CHAPTER THREE : Love or Hatred

"I love you Salya".

A while later, he left the cemetery and entered the car back with a lowered head.

"Sir, where next?" The chauffeur asked.

"Where?" Ceaser asked himself.

"Mr Lim, is it the company?". The chauffeur asked again worriedly.

"Where I go to as usual?" He answered

"Alright sir".


7 : 30 am.

The Rodrigo Mansion

"They are here" Tyler, the chubby little young one in the family shouted.

"Yay" the blonde haired girl yelled sacarstically.

"What's wrong with you, Amber?" Her twin brother asked.

"Nothing" she replied and left.

"She's definitely up to something".

All of the family members went out to welcome their little princess.

"Look how big she is now" the eldest woman cried teasing Ayra.

"She definitely has boys asking her out" another woman said.

"Aunts!!, I don't.... you are embarrassing me" she cried and hid at her mother's back.

"You all, quit teasing my precious darling daughter" Jorge said.

"Don't you just stand there.....come in?" The old man of the house cried curtly.

They all welcomed them inside.

"How is business, uncle?" Amber asked Jorge acting all cute which her twin brother noticed and smugly scoffed.

"She is always such a pain in the ass" he said but didn't know he blurted that out until he felt everyone's gaze on him.

"Oh my God, did I just say that out loud" he thought palmfacing himself.

"Just kidding....a prank, yeah prank" he laughed awkwardly.

"Someone help me please" he groaned inwardly.

"Yeah, big brother Adrian is always good at pranking... isn't that right sis" Tyler stared at the fuming Amber.

"Yeah, I guess" she replied throwing daggers at Adrian, who brushed her off.

"Hey, brother Adrian is all grown up now" Ayra cried as she went up to him standing beside him, checking their height.

"Woah, he is way taller than me.....what do you eat Adrian?".

The others laughed at her outburst.

"Tell me please..... pretty please" she stared at him with her puppy eyes, slowly warming Adrian's heart.

"Nothing, just food" he replied.

"Then tell me what type of food you eat" she tugged on his polo shirt pouting her lips.

"I eat what you eat.... that's it"

"And what's it, tell me ....I really don't like been short" she cried.

"But you look cute been short....I like it really" he said.

"Really!!" She shouted loud in joy.

"I'm really pretty been short...I love you so much, Adrian"she cried suddenly before hugging him tight.

"Psst..... stupid" Amber thought.

"Did she just say she loved loves me, wait!!.... as a brother though?" He thought.

"But still, what do you eat?" She pouted her lips.

"Baby, cousin Adrian is busy....he has something to do" Mira, Adrian's mother said bailing him out.

"Alright aunt" she cried lowering her head before lazily removing her arms from his waist.

"Come here.....awwwwn, she looks sad..... it's ok.... he'll be back soon" Mira winked at her.

Adrian dragged Amber with him to the room.

Back in the room.

"Don't try anything stupid to stop this engagement?"

"Don't you dare ruin my happiness?".

"And one more thing, you suck...psst".

He clarified to her before leaving .

"Who does he think he is.... I'll do what I want?".