
Izumi's eyes immediately shot open as he saw a familiar ceiling.

Looking at his side he noticed Grayfia was still asleep and fine.

Sighing in relief, he touched his sweaty face.

Man, that was a hell of an experience.

'So in the end they helped me, but still..'

He thought as he couldn't shook those feelings he felt.

Weak, Despair, Lost, and most importantly, Fear.

He clenched his fist just remembering it.

He felt so tiny infront of them.


He glanced at Grayfia who was sleeping happily on his arm. He could only imagined what would have happened to her if he had died.

She would definitely break and beyond. After all, he would done the same since both of them are each other light. Same could be said for Tio and Shia.

Of course, as long he live he would never let anything happen to them.

Regardless of his fear, he had gratitude towards those two beings. If not for their interference this whole buliding or even worst half of the city would have been lying in ruins.

He fully well knew of his own power. And the fact he unleashed every bit of his strength there, just to stand halfway and his bones cracking sounds proved that something might had happened here, contrary to expectations everything was alright.

'Sigh, really I should stop slacking. Atleast, I know they won't harm anyone dear to me. I should delay those dark plans. Now it's time to obtain those powers from this world. But why am i feeling weird?'

Thinking this, he began to feel sleepy and in few seconds he was fully asleep showing how wasted he was.

Unbeknownst to him, a warm cracked current whirling around waiting to burst out from the final shackles as his body glowed purple for a moment.


"..So we're departing today." Izumi finished explaining everything to Meld as Loa was busy protecting Heroes...or Villians that's what everyone calling them now.

Grayfia stood by his side, and she could tell something happened to Izumi since she felt his bloodlust for a second then it vanished at midnight.

She was trying to stay awake after that, then all of a sudden she felt drowsiness. She knew it was something related to him so she didn't fought and gave up.

Well, what a scary woman!

"Also, that girl named Kaori is coming with us.. Well, that's what Hajime said to me."

Izumi shrugged as he knew this would happen.

"Good for her. I know how she suffered from his supposed death.. Other boys would probably make commotion seeing their crush leaving...haha." Meld laughed as he was looking forward to seeing their faces.

"Take care..and don't forget to do the part of your deal. I'll do mine. Here." Izumi stood up and gave Meld something.

"What is this?" Meld questioned.

"It's an emergency seal. If you're danger it'll activate to protect you and the people close to you."

Grayfia had already created the magic circle so Izumi just walked in, not before warning Meld.

"Better look your back. Hajime's fall was not an accident." He said with a mysterious tone then disappeared.


What does he mean??.. Hajime's death was pre-planned... But there was no one except us and his..... classmates.

"No way!" Meld shouted in disbelief as his gears started to turn.

He never ever thought that his students would try to kill his own comrade in arm. This idea never occurred to him untill now.

Yes, he was the one who took care of them and even taught them some stuffs.

He knew Hajime suffered harsh bullying due to his Synergist skill and also aware of Kaori's feelings for him.. So the one who tried to get rid of him was the one who had some crush on that girl and wanted him get out of his way.

The more he thought the more his face darkened.

"I gotta tell this to Loa.. Damn those priests!"

Meld immediately ran towards the guild main room not before cursing those priests who made his students like this.

After all they were the one who never let them learn anything other than killing Demons to protect Humanity and that made some idiots to become delusional.


When both Izumi and Grayfia appeared near the gate of town, they saw Hajime and Kaori was about to kiss with Yue looking at Hajime murderously.


Hajime and Kaori immediately looked at the source and Izumi swore he saw steam coming out of Kaori's head.

"You!" Hajime glared at Izumi like he stole his girlfriend.

"Haha.. You should thank me, Cyclops. Just look there." Izumi pointed at one direction. Hajime followed his finger and saw Yue was emitting some kind of scary aura.

It was obvious what happened next.


"Papa!" An excited voice came out as both Shia and Tio appeared with Myuu on Tio's arms. She looked really refreshed after sleeping for a day.

"My..My.. Myuu-chan. How sad. You forgot about your Onee-san as soon you saw Papa...Wah...Uuu." Tio was shedding crocodile tears, feeling jealous of Izumi's luck.

"Noo..Noo!" Myuu waved her tiny hands dismissevly. "Tio-Oneechan.. You're wrong. I love all of you. But Papa is Myuu's first priority." As soon she said that, the temperature around Izumi went cold for a moment before returning to normal.

Izumi shuddered as he noticed the stern look his beloved Fia-chan was sending.

Grayfia couldn't leave in the middle of her duty when she saw Myuu and her words poured made her annoyed for some reason.

"Ahem! Hajime. We're leaving." He shouted at Hajime who was talking with both Kaori or Yue....more precisely acting as a mediator.

He nodded, but Kaori asked something to him.

"Hey! Izumi. Do you mind if another one tag along?" He asked as he had recognised Izumi as the leader of their party.

Izumi thought for a second then agreed as long he/she don't interfere with him or his plans. May be he would leave Myuu with them.

"Come on... Shia, Tio and Myuu-chan. Get in." Izumi called & gestured everyone to enter inside the Sleipnir, leaving only Fia and him outside.

He instantly turned back and kissed her, then quickly entered inside.

Grayfia was stunned as her cheeks reddened with his public displaying of affection. She touched her lips and a small smile appeared on her face.

She obliviously felt happy but also curious why he did that. Not that she hate it though.

"Come on, Fia-oneechan. We'll be late." Myuu's voice managed to wake up Grayfia from her entranced state. "Coming, Myuu-chan." She replied with a warm smile as her duty was come to halt when she was with her family that's a new rule she had made.

She sat in usual place and with that they left towards their next destination.


(A/N: I'll be skipping the labyrinth exploration only write some details on what happened there. From here on I'll be focused on fighting.)

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