Continuation & Onwards to the..

"He waited and waited as one day he heard that a Atavist Vampire girl was born, means she has ability to control all elements and powers, but the main point was that she had immortality. He also found out that, this news were joys to him. He immediately began preparation to obtain that body by destroying all of the vampires race. However, all his plan was foiled by a loving Uncle who kept his niece locked somewhere in underground Abyss of the labyrinth, by acting himself as a traitor/villain. All because he doesn't want her to find out that she was the reason why all the vampires were exterminated.

This enraged Ehito to no end but he couldn't do anything as he was afraid that someone may kill him if he leaves his domain. So he directed his angers towards the Dragonmen race." Izumi paused a bit and let them proceed everything.

He looked at Tio who was shaking in fury. He just kept silent and gave her time to digest the information and clear her mind. After all, it must be too hard for her to learnt the real reason behind her parents death, the massacre.

He was sure it'd be huge blow to their pride as Dragonmen.

Tio inhaled and exhaled....she kept repeating this method for 2 minutes.

Finally, she gave signal to Izumi to continue.

"Lately, he had got his hands on a ancient magic that used to summon people from other worlds....So he summoned otherworlders and made his Minions brainwashed them saying they were summoned to become Heroes.....and recent batch of groups have most potential to become strong and may end up becoming his vessel, excluding us of course."

Izumi took a breather as Tio finally questioned that have been mulling in her mind.

"You said that you're not same not same as them...why?" She was confused at this development.

"We're not summoned here. Unlike them who are here without knowing truth my lord knows the truth and given a task to complete." Grayfia solved her question.

Izumi was staring at Grayfia like she stole his favourite candy.

'How did she know about the Quest? Does she have one?' This question was running inside his mind.

But he quickly out it aside for now and thought to talk with her after completing the First Labyrinth.

"Umm, how are the Labyrinths related to this?" Tio raised her hand expressing her doubt.

"Well, you could say there were seven peoples who opposed to his rule and found out his identity. So in order to hide the truth, Ehito made humanity turned against them, causing them to go on a hiding. Thus, they're labelled as 'Liberators' or the history would refer them as 'Betrayer'. However, they learnt the magic of God's during the oppression which leads them to create each labyrinths or trials, ones needs to earn recognition to acquire the Age of God's magic and that's exactly our mission...Fuh!"

Izumi calmly stated and rolled down the bed in relief.

Looking over he realized it was already dark....What the hell!! How long I have been ranting his shitty biography? Shit! I should have not wasted my energy and thought of something sort but no...I kept on ranting and forget about the time...sigh.

"Let's sleep...we have to start our plan tomorrow." Finishing, Izumi immediately fell asleep.

Grayfia and Tio looked at each other and nodded.

Tio slept on her bed with various thoughts running inside, Grayfia checked the door lock, undo the barrier and slept with Izumi hugging him.

As for dinner, there was no need since they ate lunch before all this farce.. They could go on probably for weeks without eating thanks to their immense energy.


The next morning, Izumi and two girls were already awoke, standing infront of a large gate what you called a entry to Great Labyrinth.

Grayfia had sneaked out and stole 6 plates. Izumi took one and gave them one each, kept the remaining three inside.

Many eyes were glued to their groups, but none of them bothered them as the news had already spread about Izumi knocking half of the Green Rank with some white ranks adventures without lifting a finger.

Izumi, was of course happy that they won't be bothered by annoying bugs but happiness didn't last long as one bug shouted.

"What a nice piece of asses! Hmm, ladies why don't you come with me...may be we could hit off?" An oily bowl cut haired man said with a ligh closed lip smile...He had a huge belly on top of that.

His looks reminded Izumi of those celestial dragons in One Piece..


Everyone who heard this man had one thing inside their minds.

'That man really got three balls! But still chose the wrong people to mess up with.. You have our condolences brother!!'

The oily bastard was still looking at Grayfia and Tio with desires of lust in his eyes....was incognizant about Izumi.

'Tch! This bastard just ruined my beautiful mood. Gotta teach him some lesson... hehe' Izumi clicked his tongue as he thought turned dark..

Before he could do anything, it was already done by someone.. Izumi glanced at the culprit in maid uniform who looked back with innocent expression, without wasting any more time three of them left..










Oh, kinda forgot about the no name mob.

Let's juts say he was covered in ice with clear exception his face..

Ice Man Remake!

No one paid attention to him, they just turned blind eye and acted like he doesn't existed in first place.

Who told you to stick your claws at Orochi(slippery snake) lovely nest without knowing its consciousness! Now you're paying the price... We don't know you, so don't dragged us..!!

Everyone around said to themselves when they saw the Ice man was looking at them for help with snot flowing out...ughhh.


(A/N: How's the chapter... Hope you enjoy it. Oh, well I wanted to say that I changed and made up the reason why Dragonmen tribe were killed... Drop a review or fews to stones!)

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