
The whole town was in chaos after many monsters were seen destroying everything in their paths.

Similar things were happening at the border,

A mutant beast appeared to be destroying everything that stood in its way from the sea. Even the soldiers were helpless and couldn't do anything to stop it.

Many Merfolk were panicking seeing utterly destroying their gates and bridges. Some children were crying, feeling scared of these ugly looking monsters.


But at that moment. When all hope were lost and despair had taken over, something unexpected happened.

A miracle!

(A/N: Hehe, I really wanted to say this.)

The sea seemed to have collapsed.

Under the shock and horror filled gazes of the people, the monster was shrouded in some kind of strange power, and in one second it squeezed and crushed and turned into countless pieces of meat and bones.

Everyone looked dull and their faces were blank.


They just don't know what to say. A minute ago, they were about to be crushed by that monster and in the very next moment their situation kinda reversed, that monster had become a meat.

It was very anticlimactic.

"Don't worry. It was just some minor nuisances. Go back to your respective home and don't come out for a while...if you want to live, that is." A commanding voice could be heard from above.

When they heard a voice, their mouth twitched in annoyance. They looked at the origin of the voice and saw a familiar handsome man with blue eyes, standing in the air.

I'm sure you probably guessed who it was?

A minor nuisance, he says? That monster just destroyed the whole Eriksen fort alone and you're saying a minor nuisance. Hmph!

But they didn't protest against him since it was him who saved them after all, so they swallowed their thoughts and silently left towards their respective house to take shelter.


Another growl sounded out from his left, a four-legged monster with an eagle head rushed at Izumi's direction, before it could jump, its entire body crushed to the ground and it couldn't move. Under the terrifying gravity, the entire area appeared to be cracked.

Izumi used the force of Gravity, although he was not serious.

Some people who witnessed this scene couldn't help, but marveled at Izumi's power.

Even Saluz had a relieved expression on his face, he was glad that he didn't cause any trouble for Izumi when they first met.

Some sort of respect, fear and worshipped feelings formed in the heart of the Dagon race.

They saw Izumi as their saviour, their God...maybe.


'Someone was spying on me!'

Izumi looked up and narrowed his eyes threateningly.

His insane sense picked up someone's gaze on him.

'I see. So he finally stepped into the game. And here, I was wondering who was spying on me.'

He laughed to himself.

Oh! Izumi knows very well. Ehit, that bastard won't bother with a small insect like him.

Tell me if you by chance stepped on an ant, will you care about it?

That's a big no.

Then how can a Self-proclaimed God bother about him.

So it was somebody else doing his dirty work.

No matter what. He'll do everything from his side to complete the quest.

His blue aura flared up along with the gravity force, crushing every monster around him.




He ignored the bone cracking noises and landed near the sea. He whistled loudly and a huge figure rose from the water, high waves formed in the sea. However this caused him to sigh in relief.

"River!" He exclaimed but there was relief in his eyes. He had gotten very fond of her and Myu would become sad if something were to happen to her.

"Okay I understand. No one is going to disturb you again. Go back to sleep. I'll call you later." He shooed her away after hearing her constant complaints.

'Thank God! She was asleep.' He again released a sigh, though it was weird that she wasn't disturbed by this much noise.


"Hmm, did something happen on the other side?" He whispered to himself then picked up a walkie-talkie.

Yes, you heard it right. A walkie-talkie. He made it instead of the phone, since he saw no need after his Kagura Mind Eye evolved.

Only three people had these. Ilwa, Lao and Cam Haulia.

"Hello! Is everything okay?" He answered.

"No. Not at all. The King and those cultists labelled you and your group as an enemy of the world. Even exaggerated some of your deeds and said you're more dangerous than the last 7 Traitors, of course many didn't believe their words but it's only a matter of time before they did... They also branded you guys as Heretics and going as far to put a huge amount of bounties on your heads. I can still go on."

Izumi's expression changed when he heard bounties.


This is not fucking One Piece for fuck sake!

"Anything else?" But he didn't panic as it was within his expectations.

"Huh? Are you not afraid?" The person on the other side couldn't help but ask in bewilderment.

".....Loa-san If I were to be afraid of something like this then I would have died long ago, you know.. So is there anything else?" He asked calmly.

"Sigh, yes. I have found some clues about the 'thing' you told me about."

As soon he heard this, Izumi almost squealed in anticipation.

"It's in Hoelscher Empire. There was some rumor about a new, shining metal being sold in Auction House. So I had some of my men go there and purchased a 30cm rod in 4 Gold coins. Honestly I don't understand what you see in this. It is just shiny, tough and nothing else."

Izumi cleared his ear thinking he might have misheard. His eardrum must be getting rusty.

What did he just hear?

4 Gold coins....Man, he almost coughed blood.

A metal that could survive multiple nuclear blasts is being sold at cheapskate.

If it were to be heard in the MCU world, a certain paranoia would have plucked his remaining hair on his bald head.

Leaders of that world had to sell their country's wealth to buy 1/4th of Adamantium and here they're selling it as vegetables.

'Good grief. Well, the less they know, the better.'

"Are you sure it matched the piece I gave you?" He still asked just to be sure.

"Yes." Loa replied.

"Okay. You've my thanks for this. I'll fulfil my bargain. Just press the upper button if you ever land in trouble and I'll be notified."

Saying this he cut the call, and put it away.

He closed his eyes and tried to sense the presence of a certain someone.

"Ohh? She's already home and the town has already been cleared of monsters. I guess I should return as well and relay the news." He didn't waste any time and walked away with his hands inside his pockets.

The wind was ruffling his hair. It even passed through his unbuttoned part of his shirt, showing a glimpse of his Celtic Tribal Tattoo.


Please give me power stones and reviews!

See you next week!

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