Horland Town..Budding Feelings

Izumi opened his eyes and groaned because of the burning sunlight. Immediately last night's memories flooded inside his mind and smile appeared on his face.

"Why are grinning like that in the morning?" An irritated voice came out.

"Oh, nothing, it's just I remember something from last's night." Izumi playfully spoke and stood up, looking at the owner of the voice who was blushing.

'Wait... Is it my imagination or did she just blushed?'

"Well, Miyamura-san didn't you said that we've to go the nearest town?" Black haired beauty said changing topic since it was embarrassing for her.

Yes, it was Tio who was guarding him because Grayfia went to pick some fruits. Even though he didn't need it.

Izumi realized this, but couldn't do anything for his lover overprotectiveness and in a way you could say both of them are similar.

"After Fia-chan come back, we'll immediately leave for Horland Town in the Heiligh Kingdom. We need Adventurer Status Plates to clear The Great Oscar Labyrinth...to lessen the suspicions." Izumi spoke up while taking out his top, Tio blushed again seeing his well toned body and muscles coupled with his big tattoo.

'He is the most handsome man I've ever seen..I want him to dominate me..aahh... Damn! What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I thinking of these perverted thoughts everytime I see him?'

She was utterly confused why she was feeling like that.

Since her 'other' blood only awakened yesterday, it was in early stage so she could still supressed it. She still hadn't become a fully pledge pervert...yet.

"Let's go! We'll eat something there. Look, Grayfia has been standing there." Izumi had already changed into his favourite black T-shirt and same flexible jeans he wore yesterday.

Tio immediately came out from her stupor and followed Izumi.


Three of them arrived at their destination after 3 hours of continuous flying. Horland was located along the southwestern portion of the northern continent, so it was little difficult to travel for them.

Horland was a small town surrounded by a large cliff. It has one large pathway in the center that leads to the Great Orcus Labyrinth due to it being the primary reason why people travel there. In addition, it is full of various venders that try to sell their goods to travelers that visit. Several buildings, such as the Adventurer's Guild of Horland, were actually made out of the cliff walls that surrounds the town.

When they walked past the gate, many eyes were on their group. Honestly, Izumi didn't feel anything even though females were looking at him like he's some of delicacy but same couldn't be said for Grayfia and Tio. Many male adventures were glaring lecherously at them. There were obvious lust in them.

"I never thought it was such a disgusting place." Tio said with distaste... Grayfia agreed with her.

Theirs first impression of this town was very bad, it becomes worst and still going on... Izumi didn't say anything because he knew what kind of world is this, this type of reactions are pretty common here so he chose to ignore it.

They went to one of the best inn to rest even though he doesn't need to, as his stamina is vast but it was human's tradition so he still wants to try.

Once they arrived inside, first thing he wanted to do was to taste their quality of foods and it would be good place for gossips. He may found out if the plot had started or not...

But Hey! Guess what happened inside?


As they went towards the counter, Izumi feel glares penetrating his back. Of course he let them be, not gonna waste his time on some mobs, in case he poured more oil in the fire, thus increased their jealously three folds.

He held both Grayfia and Tio's waist and pulled them closer to him and released a bit of his aura.

Only a second later, those pests were on their knees. Their face was completely pale and the wet spots were visible on their pants.

To survive a pressure one's need strong will, but there were bunches of overgrown coward.

They obviously did what you expected them to do....

They immediately ran away with tails between their legs and others present there noted in their mind not to approach that man or his woman.

Izumi already mastered the 'Aura' and knows how to controls it. If he had released 20% percent then they'd have traumatized by it.

Izumi headed upstairs to the room with two beauty in his arms. It had two beds, a short table with three glasses and a Jug on it. He already expected this state so he wasn't faxed by this, same could be said for the other two.

Grayfia immediately began her work with Izumi went to check other side of the inn.

Leaving only Tio, who had a lost look on her face but no one noticed it.


It all began when Izumi grabbed her waist, she wasn't sure how to respond but she didn't denied his hand....If anything she felt very peaceful andprotected in his arm. It's a feeling she was carving for a long time. After her father and mother died, she never felt this kind of feeling until now.

She never let any man touch her or near her except her grandfather since she never had time for this. She trained trained and trained with one goal in her mind, i.e., to kill the one who ordered the massacre of her family or atleast die trying. And it also didn't help when those mens were only looking at her body with lust and how they claimed her for themselves...

She may look playful and naive outside but underneath that facade lies a wise and strong-willed woman with years of experiences.

She was a born genius after all. Only some could see through her underneath facade.

Izumi and Grayfia already knew about it but didn't pointed it out. It'd be great if she herself, on her own will open up to them.

She thought it would be best if she enjoyed her time like this while taking it slowly and forgot everything else. She didn't want to leave his arm. She feels safe here and wanted to stay like this forever... Suddenly, her mood turned gloomy when she realize he already had a woman and her beauty may compared with her.

Despite knowing that, she resolved her heart and decided to fight to earn his love. She definitely won't back down without a fight.

May be her feelings would be realized in most anti-climatic way.


It's not normal for a Dragon to fall in love this early....may be, but she was already more than 500 years old. She never felt this feeling with any males and it was only awakened yesterday along with her M side to which she had no idea.

Remember, in the canon she fell in love with Nagumo from their first meeting, but ignored by him everytime.

Dragons feels certain kind of feelings only when they meet with their lifelong mate. It will happen once a lifetime for them.

Cheating is a 'taboo' word for every Dragons.... It's impossible for that to happens.

Dragons never betrays their mates.

If Izumi didn't accept her then she'd die as her excessive love & lust for her mate would burst when time comes.

Tio was not aware of it yet, her feeling only bud yesterday as she was too busy to realized...


(A/N: This damn exams are making me hectic but I am still keeps on writing. Nothing beat in writting and reading except learning.)

Hope you enjoy the chapter!!

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