The Essence of Destiny

After playing Destiny for years I have realised something about the game. I have come to know the true essence of destiny. It's not about being the hero or playing with friends. It's about slaughtering entire races just for better loot. I sometimes even forgot some of the plot points when playing the game. And this is exactly what my team and I are doing now. It's just that they do not know it's for better loot. After the instructions that Zavala gave us we went to the cosmodrome and proceeded ti make our way to the arrays. So to do that we all summoned our sparrows and we were zooming across the place. We weren't used to moving at speeds like that so we may or may not have exploded ourselves a few times. But at least the others got accustomed with death and 'respawing'.

After a cycle of dying of and 'respawing' which I will just call reviving, we finally reached the array's.

"That was quite the experience." Chase said with a relieved look after finally getting off his spparows.

"It was but I feel like we'll enjoy it later as driving to our destination might be the only time we can enjoy the view of the planet." jasmine said still admiring the beauty of the cosmodrome even though it's all rustred cars, planes, and of course. The wall.

'Oh god. Thinking about what's outside of the wall just makes me sad. But's that's for anther time my precious's' I thought.

With all the driving our legs went a little numb so we jogged a bit and made sure that where we parked was safe.

"Okay. So are we ready to fight these Hives?" Flint said.

"I think so." Bass said looking over all of us and seeing us nodding our heads.

"Let's go!" Chase said.

'I feel like sooner or later he is going to endanger us with his craziness.' I thought with an inward sigh.

With everyone ready, we made our way deeper inside the array's. After walking for a bit we ran into our first group of Hive.

"Those things are quite nasty. And why do they look like they have bones on the outside and flesh in the inside?" Joyce asked

"I don't know but all things are not bullet proof. You just didn't just fire enough. So lets do this guys." I said trying to rally team spirit even though they seemed to be doing fine but were just disgusted by the looks of the Hive.

With my rally of spirit we all started to take out the hive. The bullets that the hive fired are faster then the fallen and due to this they deal a bit more damage but it seems that they only fire in a burst fire. Even with the bone looking skin on the outside they still are relatively easy to kill. But the knights are a different story.

They have a way thicker bone like armour on the outside and the colors can change as there were some red ones and some dark grey ones. Some even use swords and are kinda creepy when they are doing their slow but fast walk towards you.

And lastly the thralls. One of the most annoying enemies in this game. Close to the spot of shadow thralls but that for another time. Thralls would just rush at you and gang up on and just be on you at all times. The amount of times I died due to them ganging up on me is uncountable.

"Hey Ghost. What were those things name?" Flint asked curisosly.

"The smaller ones with the white bone armour on the outside are called acolyte. The big ones that vary between red and dark gray are called knights. The smaller and skinny ones that rushed at you were called thralls and are weak alone but dangerous together." Ghost said.

"Makes sense. And I think I found out a name for you ghost. And I will name you Aizen." I said. This was the logical choice because in my opinion Aizen was a genius and he fooled everyone but also had the best plans.

"Thank you Ry." Aizen said greatfully.

"Is that my new nickname?Then I should call you Ai. Hey that matches very well" I asked.

"It does match together. The best duo in the solar system. Ry and Ai." Aizen said enthusiastically.

"Anyways. We should be getting closer to the array's. Lets lock in. We may find much more of these things around there." Flint said seriously.

"Ok" I responded.

After naming my Ghost I focused back on the task and went deeper in with my team. After moving deeper we reached the main array room that was filled with Hive so I sneakily put my ghost near the old computers and let it hack into it while we protect it as the array's moving will definitely signal the Hord- Hive.

"You ready guys?" Bass asked.

"As ready as ever. Lets make sure we complete our first mission with the utmost efficiency." Chase said excitedly as ever.

"And lets try to not through our grendaes at the same spot." I added earning a few chuckles from them.

With the ghost hacking and the array's moving the Hive noticed us and attacked. We saw different types of Hive this time. There were thralls that seemed to have their head glowing a light blue color and was walking fairly slow and seemed to be hugging it's self as it was walking.

"Whatever it is. It looks like it might explode." Joyce analysed.

So with me already knowing it and them having the thought implanted in their mind is shot it. And as expected it popped like a ballon. But a deadly one that was strong enough to wipe out the others Hive around it and even cause a chain reaction through the other ones causing enough damage to practically do half the work for us.

But what the cursed thralls didn't manage to do was get the withchs and wizards up in the air with their shields shooting their magic little lighting balls and trying to set up a poison field around us.

"That thing looks scary. Let's shoot it." Chase said halfway through shifting his aim to the wizzrd.

Without waiting for anyone he just started shooting and after a few bullet the shield fell but it manged to cast it's poison field around Chase.

"WHAT IS THIS STUFF IT"S HURTING ME?!" Chase screamed blinking out of the poison field. A/N(It's like a dome of poison around it's target.)

Luckily he managed to get out before it could kill him and so he wanted revenge so he dumped his whole mag into it and it died but he was still shooting it's ashes as it turned into darkness and it died.

"Dam that stung!" chase shouted.

"That would be a witch and that is it's ability poison field." Chase's Ghost formerly said.

After that whole ordeal my team got more accustomed to working together as we slowly wore down the Hive forces as their ships kept on jumping in and out dropping off more Hive. But bass manged to shoot a ship down with his rockets.

"WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Bass schouted at the top of his long after he shot it down.

"Nice one." Chase said with clear amusement.

After killing off th last enemies. A WHOLE FREAKING OGRE SPAWNED. I knew I was going to run into one sooner or late but I at least want an legendary first.

"REMEBER OUR MOTO. NOTHINGS BULLETPROOF, YOU JUST DIDN"T PUT ENOUGH BULLETS IN IT!!!!" Chase shouted while casting his super and then proceeding to mag dump. Everyone else followed soon with Bass getting close and slamming down stunning the orge further after Chases Nova bomb hit it. But it recovered quickly and started to fire it's beam of void energy at me so I cast my super wings of dawn while Flint and Joyce popped their as well. With me drawing the ogre's attention Flint stunned it and joyce was throwing her hammers at the eyes of the ogre dealing massive damage. With this Wombo Combo that ogre stood no chance.

After killing everything they saw that some emgrams dropped and were surprised when they were told that they hold weapons and armours. And even more surprised when they felt a surge of power because they 'leveled up' but they didn't know that.

But after this I could see in their eyes their yearning for more ingrams.

'It seems their catching on to the essence of Destiny' I thought