An Attack (Part 2)

"And where is the body of this co worker of yours?" Quinn asked as he finds it suspicious that there is no blood in the scene.

"I pulled him onto the storage room, I also hid in there and I only decided to come out because I got a little brave with a shotgun on my hands now." the man said

The two listened as to what the old man has to say but both of them knew that the man is leaving some parts of the story blanked out. Alex tries to keep a straight face while Quinn moves around to check for the zombies as he wants to examine them with his own hands.

"Damn it! If only we arrived a little early then I would've been able to examine those zombies first hand." Quinn said

"Want to check the storage room?" Alex asked as he thinks that they might find something in there.

"Yea let's go." Quinn has led the way but the man blocked their path.

"No, you shouldn't enter in here!" the man said as he ran off to block the entrance to the storage room.

Sweat has accumulated on the man's forehead and his shirt is also drenched with his own sweat. His voice is shaking but the two has already expected something like this to happen.

It is common knowledge that once a zombie bites you, you turn into one of them. Quinn has deduced this and as well as Alex, just by the man talking about putting the body in the storage room sounds fucked up and the ones Alex wants to look out for are the fucked up ones.

"May I ask why we shouldn't?" Alex asked

"Let's just freeze this fucktard already!" Owen shouted

"We won't freeze him till we manage to squeeze out the information we need." Alex said

"Who's he talking to?" The man asked

"It's somewhat related to his skill and its pretty hard to explain really so I wont go into details. Anyway, can you just let us in the storage room." Quinn said

"I said you shouldn't!" The man shouted as his eyes started to turn black, His skin starts turning pale and his nerves are starting to show up. Alex finds the whole scene pretty grotesque as the blood squirting out of the man's ears adds up to the description of what is happening.

"Uh Quinn, That's your zombie." Alex said with a pretty casual voice

Quinn raised an eyebrow as he didn't expect that the zombies would look like the person in front of him, after all, the look he expected were the ones that looked like the Hollywood zombies.

Alex pushed Quinn from where he is currently standing. Quinn bit his nail off and a huge ton of blood came circling out of his fingers straight to the man's shoulders trapping him to the door.

The zombified man growls loudly that people from the outside started to take notice. It may be night time but a loud growling sound would surely wake people up especially with the zombie news going around, people really became way too cautious of things.

"Hey Alex, find me an empty bottle, doesn't matter if its glass or plastic." Quinn said


"Dude! That vampire idiot is just ordering us around like he's not even the boss! Like dud he even had my handsome face kiss the ground!" Owen said

"Just because you kissed the ground, doesn't mean that I will also hold some grudge against him." Alex replied

"You fucking maggot!" Owen shouted in annoyance

Alex opened up a bottle of milk and spilled its content on the floor. He even went as far as clean its inside as he expects Quinn to use it to get some samples.

Alex went over to give Quinn to plastic milk bottle he just clean.

"What the fuck? Why the hell did you bring a carton bottle? And why's it so wet?" Quinn asked

"Eh? I mean its good thing to store the zombie blood." Alex said

"I don't plan on storing this fucker's blood inside a bottle, I plan on covering this man's mouth to keep my safety!" Quinn shouted

Outside the store, the people are now taking notice of the commotion that is happening from the inside. People from nearby started recording and going live and eventually hunters also came by. The hunter tried to get inside but someone from above the convenience store jumped to the hunter and started feasting on its body.

Blood sprouted out of the hunter's body and drops of those who got eat are at lost at words.

"Is that zombie?" A female passerby said

That was the last phrase heard from these people as they started shouting and started running away from the zombie and of course this annoyed the zombie as he wants to feast on quite a lot of humans tonight. It started going after the teenagers and eventually the bitten ones turned into zombie with a chunk of flesh sticking out of their bodies.

Alex and Quinn took notice of the situation which made them forget about the zombie that they strapped on the door.

"Let's switch!" As the words came out of Alex's mouth, Owen quickly took over.

Owen used his eyes to slide his way out with a few more eyes to push his speed further while Quinn jumped out with just pure strength.

Seeing the sight of the bloodbath outside the store, they didn't realized that having nosy people around could result to this much of a problem.

A zombie started hopping like a rabbit to Owen's direction which he didn't notice so Alex warned him at the last possible second but thankfully he survived the zombie's attack by sliding off the ground using his ice pushing him off.

"I seriously wish I can join this fight." Alex said

"Well, sucks to be you then." Owen said as he converted the droplets of waste water into small spherical ice and waved his hands to the zombie's direction making a few other undead get hit as well.

"Suck it pale bastards!" Owen shouted proudly

On the other hand, Quinn used the blood coming out of his nail where he detached his finger from. The blood has created a small knife in which Quinn threw but circled back hitting multiple zombies and came back to Quinn's hand.

Looking back at the place, they realized that the zombies in front of them is the least of their problems as a few more had ran off biting other civilians.