gets livelier as they get closer to the middle of the city that they just entered.

'Want to switch?' Alex thought hoping for Owen to hear him

"Just for a few minutes."

And with that Owen took over. As the body Alex was in changed into Owen's body, Owen put his head into the window and his jaws dropped as he saw how different this city is compared to the capital where he and Alex currently live in.

"I wonder how this place keeps things like this." Owen said

"It's because the plants that surround this place sir aren't normal, the plants are meant to protect this whole city so the damages are always minimal and only on the border." The driver said

"Cool, I wish we have some in the capital." Owen said

"Idiot of course we have, it is just that most people don't want to deal with the plant's needs." Alex said

"Needs?" Owen accidentally said out loud

"Ah, you want to know about the plant's needs?!" The driver started to get enthusiastic

"The plants have these orange juice that gives them mental intellect, we have to write words that humans and other creatures haven't wrote before to talk to the plants and request them to protect us in exchange for care and the juice." The driver said

"We? So you from this city." Owen said

"Uh no sir, I grew up here, I just knew it because my family is the one taking care of the plants in the southern area of the city." the driver said

Alex then took over after the minutes that passed. Alex has memorized the area that he knows every spot even with his eyes close.

"Here we are, sir." The driver said

Alex gave the driver his taxi fare.

Before heading to his dad's house, Alex went to a shawarma store where he and his sister Ayesha always go every time before school. He ordered four shawarma rice and asked it to be put into a paper bag.

"Those guys better love it, I just spent a portion of my money on this." Alex muttered

"Isn't that the guy on the video?" A young boy has said from a table near Alex

Alex looked at the young boy thinking how he might get even popular in the future. He remembered what he said to the reporters just the other day. He is about to get close to the kid but a man with a pretty muscular body has gotten to the kid and whispered something.

The man came to Alex and tapped his shoulders.

"What you did to those reporters is totally on another level." the man said

"Do I know who you are?" Alex asked

"The name's Chekov Anatoly, one of the two subleaders of the Anatoly guild." Chekov said

"Here to recruit me? And what did you whisper to that kid?" Alex asked

"Recruiting you is the other one's job and I didn't whisper anything bad to that kid, I just told him to piss off." Chekov said

"You seriously said those words to a kid." Alex said

"I mean it's not that bad besides I felt cool doing that." Chekov said

"May I ask what your ability is?" Chekov asked

"Tell me yours first." Alex said

"Mine huh, muscle enhancements." Chekov said

"I can produce flames and my other personality can make ice out of thin air." Alex said

"Other.. Personality??" Chekov asked

"Owen take over please."

Alex's hair turned white, his eye color changed blue and he sounded different to Chekov's point of view. Chekov can't explain what just happened but it amazed him.

"Not keeping this important huh... I'm guessing you don't want your troubles to increase but the thing with the reporters, you'd just end up pulling several kinds of trouble in you for the next few days. Just thank god some laws slows down the media." Chekov said

"Can we just talk next time, I have to get going now." Alex said as he looked at the time on his phone


Alex then walked off leaving Chekov standing outside the shawarma store.

'If he's in a hurry for something, then I guess he'll be late... his clock is an hour late.' Chekov thought

Alex is now outside the two-story house where the family that adopted him live. He hopes that it'll be his father to open the door when he knocks cause he wants to tell everyone straight away what happened to him this past few days.

He knocked at the door and he was greeted by a furious Ayesha standing just on the other side of the door.

"Your late!"