After an hour later, everyone was sitting in room. Izumi and Grayfia were on one side of the bed with Tio on the other.
Izumi only looked at Grayfia who nodded in understanding.
She immediately casted a strong barrier to stop eavesdroppers and intruders from listening to the talk.
But Tio took it in a wrong way, she was having perverted idea when she saw Grayfia create a barrier.
"W-what are you doing?" She squeaked as she began to imagine Izumi doing 'this' and 'that' forcefully.
Her face become red thinking about that.
"Hmm....oh that! She put up a barrier so we won't be disturbed while discussing our plans." Izumi answered her question.
"I-i see.." That was all Tio could say.
Somehow, she felt little disappointed in her heart.
But Grayfia clearly saw through her.
"Ara Ara, You're very naught Klarus-san." Grayfia giggled putting her hands on her mouth.
"No.. Noo!'s not what you're thinking...I-i was just scared...yeah just scared." Tio denied waving her hands like she has been caught during stealing.
Izumi chuckled at their interactions. He clearly understood that Tio was slowly developing her feeling towards him but he won't accept if Grayfia didn't give him permission if she did then he would give it a try. He thought that'd most likely to be happened.
He don't wanted to selfish even though his dream was to have a harem, however he was not sure how Grayfia would reacts to this news so in order to respect her he never brought it out.
Unknown to him, none of these would be necessary since Grayfia had already planned on how to make Tio loyal to him because she clearly felt it yesterday's night when that 'stick' poked her stomach. She was sure it'd destroy her and she'd definitely die.....
Called it a woman's intuition or whatever you want. It was ringing at alarming rate telling for upcoming disaster and she trusted her intuition because it saved her many times in past.
Well, she's scary. Women are Scary and her intuition are always accurate! That's what the Izumi would say in future.
Izumi began to explain the whole plan not leaving a single loop hole.
"First of all if information we're about to discuss inside this got out then we'd hunted by everyone I means everyone... Kingdoms, Churches and even demons." Izumi then look at Tio who was listening closely and said, "Tio, this is your last chance. If you want you can leave because we'd hunted down for what we are about to do."
He waited for her reply....and got exactly what he had expected.
"No, I am ready for whatever about to come. I trained very hard for this so I can't run away in last moment. Please elaborate... I'm in." Tio immediately answered clenching her hand.
"Now that she agreed, let me explain again. With our powers we will draw unwanted attention.... Probably caused massive manhunt if those mad cultists (churches) got winds of it. They'd definitely branded us as heretics if we don't submit to them and that's what I wanted to avoid the most right now... We'll need to atleast clear 2 Great Labyrinths after that those pests won't be problematic anymore."
At his words both Grayfia and Tio becomes serious. They knew they're powerful but not fools. Underestimating one's enemy would cause their downfall.
So they clearly understood Izumi's points.
He wanted to assured their powers before creating chaos... that's why they needed to clear minimum two or three Labyrinths.
Seeing their serious looks Izumi nodded and continued.
"Our main objective is to clear all the great labyrinths. Well, Grayfia since you're the fastest amongst us and your stealth skill is also top notch. I wanted you to steal 6 status plates from the branch located there." Izumi pointed his finger to the direction of the Horland Branch. Grayfia nodded but didn't questioned why he needed six instead of three.
"As I said before, reasons for various conflict in this world is religion....There exists one God who more or less who controls everything. His name is Ehito. He drives wars with his alternate names, sows chaos. All this are simply amusement for him." Izumi explained some of the atrocities committed by these God. Both Girl's glares intensified... especially Grayfia.
She herself was a demon and had her fair shares of experience in her world filled with wars, betrayal..etc,. But no one was controlling them or tricking them like in major scale, some may did but only in small amounts.. She found these methods disgusting. She wanted kill this being more now.
Izumi wasn't finished. Why he explained all this? Because he wanted to knows what they were dealing with. Grayfia would be fine but not Tio. She shut herself in a secular place and trained for years without knowing about current knowledge of this world.
Their opinion of him only got worse as Izumi kept explaining.
"He wasn't always a God. He was same as those Otherworlders who are being summoned here and you're looking for. He arrived along with some others. Their World was in verge of destruction so they settled here. They saw humans have no powers so decided to help them creating differents magic.
Eventually, all this started when some of them and decided to stop extending their lives and move on. Time goes on.... until he was last one left. By that time, he had declared himself as a God. However, in reality he is too afraid to die and move on. His fear forced him to take drastic measures like betraying his friends and do whatever it takes to stay. His body was only of mortal to it come it end and he becomes a wandering spirit. He created his domain with where he'd be invincible and called it 'Divine territory'. Thus, started looking for a new body.
He tried very hard to create superior human races but wasn't not lucky. Leading him to create vampire, dragons, demi humans and demons. Thousands of years passed on and nothing happened causing him start manipulation both demons and humans acting as their God with different names and counterpart to satisfy his boredom. That's how the war started and still going on."
"He waited and waited.... fucked pig-- stop..m b"
Error!! Error!! Error!! Error!!
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