
Arriving they saw both Hajime and Yue were breathing heavily due to the pressure.

No! they are not weak... Let's just say they were in wrong place at wrong time... Not another word! Alright.

It just that sudden outbursts caught them off guard.

Gnashing his teeth, Izumi knew his guess was proven true.

He knew that it was Shia since he felt the mana was thicker than usual.

(A/N: How was the josh?!)

"Shit! I told her not to use 'that' when I'm not near.. That stupid bunny." He was beyond angry after all, the magic is not playthings, it could lead to permanent injures or even death.

He promised himself to punish Shia for this.

"Calm down Izumi! Your aura is leaking out." Grayfia tapped his shoulder causing him to woke up from his stupor then took control of his aura.

"Sorry... Sorry." He apologized, but was blown away in next instant.


"Izumi!/Izumi-Kun!" Both Tio and Grayfia shouted in terror fearing something might had happened to him.

They looked at attacker and had their eyes widened from what they saw..

It was Shia!!

How come she did that?

But what are those red aura surrounding her?

They remembered Izumi saying something about special power of Shia's and how it might become curse instead of a boon if left unchecked.

You're saying she has activated that power of hers?

That's insane!

Both of them had similar thoughts running inside their mind.

It was Shia but not Shia at the same time.. Because her hair had turned white along with her red eyes even her whole body was choclate coloured. And the bone chilling red aura started to form into of something.

She clearly looked like a Demon!

Before she could attack again, pairs of white segments of chains with the blade on the front capable of acting as a striking weapon launched at a high speed, from the place where Izumi was blown away..

All of them looked towards the source from where it's coming..

Izumi was standing in the air with chains coming out from his palms but the most noticeable features was his eyes.. They were completely white, devoid of any emotions opposite to that of current Shia's.

And the pressure he was emitting was ten times greater than the berserker Shia, but all of them were safe because of Grayfia's barrier..

Yes, there was a Halo like transparent barrier protecting them as it activated sensing the danger level from Izumi's..

"Izumi....." Grayfia and Tio had a worried expression on their faces...

But the one who suffered the most was 'Shia'.

She was struggling to stand. The whole area around them had been crushed under his pressure, and it didn't help the fact he added Gravity to it..

Remember he was doing in unconsciously..

The chains instantly appeared and caught her off guard then began to wrapped around Shia..

It generally binded her weapon, limbs, shoulders, neck, and abdomen, rendering her completely immobile. It continuously twisted and tightened with enough force to attempt to tear off her head, but thankfully Izumi came back to his sense.


"What the hell!! .....Shit!" He immediately loosened the chain and instantly arrived behind her then knocked her out.


All the chains dispersed into smoke..

He plopped down and wiped his sweat..

'Thank God.. I didn't kill her...but what's up with those chains? I know it's Adamantine Chains but isn't it usually in golden color? Ugh!.. my mind is pretty messed up now.' He held his head and felt his vision was getting darker.

He immediately lost all his strength and passed out on top of Shia.


Everyone screamed in panic however Grayfia and Tio were the only ones ran at him with face full of tears seeing him fall unconscious all of a sudden.


"Fuh! He's fine..Just exhausted.. May be it's related to strange chains we saw and Shia is also fine. It is as if she never did anything." Hajime said unsurely about Shia's case.

"Anyway.....what were those eyes? Just from a glance my body felt goosebumps and my hair stood up as if it .... -"

"It want to devour you right?..I felt the same as you...but Izumi-Kun would never do that." Tio said in loving tone by finishing Yue's sentence.



"You seem happier when you mentioned his name...Did something happened?" Yue questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course, it's because we're lovers." Tio stated like it's a matter of fact, earning several twitches from everyone present there.

"And you're okay with her being in relationship with your man?" Yue sent a questioning look to the silver haired maid who was sitting near Izumi while rubbing his hands.

But when Grayfia heard her question, she in turn sent a look to Hajime, which Yue understand, what she wanted to convey..

"Hajime please leave us alone... No questions, it's girls talk.." Yue performed a zipped gesture and told him to get out.

Hajime, of course like a any whipped man, left without even wasting a second.


"No I didn't feel anything because I know he'd never abandon me... after all I was the one who told him to pursue other woman but that's doesn't mean I would allow him to think with his third leg." There was not a single breathe of jealous could be found from her words.

Yue was surprised by her reply while Tio was glad to have a sister like Grayfia.....

After all from what she knew that if a man had a second wife then his first wife would never accept her and make her life miserable..

Yes, Polygamy is legal in this world but the harmonious relationship between wives isn't.. There ought to be fight between them for simple things like inheritance, birthright, etc..

On the other hand, Yue was thinking whether she could do like what Grayfia did..

Can she ever bring herself to allow Hajime to have another woman besides her...?

Seeing Yue like that Grayfia smiled wryly because she could understand what going on inside her mind.... After all, she has already passed through that phase before.


"Ugh!!" A painful groan escaped his mouth as he opened his eyes.

"Izumi-Sama/Izumi!" When he heard two familiar voices, he let out a smile to reassured them.

He knew they were worried about him after all those stunts he pulled... It'd weird if no one was worried.

But it didn't worked as both them dashed and jumped at him causing him to sighed and spread his arms wide for them.

They snuggled closer to him and held him tightly as if they're afraid he might leave them.

"Geez.... I'm fine! I'm fine. I'm going nowhere" He rubbed their backs and felt happy that he still had someone that he could return to.

No matter how many time it had been, he always felt like all of it was a dream.

"Miyamura Izumi" This broke their reunion as all of them looked at the source of the voice..

Both Grayfia and Tio flushed since they had forgotten about another person inside the room..but Izumi answered.


"If you ever hurt my sister, then I'll hunt you to the end of the world..." Saying in 'dangerous' tone, Yue left as she felt like a third wheel there...and formed a smile from what she heard next.

"Don't worry that word doesn't exists in my dictionary... atleast in my family dictionary, not sure about my enemies though...."

Izumi chuckled at his own sarcastic remark.


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