Wilbur's battle

As Owen is about to run the 30, People at the Altair have all gone mad after an employee accidentally released a mutative type of gas. People at the Altair are trying their best to contain the gas as fast as they could but the recently promoted John thought that this may be a good idea to catch the fish he and the higher-ups have been looking for.

'Just you wait...'

Alexander is walking back and forth in his office waiting for Wilbur to report but it doesn't seem that Wilbur will come any time soon. He just threw his desk as he completely lost his patience. He starts stomping on the floor and the building started shaking uncontrollably.

Wilbur is just in the bathroom waiting for Alexander's rampage to begin and as he felt the floor shaking he left the bathroom as slow as he possibly can.

"I really enjoy watching him lose patience." Wilbur just grinned as everyone around him panics thinking there's an earthquake

As Alexander is about to give the wall a death blow. Wilbur knocked at the door calming Alexander. Wilbur opened the seconds after the shaking ended. He entered the room where Alexander who has now lost control of his anger is glaring at him.

"Sorry for the wait sir." Wilbur said bowing his head down

'Silly asshole.' Wilbur thought

"Tell me what have you discovered.. NOW!" Alexander said

"How do I say this, lets just say she is tied up in an abandoned place. I'm not exactly sure what that place is but it could be a former factory." Wilbur said

"Where is she now?" Alexander said completely losing his anger

"I left her there obviously sir." Wilbur said

Alexander's muscle gets bigger.

"Why the fuck didn't you pick her up?!?!" Alexander shouted as he walks closer to Wilbur

"It is not part of my orders sir?" Wilbur said

Alexander could no longer hold back and dashed forward. To the human eye, he completely vanished from where he is standing while to Wilbur, he is slowly walking towards him.

The speed skill is a common kind of skill that has its own kind of ranking. Many speed skill users fall down to a 100 kilometers per hour and Wilbur falls down to that category. However despite being in the lowest category, Wilbur is a crafty guy, he makes use of his surroundings and sometimes he even uses his opponent's attacks against them.

"Gotcha," Wilbur said as he walks over to Alexander rotating his body

Alexander completely bangs the window where he fell off the building. Alexander isn't a complete muscle head so he immediately came up with a plan to survive to fall. He inhaled so much air and when he is about to hit the ground, he exhaled all of that air he breathed in, propelling him a couple of meters.

Alexander came back to his office, he saw Wilbur leaning on the wall with a grin on his face. He walks calmly now and his muscles started to retract. He tries to calm himself down but with Wilbur's intimidating face, his anger slowly tries to come back up.

"How's your fall sir?" Wilbur asked

"Shut up, just go and retrieve her." Alexander said as he pulls his chair with his long hair

Wilbur activated his skill speeding his movements. He still can be perceived by the human eye cause he's just as fast as a car but he moves incredibly quickly.

As he steps out of the premises, he stretches his hands and jumps a couple of times to prepare his legs for the long run.

"GEEEERONIMOO!" Wilbur shouted as he unleashed his speed

He gets past every vehicle on the road. He is like Hamilton tackling corners.

Authors note: Hamilton is a known formula 1 driver.

Wilbur doesn't care if he gets hit by something as long as he manages to let out his top speed. He jumps up to walls making his way up to rooftops till he reached the place where Lyrica is being held.

He sneakily gets passed through the windows so that no one outside would see him. He now walks casually as he gets inside cause he expects Lyrica to recognize him.

As he approaches Lyrica, a smell of blood has surrounded the place Wilbur's standing in. A man covered by a long cloak, the man couldn't be recognized but Wilbur could see the man's red eyes.

"The vampire lord huh, I see your affiliated with our subject." Wilbur said

"Who are you? State your business!" The man said

The main in the cloak is actually Quinn. He is monitoring Lyrica as no one can check on her every day except him who always stays in his room. Quinn has slept in the abandoned place for about 3 days and just goes back to the castle before Amyrtha wakes up.

'Who is he? How did he know who I am?' Quinn asked to himself

"You must be thinking right now how the hell did I know who you are, well I am just a mere information broker who can run as fast as an old car, I've got a lot of data about you. Now it is my turn to ask, why did you abduct my master's spouse?" Wilbur said hoping that Quinn would just spill the beans

"Master? Is this master of yours connected to Owen and Alex?" Quinn asked

"You've known already huh."

Wilbur dashed forward but he doesn't know Quinn just unleashed a giant line hitting Wilbur in the chest.

"What the fuck was that?" Wilbur said coughing blood

"That is me breaking a rib." Quinn said

Quinn made his blood droplets spin around the room using it as a stepping stone to jump. As he gets close, Wilbur thought he has the chance to attack so he released a kick but he was hit by Quinn's blood droplet.

"FUCKING SHIT!" Wilbur shouted

Wilbur just fell to the ground and start crying out of pain.