98. Last Labyrinth

Tio nodded while covering her eyes with an ogi fan.

She knew it was because of her face he didn't create a bloodbath here.

Of course, she won't mind if he did that.

If he had killed those annoying kids in front of Queen of the Kingdom then it meant he didn't put them in his eyes and indeed he didn't put them in his eyes.

He only refrained from doing this as he could see that Tio had taken a liking to Queen Luluaria.

So he left.

"Hiyama is indeed the traitor. He was also the one who attacked me that day." Hajime admitted shockingly to everyone.

"D.. Damn you bastard! Why won't you die? Kaori should have been mine... Only mine!! But you bastard took her away from me. You'll die!! Definitely alongside that monster.. All die.. Hahahahaha."

Hiyama's madly clamouring and cursing could be heard.

"Naaguumooo Diee-!!"

From the interior of the dispersing flame bullet was Hiyama who was covered in wounds, and it was doubtful if he was capable of human speech anymore as he was calling out Hajime's name in an odd tone. With a sword in his hand, a large amount of blood being vomited out of his mouth, and his right shoulder broken and badly damaged which hung down as he aimlessly flung himself at Hajime. He no longer looked like an impudent ogre, now he only looked like some kind of ugly variant of a creature.

He jumped madly and threw an amateur kick at Hajime.

Hajime was unmoved by his worthless kick and grabbed his neck and said, "Can you hear it, Hiyama? There are still some demons crawling outside the barrier.

Now let's see whether you can survive the fall or not."

Without any hesitation, Hajime also hammered him with a spinning kick which caused the air to be blown away. Hiyama let out an unpleasant sound and was blown outside of the plaza by the shockwave.

"Nooooooooo!... I'm sorry.. Ahhhh. . Curs-"

After a minute, Hiyama's screaming came to an end meaning only thing.


All of the boys who saw his scene were visibly pale.

Some even peed in their pants.

They clearly saw dozens of demons eating him alive.

Tio and others stood up as they were about to leave.

"Hajime-san, can you lend us that water, please."

Aiko's pleading voice stopped them.

"Sensei, it was Izumi's handiwork. And you know his stances, don't you?" Not intending to argue Hajime threw the pot directly at Izumi.



"Nghhhh, what happened, Izumi~?" Grayfia who was under Izumi asked with an irritated expression.

"Nothing. Recently, there seems to be too many black colours on top of my head." He muttered with a low voice then continued his marathon.

"Ahh.. harder! Yess...I'm close...Annhh!!!"

Lovely moans of a splendid woman's filled the whole room.

None of them noticed that a black bar above Izumi's head had increased a little.


"Aiko Sensei, Hajime-san is right. You also saw how they're behaving, right?"

This time it was who Shizuku spoke up seeing her Sensei still not willing to go back.

"But they're just students before they came here. How can they cope with this environment?"

"Hahaha.." Everyone turned their head to see who it was.

"I'm really surprised by your words, Hatayama Aiko." Tio laughed and said with a playful voice.

"You know, Izumi Miyamura is only 16 years old. A year longer than many of your students, who are still daydreaming instead of accepting reality. With Hero status they enjoyed its benefits but when it comes to the true job, they shrink back in fear, how logical is this?"

Many couldn't believe what they heard, including Luluaria.

She was genuinely surprised by this.

That man, who previously carried the enemy of the world title on his shoulder was the same year as her daughter.

After all, none of them knew his age and thought he might be older than them.

Feeling ashamed in their hearts, they couldn't raise their heads anymore.

What a disgrace!

Tio snorted and continued, "Unlike you, he wasn't summoned. He arrived here with heavy responsibility(system's task, and no she doesn't know about it). He has only one purpose from the beginning and that is to kill a certain Mad God. Unlike you, he didn't enjoy heroic treatment everywhere he goes. He never slacked in training despite being stronger than us. I could feel your disgusting emotions earlier and knew all of you think that he was just lucky.

Yes, I personally admit it he's indeed lucky, but he creates his own luck unlike you trashes who could only speak behind others. From the beginning you never tried to train your abilities. I think Nagumo Hajime and Shia Haulia standing here should be the perfect example."

After saying this, she left with Yue and others.

Liliana and Luluaria glanced at each other secretly and nodded.

Aiko didn't argue anymore. She froze the moment Izumi's age came to light.

She too understood that her previous question was too biased.

Don't think of the comparison between Izumi and her students.

They're not qualified to touch his shoes.


Two months had passed since then and the undercurrent was still surging.

During this time many things had happened.

Luluaria managed to convince Tio to give some divine water under one condition that she'd make sure that all of those weebs would be prepared for the upcoming war.

Another thing was that Emperor of Hoelscher Empire had passed down a law to to free all the captured demi-humans slaves and banned slavery.

This bomb was too sudden.

It was unexpected as the Empire was the one who proposed this idea.

What happened now?

This is still a mystery till now.

Unfortunately, the Emperor passed away from a 'strange' disease.

Even some ministers and his heirs also disappeared one by one in 'accidents'.

This caused a huge uproar within the Empire.

Under the leadership of their former betrothal ally Heiligh Kingdom, the Empire survived and Izumi Miyamura, the leading figure of the coming war was appointed as the Temporary Emperor of the Empire with unanimous vote much to his resentment.

It was Tio and Grayfia who convinced him to put his name, in turn, they paid a heavy price and lied on the bed for a whole fucking day.

But becoming an Emperor has its own perks.

Especially, when he and Hajime divided Adamantium Metal with 50/50.

Not before cursing the foolish Emperor for his foolish way of treating this metal as a shiny metal.

During his crowning ceremony, his handsome appearance captivated many women and from then on, he was declared as The Most handsome Man of Tortus.

Coupled with his perfect appearance and strong strength, he was simply their dream lover.

And his domineering declaration was even more popular.

Especially, when he promised to carry the will of the former Emperor...lol.

"I hereby declare that slavery is strictly prohibited. Anyone who violates this oath will be sentenced to death... Regardless of their identity.

Furthermore, the largest merchant city Fuhren, which was declared independence will be under the banner of Empire from this moment onwards! I'll give you my word and I'll definitely stand by my word.. No more slavery will be tolerated! The Empire will be free from its old rules."

This caused another huge sensation and after seeing the action of Empire's soldiers beheading those who didn't take Izumi's words seriously.

Many other countries also followed Izumi's example and abolished slavery.



So, this will be the topic of another time.


Meanwhile, Izumi and his party had already cleared all the labyrinth except the last one.

Izumi didn't find what he was looking for in the last labyrinth so he could be sure that Frost Caverns of Schnee had the solution to his problem.

Now they were each guided at respective oaths that will trap and encase them in amber like pods and force them to experience their deepest desire while exposing their all the fear, hatred, weakness, etc.

They were clearly arranged in order with Izumi being the last.

Thus like that, testing began.

First was Yue who almost solved it easily because she still didn't know the real reason for her race destruction.

The next one was Shia. Who surprisingly destroyed her reflection.

Yes, you could fight off your reflection or you could outsmart them.

One by one, all of them gather as Tio was the last one to arrive.

They felt her changes.

"Did you break through your bottleneck?"

Grayfia asked with a surprised expression on her face.

You know, if it was Tio before then she could defeat her but now it'd be a hard fight.

Yue was simply happy for her sister.

Tio nodded but in the next second her face became serious.

"I noticed that there was something wrong with Izumi's test."

"What do you mean?" Grayfia replied.

"Grayfia-chan. I'm sure you know something, don't you?"

Tio questioned while frowning.

"What's going on?"

Their conversation attracted everyone's attention.

Even Shizuku who was breathing hard turned towards them.

Her trial was difficult because she hadn't accepted her unclear feelings towards Izumi so obviously it took some fight and persuade from her reflection to pass.

Kaori also suffered some difficulty but passed and is now sitting with Yue and Hajime.


As expected, I can't hide it from you.

"Yes. He told me that he'd find the solution here to his problem here. So it'd take some time to come out so we shouldn't wait for him and complete this labyrinth as soon as possible."

Grayfia sighed and said slowly.

She knew Tio was worried so she didn't hide it.

As for why, Izumi told Grayfia, not Tio.

Remember, Grayfia was the closest person to Izumi as he was her summoner and in a way, they were inter-connected which was more powerful than Dragon's mark.

Tio calmed down after hearing this and they didn't dare delay anymore, although they were unconvinced to leave their leader.

Reluctantly, they passed the floor and progressed towards the next, which would be the final test.

None of them were a fool. They firsthand experienced his power and knew why he was urging them.

Entangling with this matter would do nothing good.

But Tio's heart was still uneasy, she couldn't help but touch the mark near her chest.

What they didn't notice was that after they left the room which Tio came out was glowing brightly.

Izumi really played them to hide the real truth.

His weird way of transferring and copying the power convinced them.

Anyways, what's happening to our protagonist, Izumi Miyamura.

Wait for the next chapter to find out.


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