Inevitable Destiny..

On the other hand, Izumi was thinking why the system was somewhat silent... Didn't it said the first Quest was to travel new world then where the hell is the damn reward?

This is clear bullying.

I demands my rights!

Izumi was screaming and crying inside. Because the system seemed to have kinda forgot him and went on a little vacation.

(System: Swag Life🤘)


Coming out his depressed thoughts, Izumi was dumbfounded by the question Tio asked..

'Is she blind? Or had hit her head? Can't she see Grayfia standing behind me?' Turning off his rude thoughts he replied with straight face.

"Of course, it's my Fia-chan!!" Izumi happily grabbed Grayfia's waist and pulled her closer.

Hearing his answer a sudden realisation hit Tio, as she blushed from embarassment for forgetting about the woman who was standing next to him, since she was too engrossed in the boy's words.

"Oh, sorry for my rude behaviour. I'm Tio Klarus, former Princess of Dragonmen tribe." Tio introduced herself holding a red/black Ogi(folding fan) with a Dragon designs, infront of her mouth, causing her massive football to jiggled a little when she moved...typical Princess introduction.


Izumi and Grayfia raised their eyebrows at her introduction..

Getting out from Izumi's hold, Grayfia spoke.

"Grayfia Lucifuge, a Devil and a Dutiful maid."

"Izumi Miyamura, Human. I'm pretty sure you should have guessed it by now. Yes, we aren't from this world, you could call us outsiders or otherworlders." Izumi introduced himself and make sure to say mentioned that they were OtherWorlders.

He knew Tio has deep hatred against his target.

Him saying their origin meaning he wants her to join them.

The more people the better and he had other reason for saying that, he wanted to change her masochist tendencies.

The enemy of enemy is a friend!! And he was exactly doing that.

Tio was shocked hearing hearing their introduction.

'A Devil? Wait...Otherworlders? This means they may help me cleaning that 'God'.'

"Did you say OtherWorlders?" She asked again to confirmed her assumptions and seeing him nod proves it.

"And you don't seem to be a human. Why did you lie? I can feels it.... your power. It's far great than that both of us combined."

Tio questioned because she could his aura and it's clearly not human..She was sure he was lying. She knew even if the woman next to him and her combined their force they'd still lose.

'What?! I'm not a human. Must be because of Pureblood Uzumaki Bloodline. That's explained why my body never felt tired.' Izumi was startled then wondered when did he work out last time.

He didn't doubt her words. What she'd get by lying to him? He was sure her Dragon sense must be picked something up.

"I don't know what are you talking about, but I'm a Bonafide human." Izumi stated pointing his thumb at his heart.

"Well, may be it was just my imagination." 'How weird? He doesn't seemed to be lying.' She thought to herself.

"Um..uh.., I need your help in something. Will you please listen to my request?" Tio requested nervously.

It was first time she did something like this.

"No need, I already know what your request would be. I suggest you to travel with us after all we're here for the same goal. That is to destroy the fake God of this world." Izumi stopped her saying further and asked her to come with them.

'How did he know? Wait....Did he just say destroy that God? ....hehe...Who would have thought I'd hit jackpot this early? There was not a single lie I could detect from his sentences. Either he is changing his heartbeat after a sentence to deceive me or he does speak truth? Does this mean both of them are really here for that?'

This type of questioning thoughts was going on inside Tio's mind, but all of them disappeared like puff when she heard Grayfia's voice.

"Master, it's getting very late. We should find a place to rest for tonight, if not it'll affect your health." Grayfia said to Izumi. He was sure it was not question rather an order. Her glare made it obvious.

'Hey! Isn't that supposed to me, Who is the master here? Then when did our role reverses?' He thought but kept quiet and nodded. Grayfia glare softened a little seeing this.

Tio was not sure but she felt that their relationship looked very opposite from what she imagined.

'It's master who usually gives order and the maid obeys!!' That's what Tio, everyone who are reading this should've felt the same as her.

May be, this is what you called the term 'whipped'? I am not sure though.

Master & Servant reverse relationship?

Oh my God!! It's pretty weird to say atleast...


They slept inside a big cave where Tio had slept in her Dragon form and got control by a certain crazed mob original.

Grayfia put on two futon, originally they only needs one since they had another guest, she gave her one.

Izumi and Grayfia slept together on a one while cuddling with each other.

"Izumi, why you didn't you scold me when I spoke like that?" Grayfia asked obviously feeling down.

"And why I need to do that? I knew you was worried about me and isn't usually women scolds men when they didn't listen to them or overworked themselves. I does not want you to be an emotionless puppet, but as a lover and a woman who'd stand beside me. What's the difference it'd make if I only kept you as a trophy for decoration? If anything I'm glad that you corrected me everytime when I do something wrong, so there is no need to feel down. If you don't do that then who will. That's what all lovers do, help each other when needed."

Izumi was smiling during the whole process while caressing her beautiful face and then slide her white hairs behind her delicate ear.

Grayfia immediately smashed her lips into his, which surprised him since it was first time she had taken initiative to something indecent.

But since the dinner had been delivered, who is he to refuse?

He enjoyed it thoroughly and used his God tongue, same goes for Grayfia, battle for territory goes on for a minute, resulted in Izumi's win.

He immediately pushed his tongue inside her mouth, grabbing her left breast, causing Grayfia to moaned inside his mouth.




Couple of minutes later, they separated from each other as it was very hard to breathe for Grayfia.

There was saliva dripping from the corner of her mouth, she quickly slurped it like noodles and instantly became embarrassed remembering her previous actions, her face became blood red.

She was very delighted after hearing Izumi's, that she couldn't keep it together.... and acted purely on her instincts.

She felt something hard poking her stomach, knew what it was and immediately looked at Izumi who had a thick skin, was acted like nothing happened.

"If you..." She was interrupted with a sudden kiss from Izumi.

"Let's wait for another time....Even though I wanted to do it, now is not the time and place for it. I want our first time to be memorable." Izumi couldn't pretend anymore and like that they fell asleep.


Tio who was sleeping near, become red to the point something erupted in her. Her 'other' blood awakened, she feels suddenly refresh and full.

Thought, Is this the feeling of abandoned mistress? Kyaaaaa....!! Her perverted imagination ran wild after hearing Izumi's words. She knew they were kissing because she could heard Grayfia's moans. She felt a wet sensation at her nether region, and began to touch it, subconsciously.

....How ironic, Izumi thought that he had successfully avoided Tio being a pervert but never ever in his wildest dreams, he expected her to be turned into pervert just from hearing their moments, and being ignored.

Yes, she had becomes M. Destiny sometimes cannot be rewritten no matter what you do...may be rather it was 'Plot Armor'. Since she was one of the main heroines of the Story.

Her destiny was to become a hopeless pervert.

You can delay the inevitable but can't prevent it..

(Pic Of Thanos)


(A/N: Guess what... I'm adding R18 tag since I have already written the first actions between Izumi and Grayfia and it will be in Chapter Number 34 or 35..... )

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