Remia's choice

Both Remia and Grayfia arrived as Remia was very surprised seeing too many unnatural eyes, then shook her head as she was used to this.

Some students couldn't help, but fantasize about some milf.

No way! Who made this woman this bumpy and beautiful?

And why are every milfs always around him?

So sour.

Some boys thought inwardly then a chill went down their spines as they realised where they were.

Hurriedly, they put their heads down in fright and the earlier bone cracking pains were still vivid.

Of course, the main culprit was Izumi.

"Remia-san, you're here. I'm sure Grayfia should have explained it to you." He greeted Remia and went straight to the topic.

Remia nodded as she knew it was about her daughter and was glad that Izumi had been helping her though she won't mind after all, she was already satisfied with everything now.

Does she know that she had been marked by a fake God?

Hope not!

"Princess Liliana, please." Izumi urged Liliana not to waste any time and speak the truth.

Liliana was struggling inside. She knew if her answer didn't satisfy this man then her kingdom is doomed and her supposed engagement with the empire would be the last choice.

But who was she? A princess and of course, she was taught politics since her childhood.

She realised Izumi and this woman was her only life saving straw because if the Empire got the wind of it then they'll immediately seize the chance to take over the kingdom.

After all, Heiligh was one of the kingdoms which was not under its jurisdiction.


"My father. He was the one who gave the order to capture a Merfolk Child.."


Remia was thunderstruck and staggered backwards as Grayfia caught her arm.

"Why?!!" Remia shouted angrily and her tears began to pour.

"Why? Why is everyone interfering in our lives? What mistake did we ever make? Everything was perfect and peaceful before. Things weren't like this. From where did I go wrong?!"

The whole room was silent as everyone was affected by her outburst.

"You go and calm down Remia-san." Izumi sent a signal to Tio and whispered something in her ear, "And remember to make sure she won't pass out. She's the protagonist today."

Tio went towards Remia then made eye contact with Grayfia as if transmitting something. Both nodded at each other and began to do their job.

You may ask why Izumi is making things too big on purpose?

Well, because he noticed her deepest emotions and knew her nature very well.

So, he was doing good for her and Myu.

Because too many emotions may burst out crazily in unexpected situations.

And Myu would be one who'd affected greatly.

"Why would he do that? And it was too a child? Tell me." He asked calmly.

Liliana was silent, refusing to speak as if protecting something. And her face went ghastly pale when she heard his next line.

"Since you won't speak, then I shall take this job." Seeing this was going nowhere, Izumi made up his mind.

He had inside information and he too was surprised when he got it. Because this wasn't listed in the original.

"Let me tell you, this was originally the order of the youngest Prince of Heiligh Kingdom."

This bomb was too unexpected as people present there knew the Prince.

"What! You're lying. The Prince, Ludel would never do something like this. You're slandering the Royalty." A girl raised her voice and blamed Izumi.

"Oh, then shouldn't she be the first to refuse this remark?" Izumi's instant reply made the girl, no, everyone stunned.

Izumi gave a half shrug.

They immediately cast their eyes on the Princess who was looking down, which made them a little unbelievable.

Oh my God! This can't be true.

Tell me! This isn't true!!

Meld was too shocked as he was also kept in the dark.

After all, Prince Ludel was only 10 years old.

"Hahah, don't be too surprised. That trash Prince has a different hobby of torturing people, mostly women. And by chance he stumbled upon Myu, when he was visiting Eriksen.

He got interested in her and colluded with another trash to kidnap her. However, his father refused since Heiligh has a good relationship with Eriksen on the surface, then proposed a good way to make this kidnapping incident an accident. He secretly passed information to the most lawless town, where slave traders and human traffickers are very much active.

And by chance if this failed then the suspicion won't be upon them and first to bear the burnt was one who did the job. In fact, this information was very well guarded. If not for someone's help then I'd too keep in the dark."

By the end of the sentence, Izumi looked coldly at the girl who questioned and then a certain woman who had already calmed down and continued on,

"Anyways, if you want to save your kingdom then she should be the right person to ask. Because the child your brother and father planned to be kidnapped is her Daughter."

Liliana was sobbing as raised her head then looked pleadingly at the blue haired woman who had her eyes closed.

For Remia, this was the darkest day in her life. She never thought that her daughter's kidnapping incident was planned and that too, by a powerful person.

And, she too knew who the other trash was.

Her dead ex-husband.

Realising this, she sent a grateful look at Izumi. If not for him, then she'd live in fake happiness.

"Please *sobs* help me. Help my family. I won't bother after this and I'll be slave your for life. I give you my word. If you tell me to die, I'll fulfil it. Please I beg you, save my kingdom." Liliana begged and her eyes were red from all those tears.


"Stop! Just stop. I know what I'm doing. Do you duty as a soldier, Commander Meld."

Meld was a little surprised as this was the first time Princess Liliana used his official title.


Liliana knew her family and millions of lives depend on this woman's answer and if she refused, her family would be killed by those demons and traitors and brother would be definitely killed by Izumi.

She also received information about how Myu regarded Izumi as her Papa.

She was a little glad that this happened because this woman won't be so ruthless as this man.

Sure enough, her intuition was right.

"I..." Remia was quiet as she realised her answer may offend Izumi and their relationship might be difficult before it could begin.

A hand patted her shoulder waking her from her thoughts.

"Be yourself, Remia-chan. Just speak about what your heart wants."

It was Tio, who came in her support and then grasped Remia's hand, when she noticed her trouble.

Yes, now Remia wasn't pretending and her true thoughts could be seen by Tio.

She too doesn't have any good feelings for this Princess although it was her father and brother's fault.

She doesn't believe for a second that Liliana didn't know anything beforehand.

Remia nodded then took a deep breath before speaking since her words may reverse the situation.

It contains tons of weight.

"Please help her, Izum-san. Your promise I don't need it and I hope you can change your brother nature, princess."

Remia's reply won everyone praise even though Grayfia and Tio were a little surprised and glanced at Izumi who had a small grin on his handsome face.

Remia, also sighed in relief when she noticed this thinking he wasn't angry, but what she didn't notice was that there was a murderous glint in his eyes.

Only three people noticed that bloodlust and understood that everything went according to his plan.

So, who were the three people?

(A/N: Tell me in cmmnt.)

"Thank You! Thank You..Very much." Liliana kept on thanking Remia as everything was possible only because of this woman's virtue.

She, had made up her mind to teach her half brother some lessons.

(A/N: Yeah! I've already explained in Cookie roasted chap that I made a slight change in the Heiligh Kingdom system. In the original, the King didn't have a harem and here he has, though he only has two children from two women and the rest of the women were for his entertainment.)

Her heart which was like going through myriads of emotions, calmed down, albeit a little.


"This is nothing worth celebrating. We've a kingdom to save." Izumi clapped to make everyone wake up and realise the situation they were in.

"One Hour. I'll give you one hour. Get ready." Izumi jammed his hands in his pockets and walked out of the room not before reminding them of something. "Also I need someone, who still has inside contact."

Grayfia, Tio, Remia and Shizuku also followed his footsteps, leaving only the wannabe weeb heroes, a knight commander and an anguish princess.


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