An expected attack

A/N: I know some readers are feeling bored due to me stretching the story or explaining too much but this is my first time writing a serious one and I'm still a novice author.

I can't write like those experienced authors, at least not now.

Those scenes cut types and short types of explaining aren't possible now.

This kind of experience is new to me..So obviously, the story may be bad but I'm trying my hardest.

And English is not close to my main language, so grammar is not that good.

Also different people have different concepts. My main character may not be likable to many.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. Peace ✌️ out.

(1503 words)


(A few moments earlier)

Remia and Grayfia were in the kitchen while Shea, Tio were playing with Myuu.

Myuu was seemed to be smiling a lot which everyone noticed and knew the reason.

The little girl always wanted a full and happy family. Now she had one, so how could she not be excited.

"Tio-Oneechan, what is this strange necklace?" Myuu threw a question at Tio showing a strange multicolored necklace wrapped around her neck.

Tio widened her eyes as it was the first time she noticed this. Grayfia paused her work and listened.

"Tell me Myuu-chan, where did you get this necklace?" Tio asked seriously even forgetting that, she herself was wearing a Ring but her's was different. It was visible to naked eye. Contrary to Myuu's, it escaped her, it fooled her senses.


"Umm, it's a gift from Papa. He said with this all bad guys won't be able to hurt Myuu and said I look beautiful on it. Papa is awesome, isn't he?" Myuu pumped her fist into the air and praised her Papa.

Of course, it could only be him. With this overprotectiveness, he would be the only one to do something like this. I am such a fool for not realising.

Tio scratched her head and chuckled inwardly.

Shea seemed to be thinking about something.

Grayfia sighed in relief then continued her cutting. Remia just smiled at her daughter.

As long as she was happy nothing matters for her.

'Still Papa, huh? I wonder if Izumi-kun would see me as an opposite sex.' Remia shook her head to get rid of those thoughts and focused on making lunch.

"Get down!" Both Grayfia and Shea shouted at the same time as their rings glowed, forming a double-halo barrier.


Grayfia and Tio could see who it was.

Three gigantic and monstrous black wolves up to 15 metres. They had blood red eyes and dark green pelt that flows majestically in wind.

(Pic here)

However their eyes were on the man covered in the hood, standing in the middle.

They immediately understood it was a planned attack and the target seemed to Remia.

Only those Wolves would be problematic since they seemed to be in some sort of trouble state.

Mind Control! They immediately guessed the answer.

Tio could tell it by seeing the chains wrapping around their necks and legs. It's like they were being restrained and recently got freed.

This might be a little troublesome.

Tio glanced at Grayfia who nodded at her, then at Shea who was hugging Myuu.

Shea also nodded at Tio then took a step back.

She was about to transform, but stopped when a particular voice rang inside her mind, making her smile widened. Both Grayfia and Shia also got the message.

But she doesn't need to transform anyway. The barrier won't break. Well, it was an instinctive action from her.

"HAHAHAHA..Mia-chan, aren't you delighted to see me after so many years? I hope you still remember this face." The man spoke and laughed crazily, exactly like a typical villain.

Remia was shivering in fear. The voice she never wanted to hear had appeared.

The person that gave her countless nightmares.

The person whom she hated with her whole being.

Her ex-husband!

"Where is our little Myuu-chan? I want to see her. After all..."


"Scary.. Very scary." The man acted scared then ordered coldly. "Kill everyone except those two merfolk."

Three wolves grunted in pain, probably trying to resist the order, but in vain. In a few seconds, their eyes glowed as they pounced towards three directions.

Grayfia, Tio and Shia. Three just stood there defenseless..

"Ohoho, Did you already give up without a fight? Sorry but I can't stop these freaks. You should have told me beforehand. It's a pity that I couldn't enjo-" The man hadn't completed his words as he found several white chains stabbing his body at an insane rate.


Cracking sounds were heard all over the house. Blood keeps on splashing all over the ground and corner. The chains are constantly penetrating his body.

It was pure cannibalism.

Remia felt nauseous and vomited seeing gruesome torture. But she was very happy to see her family killer get the punishment he deserved.

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out the person responsible for this.

"Stop it, Izumi-kun! He's already dead! And Myuu-chan is here."


(Seconds before)

"Is this an attack?" Shizuku asked wrapping her hands around Izumi's neck.

A sweet smell invaded her nose, making her snuggled closer. She could feel his abs and muscles and wondered how much he trained to be like this.

She immediately snapped out of her thoughts when she noticed a glint in Izumi's eyes.

Honestly, she felt scared seeing it so close, but more than she felt warm and protected.

"Shizuku-san, get ready to fight. There are a couple of monsters attacking the town. Take this seal and use it when necessary. It'll forcefully bring out your hidden potential."

Izumi said and handed her a red bracelet seal and reminded her. "Remember it'll only work for 5 minutes, after that you'll be vulnerable. Don't worry I'll arrive before you know. Also you can consider this as training. Use it only when you need it." He assured and left after giving her another warning.

Shizuku clutched the seal and nodded in understanding, inwardly feeling happy as this was the first time someone cared for her.

Usually, she always puts up a cold and brave front to protect her friends but deep down she also wants to be protected.

She noticed a monster near her, terrorizing the place and sprinted at it unsheathing her Blade.

The monster also noticed someone entering its range and threw a huge log. Shizuku dodged it easily and swung her sword saying, pouring a little magic.

"Thunder Blossom."

An electric slash in the form of a flower released from her blade and landed on the monster.


It groaned in pain and died, surprisingly there was no core.

She shrugged and moved onto the next one while thanking Izumi for the blade.

It's name is 'Black Blade' by the way.


Izumi arrived and saw the previous beautiful mansion was now in complete ruins.

Then saw three gigantic wolves and could tell they were under control.

But that doesn't matter now.

How come they looked like Fenrir, The God Devouring Wolf?

The fuck he got those from! I'm sure these kinds of monsters weren't shown in the anime nor in the novel.

Another butterfly effect.

But he decided to think about them later and directed his gaze at the man who was busy taunting and didn't notice his arrival.

He opened his palms and six white chains appeared from it. The blade on the front of the chains shone and launched straight at high speed in a single direction.

".....I couldn't enj-" It impaled the man at various places and kept on repeating, going as far to make various holes on the ground.

He just stood there and watched the chains doing its job.

If anyone were to see this scene, they would definitely believe that the chains were alive.

He came to a halt after hearing Shia's scream.

He pulled back the chains and then made it dispersed.

The body's meat was lying and it was beyond decimated.

It was a gore torture.

The three wolves fell down as soon as the controller died. They began to glow as the red light illuminated the whole sky then vanished.


"Did I imagine it?"

He shook his head and jumped in.

Izumi frowned when he saw three bloodied junior wolves laying on the floor, heavily breathing.

(Pic Here)

(A/N:Ignore the colour. Just imagine them in a dark green colour.)

He couldn't believe these cute junior wolves were so domineering earlier.

He didn't hesitate and used the divine water on them.

"Phew, I was right. They evolved forcefully. Even their tissues were not spared." He looked at them again then sighed.

"Fia-chan, please look after them. Give them some milk and meatballs. They looked like they've not eaten anything for days." He told Grayfia who arrived and gave her a deep kiss before flying away.

"You!" Grayfia blushed, pointing at Izumi as she was caught off-guard when he suddenly kissed her in front of Myuu and Remia, who had already got over her previous state and was doing the legendary 'Ara-Araing'.

Actually, it was her way to hide her own reddened cheeks.

Tio and Shia only pouted while Myuu tilted her in confusion.

Grayfia stared at Izumi's direction fiercely then sighed.

She picked up the three malnourished pups and gestured Remia and others to follow her.

Remia showed a worried expression as she could feel their pain. But couldn't describe it properly.

'Is this what Izumi-kun had warned me about?'


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