
A/N: Well guys, I need your help right now.

Suggest a good but menacing nickname, so that I could select the best one for my Main character.

Maybe the best one wins.

You know sometime google sucks.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. Peace ✌️ out.



Arriving near the mansion, Izumi was slightly surprised at how fast the things were progressing.

He saw everyone were sitting on what seemed to be a broken wall. Even Myu was not complaining, after all the house was nearly destroyed so she should be feeling uncomfortable, right?

'I guess she is trying to become mature, huh.' He chuckled seeing Myu's immature cute face acting all serious.

He quickly appeared behind Tio and hugged her. She didn't struggle, turned her face to met his and shared a passionate kiss.


"Hey Guys." Izumi said while laying his chin on Tio's shoulder and hands on her abdomen along with her hands.

"Papa! Look Look, I got a puppy." Myu exclaimed in joy as she showed a junior puppy in her arms. The way it was closing and opening its eyes, it looked like it would fall asleep at any moment.

Maybe it was checking whether we're trustworthy or not.

Izumi pondered.

"I can see it, Myu-chan. But you should let it sleep and not disturb them as they're very weak now and need some rest." He advised tenderly as any one could guess seeing how malnourished they looked even after Grayfia fed them.

"But Papa our rooms are messy. Won't they feel uncomfortable?" She asked with a worried expression.

"Ugh!" Izumi couldn't resist her cuteness and said that he'd personally take care of it.

Myu nodded and walked towards him. Izumi was already on his knees with one hand on Tio's waist as he knew what she would do.

He received a 'Good luck Papa' kiss on his cheek from Myu, who then ran inside with a big smile on her face to put the puppy at where it's kin sleeping peacefully after devouring three days worth of food.

Everyone was giggling seeing father and daughter bond, especially Remia who was eyeing Izumi with conflicted emotions.


"Now that she has left, I should tell you some surprising news." He separated from Tio after getting a peck from her and put a very serious expression.

"What is it?" Tio asked dropping all her playfulness.

"It seems our enemies are making moves. We are no longer residents of this world. The church has declared us as Traitors and enemies to this world. It won't take too long before we'll be targeted from all sides."

He stated with folded arms making both Shizuku and Remia freeze and stare at him with wide eyes and raised brows.

As expected, others were pretty calm.

Grayfia had only one priority that was to always help her beloved and her sisters. What happened to this world didn't matter much to her.

Shea was looking a little worried at him but regained her demeanour back and looked at him firmly as if saying 'You already know the answer.'

Shalter was singing praises for the new Shea.

As for Tio, you know the answer, right?

Dragon never abandons their mate after all.


"So I take it that none of you want to step back?" He glanced at Shizuku and Remia.

This sentence was especially directed at them.

"...I....I was already prepared for this." Shizuku took a breath then added.

"Nagumo-kun had mentioned that something like this would happen and I agreed along with my friend back then. So I'll follow you guys even if it means going against my classmates and the world." She said with a resolute expression and made her stance clear.

Now, only Remia remains. She was silent, probably hesitating. If she declined Izumi would be dissatisfied with her since he saved her and her daughter...and may feel betrayed.

"I....am sorry." She whispered in a mosquito tone and hung her head. But everyone smiled at her, even Izumi.

He never wanted to make her join anyways. This way he could convince her easily.

Remia was not the type of woman who would love to fight and kill.

She could be considered as a brave kind-hearted gentle loving milf, despite having an OP ability and this kind of milf should be protected.

Izumi thoughts uniquely.

"You can rest assured, Remia-san. I am not planning to bring you into this from the beginning. Truth to be told, I never knew that you would be targeted by someone. But I promised Myu-chan that I'd protect her and already gave a protection necklace. That's why, you'll be staying with Myu in our base for the time being until this war is over.." He understood why she was feeling conflicted.

He also found it somewhat normal.

There was some lingering fear stuck in her mind due to the recent attack and that fear was stopping her from making a rash decision.

She had been attacked multiple times, almost lost her daughter in one of them, so it would be weird if she had agreed from the get go.

Grayfia, who was near Remia also nodded as they had discussed this before.

He clapped his hands and explained.

"Now that everyone agrees. Let's return to our base. After that we'll enter 'The Sunken Ruins of Melusine'. This time everyone will be going. Is there any problem with this plan?" He knew they'd agree but as a leader he still asked for their opinions.

Everyone bobbed their heads, only Remia seemed to be little lost.

Probably pondering on her choice.

They didn't waste any time and teleported immediately to their base along with three puppies.

Izumi was eyeing Grayfia with envy and jealousy.

How jealous he seemed to be at her ability to teleport, no one other than the person himself can tell.

Grayfia secretly made a smug expression, she was clearly enjoying those gazes.

After all, she finally got an edge over Izumi.

He was clearly superior to her in every talent despite being a century younger than her and even outclassed her in bed wrestling.

So this made her a little happy....Well it might not last long since luck was still his bitch in the end.

(A/N: I made Grayfia's age somewhat between 100 or 200.)


"You called me, Alva-sama?" A handsome man asked while kneeling. He has red eyes and white hair with pointy ears. He also has a masculine build.

He wasn't the only one kneeling. There were few people and all of them had dark red swarthy skin and pointed ears.

"Yes. I want you to prepare a surprise attack at the kingdom where those Heroes are residing. It's finally time to show the world, the terror of Demons." A bone chilling voice declared, making everyone grinned.

"It shall be done, Alva-sama." Freid, who hadn't become an Apostle said in a fanatical tone. Followed by others present.

They were too busy in crazy beliefs and failed to notice the hint of mockery and ridicule in their beloved Demon God, Alva's eyes.

'Fools! You mortals are all the same. A little bit of manipulation is all I need to do, to bring every one of you under my palms.' A handsome middle-aged man with slicked-back blond hair, and crimson-red eyes, snickered at the stupidity of mortals while caressing the throne he was sitting.

As if it was his dear wife.

Oh, it looked like someone has more weird fetishes than those reincarnators who fucked their Artificial Intelligence, or their own Swords, alike.

However, what he said was exactly right. If these fanatical followers had their brains intact then they would be able to figure it out by now.

The conspiracy!

Why did it seem that their so-called God is always sending them to destroy other races? Isn't he aware that we demons are the least populace race?

But sadly no. They were too engrossed in being on top of the food chain. To become superior, without realising that they're the ones digging their own graves.

Alas, it had been too late since these kinds of ideals were particularly forc-*cough* taught from the day they were born.

So a simple order from their God and they would sacrifice their life to live up to it.

Their devotions had reached Insane Fanatical levels of worshipping.

And the fault lies with the person named Alva.


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