Jealous Dragoness

"Fufufu~... It seems I've been found out and I forgot about the ring, Master~" A faint laughter resonated from their left, revealing a pair silver eyes and hair, greatly alerting Tio.

"G-Grayfia-san..." But seeing the person was Grayfia herself, she put her guard down.

"But how?"

It needed to be known that she had expanded her senses when she arrived here so seeing someone escaped her sense made her heart beat... After all, she could have died without even knowing how if it was an enemy.

"Ask him. It was him who taught me to hide my presence to this level and just know that it was not the highest..See." Grayfia showed the Ring of Halo to Tio.

She revealed it to her because she trusts her and was sure Izumi wouldn't mind since he had already accepted her as his lover.

"But it looks like an ordinary ring to me... I can't detect any magic power from it.." Tio frowned as it was true.

She truly can't sense anything special Or she couldn't, was a better way to put it.

Regardless, she was a woman and a woman mind change faster than the speed of light.

So she looked at Izumi with teary eyes.

'Oh man! Those are dangerous for my heart.' He sweated internally seeing how fast her gears were changing her target.

"Don't worry Tio-chan. I'm making another one but know that it's not an ordinary ring." He becomes serious during the last line.

"You don't believe me, right? Then why don't you try using your fire breathe at Grayfia's direction.." It was clear as day she didn't believed his words. So he wanted her to know through action.

Action speaks louder than words!

He grinned thinking what kind of face she would have when she saw its power at work.

I seriously needs to make a camera.

Wait, I can use Kagura Mind Eye just like I used it to restore all my knowledges, right?

Why didn't I think of that earlier? Am I getting rusty?

He thought putting his hand on his chin.

"Humph!" She just harrumphed and didn't said anything to him.

Her cheeks puffed as she moved her face at her target then released a big fire ball by exhaling, the whole surrounding becomes hot from the moment it came out.

The fire ball headed at Grayfia's direction but there could be no sign of movements seen from her side.

She just smiled and winked at Izumi making him smile at her in return.

Before it could hit her, it collided with something invisible around her then dispersed.

"W-what just happened?" Tio yelled in disbelief.

What just happened? She didn't even move from his orginal position. It's like something protecting her.

A Barrier? But where?

"Do you believe me, now?" Izumi smirked at Tio's clueless expression. She looks so beautiful and cute! He thought.

She had the same expression as Grayfia when she found out about this development.

I'm a genius..... ain't I?

He shamelessly praised himself.


"I want one!.... It's not fair that only she get to wear it!" Tio demanded with inflated cheeks after hearing about the ring and its functions.

"I already told you that it's working in progress.."

"Humph!" She again harrumph at him.

Izumi scratched his cheek with his finger. Finding it difficult to explain since she has already been dead set on it.

Because Dragoness loves treasures, especially from their mates.

So she got attracted to it the moment she laid her eyes and was throwing glances at Grayfia, who was smugly looking at her.

At this point calling her jealous would be an understatement.

He did what any man would do in this situation.

He hugged from behind then whispered something in her ear causing it to become red.

He also didn't forget about Grayfia....

"Come here Fia-chan." He warmly said as she immediately arrived and jumped at his free arm.

Izumi sat there holding their waist while they put their head on his shoulders. He could feel their breath hitting his neck and they felt his warmth from his hands.

"Tio-chan... Isn't usually Dragon fight before choosing their mate?" Izumi asked without moving his eyes from the stars.

"Well, that's how most of the Dragonmen found their partner, but there's another way of selecting partner..It was a myth until now."

"You mean....."

"Yes...If a Dragon feels certain attraction to the person they find interesting and felt his presence is what they need the most.. The mark would activated on their own marking them as a potential mate.

So far I'm the first one who had ever found my mate this way, albeit even it was unconscious reaction, since I didn't noticed until that day... And this process is only for female Dragon, atleast that's what written in our ancient book.."

He was little surprised but accepted it as he's not all knowing, Okay!

Suddenly something glowed near his neck.

"That's...the mark!" Tio tilted her head in confusion while Grayfia was worried that something might happen to Izumi.

"Oh.. It's looks like a Dragon." Izumi touched it as he found it interesting since the mark blended well with his tattoo but in next second it vanished.


"It's impossible... Absolutely impossible!" Tio stood up with pale expression, confusing both Izumi and Grayfia.

What happened to her? Why is she behaving like I stole her toy?

"Why are you shouting like that Tio?" Grayfia asked, still stayed in Izumi's arm.

"Because of that mark! It would only activate after the mating process and also it was very different from normal from what I've seen.."

"Oho..Is that so?.... So you're worried that he may not mate with you right?" Grayfia smirked as she knew that she hit the mark.

Tio's face immediately turned red and her pointy ears began twitching in embarassment.

Since her intention had been discovered.

"Ahh.. Don't worry that's unavoidable. I'm sure he'd eat you sooner than later.. Isn't that right, beloved master~?" Grayfia raised her head to look at Izumi, who was twitching his mouth....

"But of course, how can I ignore you my Fia-chan. As her Senpai and big sister, you must show Tio how it's done in a possible manner, right?" He countered attack with same teasing tone but had a glint in his eyes.

Ah... that's the face I was waiting to see!

He thought as he saw Grayfia's face lost all its colour.

It was that moment she knew she fucked up!

Meanwhile, Tio tilted her in confusion as she thought that there's nothing with Izumi's statement.

After all sister should help each other, right.. right?

Only if she knew ,i.e., only 'if'.

Unknowingly, she has already entered a path with no return.

But it'd be too late before she realized it..

May be it's for the greater good!!








Out of nowhere a huge pressure enveloped them, instantly breaking their moments...

"What was that? It came from our camping place. Enemy attack?" Instantly all of them stood up and faced at certain way.

Since that burst of mana was almost was equal to half of Izumi's power and it didn't help the fact that it came from the place they knew very well made them little worried.

'I just hope it's not what I think it is....' He had a person in his mind who could pull it off, but hope it was just his imagination.

"Let's go!" Izumi said in serious tone..

Three of them flew towards the source without any further delay.




So who was the culprit here???


Drop some reviews and power stones!

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