
A/N: Hey guys, I updated this chapter now because I want to finish this arc within this week and take a holiday.

I've been writing non-stop these past days and my head gonna burst into pieces. After exams, I didn't take proper rest so I'll do that after the Arifureta arc is over.

Of course, I won't be too lazy as different creative ideas have been running around in my mind for the next plot and characters.

Hope you enjoy this chap! Peace ✌️ out!

(2530 words)


Somewhere inside the Kingdom, Hajime was fighting an apostle.

Izumi's plan progressed too well as he managed to rescue Aiko-Sensei but before he could inform Izumi, a damn Apostle showed up.

Since then both had been engaging in large scale combat.



They were causing destruction every time they attacked each other.

"Damn that was really ugly." A new voice entered the battlefield as two of them stopped and looked in a certain direction.

And, one of them sighed in relief.

"Thank God. I can't stand this much tossing. You should take over, Izumi." Hajime huffed as he was glad but someone wasn't.

Izumi's face immediately went ugly as if he had eaten shit.

"Fuck! What language are you speaking? Your words could be misunderstood."

"Hah, what're you saying?" Hajime asked as he was taking a breath so he didn't hear.

"I'm saying that you're a Gay not me, One eyed Cyclopes."

"Bah! Just because you're a little more handsome than me doesn't mean I'm trash, damn white face."

"What? You wanna fight?"

"Do you think I'm afraid?"

Izumi and Hajime began to argue among themselves, however a huge feather filled with strange magic came running in their direction, no, it was aimed at him, but Hajime happened there.

He looked like he was not aware of it but in fact, this was an act.

What a joke!

If he can't handle this much, then he should as well eat tofu and die, it'd be a shame to live.

He quickly grabbed Hajime's metallic arm and threw him towards the dilapidated building and dodged the attack.

It collided with the next building and was like boom... lol.


Hajime was surprised (he was really exhausted and let his guard down because of Izumi) and so was the attacker.

After a few seconds, the smoke dispatched.

"Fuh, that was dangerous. I never thought that a cute girl like you would do a sneak attack." Izumi pretended to be scared and said to the attacker.

"You're not as easy as I thought." A murmur could be heard from a figure that appeared a few metres away from Izumi then introduced herself.

"Listen Irregular, I am Noint. An Apostle of God. My duty is to remove unwanted game pieces from my lord's game board."

An expressionless beautiful woman with long silver hair and blue eyes spoke with a monotonic voice

She was wearing a combat outfit which consists of a white sleeveless dress which has metal plates covering both sides of her waist as well as a winged helmet on her head, gauntlets on her arms and graves over her legs.

"Well, I won't trouble you and your God if you could help me fulfill something, can you?" Izumi asked with a mocking expression all over his face.

"...Speak!" Noint didn't act rashly and commanded after a moment of silence. She was indeed cautious after her surprised attack failed.

She was brewing conspiracy on how to trick this Irregular to drop his guard so she can land her strongest blow.

'She is really going to die tragically.' It was Hajime who thought after coming out from the building.

After getting along with Izumi, he had a certain understanding of what type of man Izumi was.

He is a very decisive guy.

He would never compromise after he set his mind on something. And until now, he was clearly playing with her.

But one thing he ever hated was someone commanding tone and that too his enemy.

Indeed, he was right.

"Then I need your Master's head for use. Can you help me?" As soon he spoke, the face of Noint was burning with fury.

Because this was blasphemy against her GOD.


As you know, she was a fanatical believer and had a deep obsession with her God.

She never tolerated anyone signing against her beloved God.

Even when she was disguised as a Nun. She removed many unnecessary pieces and murdered them brutally.

She's a quick tempered and cruel woman.

Her latest target was Izumi and his group.

"HOW DARE YOU!! Die!" Angrily, Noint's Silver wings fluttered under the moonlight.

However, it was not to fly. It was to shoot out magic bullets made out of silver feathers which leaked out murderous intent from the silver wings and unleashed a barrage of feathers towards Izumi covered with her Disintegration at Izumi.

He avoided every feather, though everything behind him was destroyed by her Disintegration covered feathers.

Lucifer appeared in his right hand and interpreted Noint's attempted attack to kill him with one of her twin swords then immediately counterattack, her other sword blocked it while she was still in range, a white chain flew out and stabbed her left foot.

"Ahhh..!" She screamed in pain and quickly retreated a few steps back.

It was indeed her fault since she was fighting mindlessly.

Her body bathed in green light and her wound vanished and her energy was also restored.

This was why Hajime couldn't defeat her.

"You're very skilled in fighting. I can see you've not yet used your full power." She calmed down and complimented Izumi.

'He is more dangerous than the information we've got on him.' Deep down she was a little shocked even her instincts were warning her to leave quickly, but she shook her head to erase those thoughts.

The aftermath of the counterattack of Izumi cracked the ground below her.

Yeah, they were fighting in the air.

(A/N: Izumi uses his wind element to control the air around him.)

"I could say the same to you, though I really don't wanna fight you if you could consider my proposal, how about it?" He suggested while standing there carefree.

But Noint's brows furrowed as she couldn't detect an opening as it was like she was staring at an illusion.

She, who had fought many battles and was hailed as one of the strongest Apostles, knew this irregular could be the toughest one of all.

"Hump! You're the first human to ever say this. My master is omnipotent GOD. His power is vast and unlimited. How can you, a puny human understand this? You do have the strength to compete with us Apostles, but don't get too overconfident. He didn't even put you in his eyes. You're good as an ant in front of him.

He considered everyone in this world as chess pieces. Only humans could bring entertainment to my master so he is showing favour to Humanity or else they'd have been slaughtered long ago like those blood suckers and Overgrown Lizards...."

'Izumi, you should finish her as soon as possible Tio-chan is getting out of control.'

Suddenly, Grayfia's voice rang in his mind as he glanced at the Noint who was still going on about the greatness of a Faker, but now his purpose had been achieved and there's no need for him to show mercy anymore.

Yes, he was purposely making her angry so she could spill out some unspoken secrets and looked like she said more than he had imagined.

Yes, their fight was being broadcast throughout the world.

Yes, you heard it right. The world.

Now, every being present in Tortus knows about their so-called God, of course except Demons because they couldn't be saved anymore.

Otherwise, why would he waste his time talking shit with an enemy?

He's not your atypical hero, alright.

"Irregular you should be honoured to live this long after saying something against My God. I wi-"

"Okay, this should be enough. I think my ears are gonna stain listening to anymore of your filthy words." Izumi drew his ear and interrupted Noint, making her completely mad.

He didn't give her a chance to explode. He disappeared from her range even those powerhouse all over the world watching couldn't help but widen their eyes.

"I don't like people standing in between my goals. And even more, I hate when someone talks to me in a superior tone despite being weaker than me. Get ready...." Izumi was nowhere to be seen but his words were loud and clear.

This was a threat in disguise.

Noint felt some changes in air but couldn't be careless.

He appeared behind Noint and put away his sword after doing an initial slash.

"Because you're going to die a gruesome death!" As soon his voice fell, an unimaginable scene happened.

Noint widening her eyes and expressionless face was nowhere to be seen.

Only shock written all over her face.

She can't feel her hands.

She didn't even notice when he appeared behind her if not for his voice she wouldn't have noticed it.

Her hands holding the twin sword fell down.

She was full of sweat and had a threat in her eyes.

This was the first time ever she felt fear even her creator didn't give such a display of power.

She staggered backwards then jumped a little further while enduring the pain and was about to regenerate her arms but..

A powerful momentum erupted from Izumi's body as if a layer of waves slapped towards her, extremely turbulent. And this momentum was even more terrifying, far from what she can resist.

Faced with this momentum, Noint's face was extremely pale and her waist bent down, even about to kneel on the air.

His control over gravity had become monstrous. Even the ground was shaking and stones were breaking apart.

He walked slowly towards her in the air as the pressure kept on increasing.

She couldn't support it and there was a look of horror in her eyes, making her completely at his mercy.

Izumi just stared into her eyes and a huge grin appeared on his face.

He held her hair to make her look at him and clenched his fist then ran down barrages of attack straight at her face.




With each hit a shockwave generated and repeatedly crashed down the ground, forming a huge crater beneath them.

(A/N: Remember he's still wearing a 100 × gravity weight.)


Two minutes later....

Everything was exactly the same as it started except their situation was reversed.

Izumi was holding a disfigured Noint who had already lost her will to fight and looking like a puppet without a string.

Her silver wings had been plucked forcefully, thankfully she had high regeneration.

Her helmet, gauntlet and graves also disintegrated from the aftermath of his attacks.

Izumi was also considerate of her gender so he stopped before she could lose her clothes.

He won't show mercy to the enemy even if it was a woman.

"Hey Hey, don't lose consciousness." He slapped her two times to get her to look at him again.

He could feel she was about to, lose her energy to be exact.

"I know you're watching, Ehito." Izumi looked deep into Noint's eyes and spoke.

His words reverberated throughout the Tortus.

Countless shout, curse could be heard from different parts of Tortus.

Even though he couldn't hear, he could guess because the same was happening in Heiligh Kingdom.

He smiled, obviously his purpose had been fulfilled.

Now just the last part..


Ehito's Domain..

Ehito had a terrifying expression on the barely visible face. He was excluding evil aura and all Apostles were trembling in fear.

He wanted to kill this annoying Irregular who kept interrupting his entertainment.

But deep down he knew even he couldn't catch his speed and a seed of fear had already been planted inside his heart.

When he heard Izumi calling his name without honorific his attention was shifted towards this handsome man with shoulder length hair and his Azure eyes always gave him a bad feeling.


"Ever since I arrived in this world. You've been targeting people around me and keep on blocking my ways again again and again So I'll give you a wonderful gift in return. I'm sure you'll love it.."

Izumi smirked and turned Noint's head towards the screen so it could be visible clearly.


"Impossible!! No..No. This can't be...." Ehito fell down from his throne.

He tried to deny the reality but..

He knew his worst nightmare was coming and from now on, he won't be able to get out of it unless he erased the man who made him like this.

If his previous comrade or enemies saw him like this then they'd also believe what they were seeing was an illusion.

It was this Ehito, who would use everyone as disposable game pieces on a game board, aka, Tortus; and enjoyed playing with the lives of people while leading them straight to their doom.

He always felt joy in staying one-step ahead against the enemies with the designed plans, but doesn't like it when the plans don't go the way as needed.

However, now he had really met his archenemy.

This boy is more terrifying than him because none of his enemies had ever managed to turn his own game against him.

But this one thwarted all his paths in a single move.


"I'm sure you probably understand by now, right? I heard you considered every being in Tortus as chess pieces. Then this is my checkmate." Izumi pointed at the huge screen and said with a wild smile.

"And checkmate doesn't mean you've cornered the enemy.

It's a declaration that the enemy's king is yours.

That's why I said checkmate. You fake God."

Izumi tightened his grab as he leaned closely towards Noint's face and declared,

"Remember, the moment I meet you, it will be your death, so enjoy your extra time. Bye bye."

Bone chilling cold spread under his hand and instantly her body was covered in ice.

His extreme training had borne some fruits.

He had already mastered 90% of all his powers including the power he received here.

His learning speed shocked everyone as they still hadn't cleared the second level and he was already at the last level.

Even he was surprised at his own speed.

He put the ice sculpture inside his Ring.

Yes, she was dead but only her consciousness had disappeared.

Her body is very much alive.

He is going to dig deeper secrets of her body in his world.

Maybe he could find some clues to create a brand new body for Shalter or something else.

The broadcast also ended as everyone took a deep breath and understood that a big war was coming.

Whether they'll usher in a new Era or suffer endless calamity depends upon the outcome of this very war.

A war that would change the destiny of Tortus.

A war between Mortals and God.


Guys please vote and tell me about your ideas in comment.

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