A happy Izumi

Izumi was walking on the air, then heard smashing sounds.

He quickly went into the opposite direction and was surprised to see Shea aggressively swinging her Drucken.




And she was doing it with pure adulterous(lol) strength, as it was the training regimens given by Izumi to improve her speed and agility. Her bunny ears were constantly twitching and her sweaty bodily curves were making Izumi unable to lose focus from her figure.

Snapping out of his trance, he smiled mischievously as he licked his lips.

He disappeared and instantly arrived behind Shea, with his hand on her neck and said.

"Here checkmate! You should be aware of the surroundings even during practices, don't let your guard down."

"Eh?!" He was startled when Shea disappeared and felt something coming for his head. He dodged her attack by squatting down.


"Of course not, I never let my guard down, Izumi-chan." Shea said breathing heavily as it was a full powered attack.

"Were you trying to kill me with that?" Izumi asked with an unbelievable look. He clearly felt that attack. If he was second late, he head would have been crushed by blow.

"No..No. I knew you would dodge it. I-humph!" Izumi interrupted her by kissing her ferociously, roaming his hands all over her body. He groped her boobs, then slipped his hands inside her sort skirts to tease with her bouncy ass.

Shea was having a time of life. Ever since she confessed to Izumi, they would always do actions like this and for some reason he never went any further than this. But she knew that haste makes waste so she never complained and enjoyed his kissing by grabbing his head.

After kissing for 15 minutes, their lips separated from each other, leaving a trail of saliva, indicating their little connection. Shea slurped and complimented. "That felt great."

"And it seems you've indeed improved in this area. Now you could stay longer than 10 minutes without losing your breath."

"So I've been wanting to-"

"I know what you want to ask and I am also doing this for a reason. Don't worry I'm not planning to make you stay virgin. Scratch that I'll tell you, I'll take your virginity the day I freed your race from slavery. So better be prepared to get bedridden after that." He turned around to leave before giving one last kiss.

"Also your reaction was a little too late. Check your left neck. Also don't train recklessly, give your body some rest." After implying this he disappeared.

Shea unconsciously touched her neck and realised he was right. There was a small cut wound, but a grumpy voice woke her up from her stupor.

"Hey, You're useless! Are you still in the daze? Look how easily he defeated you. Hmph! If you want to stay like this then do whatever you want." Shalter harrumphed at Shea and Izumi's interaction but deep down she was feeling jealous at Shea as she promised to let her take over when Izumi kissed her.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Shalter-chan. I forgot about you for a moment. I really am sorry." She apologized and stuck out her tongue.

"YOU!! How dare you! Just you wait." Shalter was beyond angry after hearing her reason and vowed to take her revenge later.

'He still remembered his promise. It feels really good to be taken care of. A shoulder to lean on. Mom, I've finally found my own happiness.' Shea was recalling her first meeting with Izumi and how he promised her to help her tribe. A tear dropped thinking about her mother. She gently touches her finger, her ring to be exact.

Izumi had given her after their confessions.

Finally, she was glad to have this curse..no, it's not a curse anymore.

It's a blessing.

Since having this power she got to meet with her lifelong partner and sisters-to-be, also was introduced to many different things.


Izumi finally arrived at his destination with a big smile etched on his face.

"She really tastes sweet." He muttered with his hand on his lips.


He coughed to erase the budding lustful thoughts and called out, "Yaegashi-san."

Shizuku who heard someone calling her name, turned around and saw her crush waving at her.

"Miyamura-kun, when did you arrive?" She asked while inwardly admiring his handsomeness and stealth skill.

"Just now." He replied then said looking at her sword. "So how was it, the katana?"

"It's great and I could easily strike down the Monsters faster than before. So thank you for gifting me this wonderful katana." She bowed to Izumi, who waved it off saying it's okay.

A Kissaki Moroha-Zukuri-style

double-edged katana with a black blade made of compressed Azantium. It was a gift from Izumi to Shizuku which she was grateful for, as it allowed her to utilize her signature Yaegashi Style techniques. He gifted it to her knowingly about her family's true background.

"So I heard you wanted to spare with me?"

"Ah, yes. I want to know how far I'm from you. I know you're a swordmaster as everyone said that only you could help me. So.." Shizuku closed her eyes while crossing her fingers, hoping Izumi would agree.

"Haha, of course I'd be glad to help you. I may not be best but I certainly know many moves." Izumi chuckled seeing Shizuku's weird action and what he said was true.

He might have Weapons mastery but would definitely lose to an experienced swordman, albeit narrowly.

So he never behaved arrogantly while handling weapons.

"I hope you're prepared, Shizuku-san. Can I call you that? Honestly I was never the one to use the last name to call someone. You can me Izumi."

Shizuku nodded shyly. "...I-It's okay Izumi-kun. I don't mind if you call me by my given name."

It was a new sensation for her. Except for her close friends, no one even called by her given name, not even Cookie and Hajime.

So in a way you could say that Izumi was the first boy who ever used her given name, which makes her happy as he was her crush after all.

Unware of the damage he did to the pure hearted girl, he readied himself as Lucifer appeared in his right hand.

Its very presence made the atmosphere very bleak.

Shizuku unsheathed her katana and got into her stance. There was a purple colored ribbon tied on its handle, making it look very beautiful.

She knew it'd be difficult to use her family arts but who cares. She no longer cared about keeping it a secret.

Izumi took a step forward.


Almost instantly, Izumi arrived directly in front of Shizuku, his speed was almost incredible. Of course in Shizuku's eyes.

But it was very slow for Izumi.

He was sparing with her not fighting her to death, alright.

Shizuku was already vigilant of Izumi, barely caught his movement, but she had no time to fight back. She could only wave her katana.


With one move, Shizuku's figure flew backward.

Her hands were shivering. She clearly felt that attack and knew if it was an old sword it'd have been destroyed by that. The only reason her sword was intact was because it was made by Izumi himself.

She can't lift her sword due to aftershocks, making her realise how she was compared to others.

'Is this it? Are my efforts insufficient? But I've never neglected practicing Sword Arts training and had trained even hard, to stand close to these anomalies....to him.'

"Come on, get up. If you can't take a simple attack like that then you better give up, your path to becoming a master swordswoman." Izumi mocked Shizuku as he saw through her dilemma and understood it instantly.

Her confidence was wavering.

He can't have that, can he?

This was exactly what he felt facing those beings.....no it was far worse than this but he still did not give up.

If he had done that then now he'd be lying in place worst hell.


Shizuku's mood was completely disturbed by something that was totally unexpected to her and his mocking words rubbed the salts in the wound.

Shizuku stood up and sent a dangerous glare at Izumi, who in turn smiled at her.

He again appeared in front of her and tried to repeat the same process, surprisingly she managed to evade it.


The shockwaves produced from his attack razed the ground.

"Oh, Now that's what I'm talking about." He grinned ear to ear as finally found someone worthy, someone who could evade his attack.

Even Grayfia could do more than this but she refused to practice with him as weapons weren't her cup of tea. She would use it only if the situation requires.

It doesn't matter whether it was luck or not.

But it was just a normal move.

As for why, her katana wasn't destroyed since Lucifer could cut through anything.

Well, Izumi deactivated it, making Lucifer a normal sword.

Shizuku smiled lightly then suddenly the blade in her hands fell on the ground. She had used every ounce of her will power and strength to stand and evade that attack. She knelt on one knee and tried to stop her from shaking.

"You're surely strong, you know. Not anyone could see through my attack, much less evade it. So from now on I'll be your training partner, come if you have any problem."

Izumi said while extending his hand towards Shizuku.

She felt happy when her crush praised her and was about to accept his hand, several huge explosions were heard in the direction of the house making the ground shake.


Izumi's eyebrows rose and his eyes flashed with anger. He simply grabbed Shizuku's waist, shocking the girl and flew towards the explosion without wasting any time.

What kind of situation awaits him? Kindly wait for the next chapter.


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