Ghost, Hit The Hyper Drive

With those words uttered from Chases mouth we all started running towards another hallway with an old garage door. After a few turs and twists of the hallways, we were to able to reach a fairly open place with the ship stuck to the ceiling in a position pointing downwards. I saw that everyone else was happy and excited to notice that there were fallen and a captain trying to sneak up on us so I had to do something.

"Guys don't react to fast. Theres fallen and what seems to be their captain lets all catch them off guard." I whispered to them

They seemed to understand and so once I gave them a countdown form 3 we all turned around at the same time a threw our grendaes.

'It seems I have also underestimated the grendaes' I thought very amused

With all of our light grenades and Flints grenade and throwing knife it obliterated the fallen and killed the captain. Along with leaving and a crater almost the size of the spider explosion. Luckily it didn't affect the ship as it was in the air.

"Well that went way better then expected." Chase said as he didn't expect the grendaes combined to be able to kill the boss in only a few seconds.

"Welp. At least we will be able to get out of here faster." Bass said.

So get out we did. We managed to get the ship down and cramped ourselves in as the ship wasn't built to handle more than 3 people comfortable.

"Ok Ghost where do we go?" Joyce questioned her Ghost

" We're going to Earths last defense against the darkness. The Tower. And you can give me a name. All of you." Ghsot answered Joyce

"Ok. We'll think about the names later."

A/N (Suggest some names for the Ghost pls)

"Ok Ghost, hit the hyperdrive." I said doing my best Han Solo Impression.

With my famous words we left for the Tower. After the quick trip of about a few minutes because of the hyper drive.

"Woah. This is the tower. It looks so safe and pretty." Jasmine said amazed.

"Yeah it's nice but look at the city." Flint said glancing at the city but also catching sight of something quite amazing.

"What is that? I feel a connection to it." Bass said.

"That is the Traveler. He came here to protect the city and gives you guardians your powers." Ghost replied to Bass.

As we were flying to the tower we were all admiring the traveler even I. Its nice to see the traveler and this view in real life then just through a screen with limited vision capabilities. After admiring the view we landed in the hanger and got out. After getting out of the ship we went to go see the legendary vanguard. Cayde-6 the Hunter, Zavala the Titan, and Ikora Rey the Warlock. These people are the best of the best. They are the people who were here for the building of the Tower which is hundreds of years old.

"Welcome to the tower Guardians. I am commander Zavala. Leader of the Vanguard." Zavala calmly spoke in his usual cool voice.

"Hey Guardians. I'm Cayde-6. The best Guardian around. And funniest." Cayde said with his usual happy and joking voice.

(My Favorite Character by far. And he is the voice actor for Castle. Also my favorite show.)

"Hello Guardians. Welcome to the last defense of humanity." Ikora said in her usual calm and composed voice.

With these introductions we got a tour of the tower by our ghosts.

"That was really nice and fun." I said.

" Yeah that was really nice. Got to take a break finally from fighting and massive explosions." Jasmine said.

"What's the plan though?" Flint questioned.

"I'd say to go get ourselves a bigger ship or separate individual ships." Joyce replied.

"I'd like to have a big ship that we can all be in because I see us being together for a while." Flint purposed.

"I wouldn't mind." I said.

'It is a great idea because I don't think i can survive on my own in this world.' I thought

"Im down." Chase said

"Me too." Jasmine, Bass, and Flint said.

"That's great." Joyce said

"We should also probably get some weapons to as these weapons aren't cutting it." I said.

"Lets go to that weaponssmith we met on our tour around the tower then." Flint said

While walking towards the tower we were still admiring it's beauty even when we got to the weapon smith.

"Hello Banshee if I'm correct." I said starting off the conversation.

"Yes I am. What do you need Guardian? I have ammo, bounties, and weapons all at the ready." He said. Banshee is an Evo(Robot) so he spoke in a deep but humanlike voice but with a bit robotic sound in it.

"I'd take some weapons for my team pls." I said

"Do you have the glimmer for it?" Banshee questioned

"I do have a bit of glimmer. What about you guys?" I questioned the team.

" Yeah I picked it up because my ghost kept telling me to as I would need it later on." Flint said.

'Flint has proved himself once again once again.

I asked the same question and it seems that only Every picked some up. Enough for everyone to get suited up.

It seems that Fline uses more hand cannons and pistols. Bass uses more assault rifles and rockets. Jasmine uses snipers and linear fusion rifles. Chase seems to use Machine guns and also hand cannons. And Joyce uses more pistols then anything else. I was always a handcannon guy myself and loved exotics like Thorn, Erinas Vow, and Malfeasance. So I obviously went for handcannons but also went for snipers as I would like to say that my aim was above average but I was still an average gamer.

'Now that I think about it I have the ability to create exotics. I will definitely try to create something for all of my team based on thier preferences.

"looks like we're ready. We should be able to have enough to get a bigger ship." I said admiring myself and my team members.

A/N ( Should I put a picture of only legendaries that they get or every single weapon they have.)

With my words we departed to the hanger and bought a very good looking ship in my opinion that has all the accommodations we need like a shooting range, kitchen, bedrooms, navigation room, and a common area for relaxing before strikes, raids, and even crucible matches if we want to. ( Gambit isn't introduced yet.)

With all of our gear ready we went to talk to Zaval for our first mission as guardians.

"Ah Guardians I see that you are prepared for the mission I have for you." Zaval said noticing us

"Yes sir. What Is our first mission exactly though?" FLint asked.

"You will be heading to the cosmodrome to be investigating fallen activity on Earth." Zavala answered.

"That's it?" Bass asked.

"Not just that. You will have to re align some satellites there that are being taken over by the Hive."

"What are the Hive sir?" Joyce asked this time.

"The Hive are vile creatures that thrive off of darkness and live in it and worship it. They have many. You will know what I mean when you see them."

"That seems simple enough. I'm ready for it Commander." Chase said.

"I like your spirit. But talk to the other members of the Vanguard that chose the same path as you for better gear. So I expect you Bass and Joyce to stay." Zavala said

With Zavala finishing what he needed to tell us we were dismissed to get our gear as Bass and Joyce Stayed while Jasmine, CHase, and I went to Ikora while FLint went to Cade-6.

After a bit of walking we finally made it to Ikora Rey and it's true that she has a quiet little place right on the outside of the inner works of the tower looking at the Traveler. Ikora is not someone of many words so she said her greeting and words of guidance on how to be a warlock and we left. I managed to take my first steps to being a legend in this new world.