Still a rampant flame

"You guys go on ahead of us, we'll try to go on another route just in case that first rune fails." said Mick

"Dad you definitely made it sound like a trap, like why would you say it so calmly!? That lady probably has movie knowledge which would warn her that what you are doing might be a trap." Brian said

Matsumoto was speechless as he didn't expect a guy who's in his 20's is shouting at his dad who definitely looks like someone trustable. Just by Mick's appearance, it convinced Matsumoto that this man is someone he should trust, Now he feels that he should be asking questions now.

"You might be wrong sir, My daughter isn't really fond of using runes and probably hasn't used one." Matsumoto said

Mick raised an eyebrow as he didn't expect such thing. In this world, Ladies are really known of using runes as their make up material to make themselves look good. Yes, there are many kinds of runes and the use of it must be illegalized unless it's an emergency but local cops or officers just overlooks people using runes.

"That's new, You sure you can't read this rune?" Mick said as he looked towards Danica

"I can recognize half of it but I'm not exactly sure if I could exactly use it the way it is intended to." Danica said

"Well that's definitely bad news ey. Tyler come with them." Mick said

Tyler was puzzled as he doesn't know why Mick would put him on such task. Plus he is also terrified that he'll come home with quite an injury from Alex's fire if he fails then that would result to his parents filing a lawsuit against Mick and Alex considering that his mother is a karen.

"Why me?" queried Tyler

"I don't want to embarrass you here but if you want to I could just say it out loud." Mick said

Tyler had gotten the idea as to why he's been chosen, And it's not a reason he is proud of. He remembered using Brian's computer and he seems to have forgotten to delete the history with his search queries about x rated videos which used quite the amount of runes.

"Ah guys, Just in case you've forgotten, We're in a hurry here to save your son and the other entity inside of him." Danica said

"I guess I'll go with them."

Matsumoto agreed on bringing Tyler along the ride to save Alex and Owen from Alex's flames. Mick told them where to find Alex using the GPS on his phone. After leaving the info about Alex's location, they part ways by doing a handshake before leaving.

In the car, Danica and Matsumoto seems to have their worries lessened upon knowing that they no longer have to test anything out to stop Alex's fire because now, they were told that one or two runes could be guaranteed to work to stop Alex's flames but worst case scenario is when two runes don't work and they would have to wait for Mick who took an alternate route.

Tyler on the other hand is sitting on the back seat with his arms trembling. He can't shake off the feeling that Alex might die if he fails to do his job right. Besides, He only learned how to use runes by watching x rated videos online as he somehow develops a fetish on such kind of thing.

"So what's your name kid?" Matsumoto asked

"Uh Its Tyler sir." Tyler replied

"No surname?"

"Yea I'm kind of one of those indigenous groups. Plus my parents don't really like the idea of surnames." Tyler said

"Oh, then it's a pleasure to have you on my ride then." Said Matsumoto

Back at the fight where Alex's flames is going on a rampage, Quinn's focus was divided between the zombies and Alex's flames which goes to random places that he isn't prepared to move away from.

Alex moves back and forth and his agony could even be described just by how loud and distorted his screams are. He tries to get away from Quinn to avoid him from getting hit but the fire just fuels through holes and stones that had scattered throughout the place making the powerful flame extend its reach.

As Quinn was about to jump back, He felt the ground slightly shaking towards his opposite direction. He took a moment to look for its source. He tilted his head and his field of vision increased as if his eyes became a binocular. He saw Astolfo running at high speed as well as tiny rain drops get that Astolfo is cutting through.

Quinn was fascinated by this very sight. A man running at an excellent speed that not even the fastest of machineries could catch up to. That's just one of the thoughts coming up to his mind but the one that stood out the most is his comparison between Ranon's speed and Astolfo's.

Of course Astolfo is incredibly fast but for Quinn's eyes, he still visible unlike Ranon who didn't even give Quinn a chance to take a sigh. Astolfo's way of moving just made things for a speedster quite fancier although he's not exactly a speedster but a muscle type hunter who uses his muscles for his speed.

"What's with all the blood splatter around him?"

Quinn didn't had the chance to speculate as Alex's flames almost reached him so he had to bounce up the ground to the top of a light pole. He stared at the scenery the flames had caused and notice how things had become worse that he originally anticipated.

'If only there is no zombie in that convenience store then this wouldn't have happened.' Quinn thought to himself

As Quinn stares at his whole surrounding, Astolfo had already arrived at the site bringing an awful smell that quickly annoyed Quinn's sense of smell. The smell is so unusual that it hits Quinn's nose so hard that he felt like puking. The miasma's scent quickly spread around but for the zombies and for Quinn, there is a path that the smell follows and it seems like Astolfo is it's source.

"What happened here? Have you turned into a pole monkey!?" Words shouted by Astolfo before he almost got hit by Alex's flame.

The flame ignited the asphalt covered road making it hard for Astolfo to utilize his abilities.

Quinn, Realizing that the zombies around their area had been reduced to ashes, Quickly jumped out of the pole and head towards Astolfo whose position seems to be that of the safest. Of course despite the spot being safe, Quinn didn't took for granted and used a line of blood to slowly dropped him of the ground.

"So have you chosen a new career path as a garbage man?" Quinn jokingly said

"Shut up, I've got no choice but to use miasma to pull the zombies to the border and now the only thing that's left to do is for Owen to push off the zombies towards the plants using his ice. So where is he?" Asked by Astolfo

"The thing is that fire is made by Alex who is inside it and you know Owen kind of lives in Alex's body." Quinn answered

"That's definitely a pathetic problem, I guess it's just for the two of us or three if you ask your girlfriend to come here to do the job." Astolfo said

"It might be time consuming but the two of us will do. I can't just wake up Amy who probably is still sleeping." Quinn said

"Talk of a princess. So what do we do with your burning friend here?" Astolfo asked

Quinn's ears twitched for a bit as he heard footsteps coming from somewhere not far. It seems that the person is on a hurry or it could also be that it's a distracted zombie who is running towards the sound that Alex's flames make. Quinn decided to believe of the former and stares at the direction the sound was coming from and sure enough it was a human and not just any other human, it is Chekov Anatoly.

"Oh brother!" Astolfo greeted

Chekov's face isn't that of a hopeful one. It seems the man has a bad news to tell. He speeds up by increasing his muscle force and jumped forward pushing the random cars to the sides.

As he landed in front of Astolfo, Chekov started panting as it seems that he's been running around for an hour. His long-sleeve is so wet due to Chekov's accumulating sweat and now that he's arrived at the scene of the fire, the sweat just accumulates much faster.

"Seems like you have a bad news to make bro! Anyway I got Quinn Heusa here just in case you didn't notice." Astolfo intoned with his cheerful voice

"Dumbass of course I noticed him!"

Chekov couldn't finish a sentence due to him trying to catch his breath. It is obvious to Quinn's eyes as he deducted that muscle types are also prone to tiredness and physical stress.

"That flame isn't something that could extinguish by anyone! His flames isn't that of a weak person rather it came from someone out of this world."