This is just great, I get to fight a giant robotic spider that shoots bombs, lasers, and is defended by a plethora of Fallen, Nice. Hopefully, I can see other guardians here that may be able to help me. I would like it if there was at least one person because I have never done this by myself but I'm just gonna pray a wish.
'Wait since broke the wall then that means I missed out on my secondary I'm supposed to get, GOSH FREAKING DARNIT. I'M SO MAD THAT I CAN'T EVEN CURSE. I KEEP TAKING L'S OVER AND OVER AGAIN.' I raged in my mind. If I were to see myself right now I would be laughing my butt off due to how crazy I look staying on the ground in a defeated position.
'Wait a second, now that I'm outside I can look for a puddle and see what I look like."
With this thought in mind, I ran over to the nearest puddle or reflective surface and saw that I had a fairly narrowed Jaw with blonde hair and blue skin that looked like I had energy running through it.
'I look fit to be a guardian.' I thought amused and mesmerized at my looks.
Now back to the task at hand I had to find a way to defeat the spider. So I continued searching around the area I was in hoping to find someone. And that I did. I was lucky enough to find 5 other people which would make up a full fire team. Bless my plot armor. With them in sight, I ran over to them. It seems that there were a hunter, 2 other warlocks, and 2 titans. This seems like a great team composition as there are enough warlocks for a few support types and a few assault types. Along with the titans for their high mobility and strong super. Then the lone hunter. The hunter is a great class as it is pretty well-rounded in the attack portion of gameplay. With the golden gun equipped or even blade barrage later on along with spectral blades, void bows, and electric staff. After my quick analysis of the team, I finally spoke to them.
"Hey! Did you guys just wake up to?"I said calmly so that they wouldn't attack me.
"Yeah. I heard an explosion and sounds of something collapsing so I came t check it out and met up with these guys." The hunter replied with a confident voice.
'It seems that he is the leader of this group as he seems to be more confident and spoke to me first out of all of them.' I surmised in my head
"Yeah... That was me. Accidently shot some trip mines which brought down the wall and killed me."
"Wait WHAT!!!!!" They all yelled with shocked expressions on their faces.
'Shoot, I forgot they don't know they can 'respawn'' I thought as I facepalmed.
"Yeah crazy right. I thought I was done for but it seems that we can respawn as long as our ghosts aren't dead from what I experienced and heard from my ghost."
"Anyways what are your guy's name? I'm Ryker" I continued on after my explanation
"I'm Sebastion but from what I can piece together from my memories my nickname is bass, It seems that my power is slamming down on the ground causing electric currents to spread out. " Bass said with a deep voice. (titan)
"I'm Jasmine, I know how to wield weapons but it seems I'm better at supporting you with this power that allows me to cast down a circle of light that seems to boost all my movements and my weapons, " Jasmine said with a light voice. (Warlock)
"I'm Flint and my power is to cast a golden gun that reloads every time I kill an enemy," Flint said(Hunter)
"I'm Chase and my power is that I'm able to send out a Nova bomb that deals massive damage on impact and splits apart chasing down then enemies after the initial explosion," Chase said with a more happy and loud voice. (Warlock)
"Lastly, I'm Joyce and my power is that I am able to create a hammer of solar energy and it allows me to throw multiple of them," Joyce said with a more intellectual voice. (Titan)
"Well for my power is that I am able to create a sword of dawn that allows me to fly and hove in the air and cast down flame trails," I said.
"It seems that all of our abilities complement each other," Flint said.
"That's great. With the introductions over and all of us ready, we should probably fight our way through so that we can get to a ship. My Ghost said there's not one too far away." I said ready to finish off the spider. I decided not to tell them about the spider because they are newly awakened guardians and they're not ready to handle the mental burden o that.
"Lead the way," Joyce said
So with that, we started moving towards where the spider would be dropped off by the fallen ship. As we were nearing the area we heard a loud roar and then saw a ship come flying down with the itsy bitsy spider we will be fighting.
" THERE'S ROBOTIC SPIDERS TOO." My new team member shouted in unison. It seems that they are kinda getting used to the craziness as they are not blanking out but they still have their mouths wide open. I had to join them as well as to feign ignorance.
"We should be able to fight this thing, right guys?" Jasmine said with a shaky voice
" We should, with our powers and weapon skills I think we can defeat it," Flint said trying to cheer all of the others up.
"Yeah, we should. It looks like its legs are its weakness." Joyce said.
'It seems that Joyce has great analytical capabilities.' I thought stunned by her intelligence.
With this information Bass(Sebastion) was the first one to rush in and just started trying to get rid of the extra fallen that might distract us while trying to keep distance from the Walker(Itsy Bitsy Spider). With him doing that with Chase supporting him. While they were clearing out the fallen Jasmine and Joyce focused on the legs while Flint and I tried shooting at its big gun so that we don't get one shot by its laser. With all this going on it was utter chaos and loud but since we joined up our ghost connected us together in a fireteam allowing us to speak to each other while we're working.
"How's it going, Chase and Bass?" I said with an urgent voice.
" Going well just there's a lot of them focusing on us. But I discovered a new ability that allows me to put a wall up allowing me momentary safety when my cover gets shredded." Bass replied.
" Chase, how about you?" I questioned
" I'm doing good. I also found out an ability that allows me to get to set down this circle of light that empowers me and my weapons for a bit. Along with the fact that I have this, another ability that allows me to teleport a short distance when I jump in the air. It's really helping clear out the enemies."
"That's great! Jasmine, Joyce its seems that you have got the legs down and a type of middle compartment is showing."
"Yeah I think we should focus fire on it," Jasmine said
"No need to tell me twice," Chase said with an excited voice like when octane uses stim.
With that command, everyone started focusing fire on the middle compartment. And with all the shooting and wearing it down it finally exploded. But the game didn't do it justice of how big the explosion was because we all were knocked off our feet and there was a fairly sized crater of 5 meters deep and 5 meters wide.
"Wow. That would've been fatal if any one of us was close to that. Not like it matters but still." I said.
"Well let's not dilly dally. We have a ship to catch." Chase said with an impatient type of tone.