99. Forgotten Memories

A/N: Guys, I'll try to post the remaining chapters in these three days, so I could take a break then arrange and write plots for Izumi's world and which characters to be introduced.

My splitting headache is now an everyday occurrence.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. Peace ✌️ out!


Sometimes ago..

Each went through a different door or magic circle, whatever that labyrinth came up with.

Izumi opened his eyes as he felt all those annoying voices finally stopped and he felt the surroundings were a little familiar.

Looking around, he saw it was his old apartment.

Immediately all around him disappeared as he appeared at another place.

He didn't panic like he was when he transmigrated. He slowly pushed the door revealing yet another door exactly like the previous one.

He kept going through what it was like 10 doors.

When he pushed the 11th door, his heart skipped a little as he saw the same door but with a note.

"Warning ⚠️

Do not enter."

Izumi walked slowly towards the door.

The closer he was the heavier his heart became.

He clearly understood that there was something inside behind this door, some secrets that made the heart skip a lot.


He inhaled deeply before pushing the door.

Unlike all others, this one didn't glow and was filled with darkness.

Even he couldn't see because here, no matter how much he tries he couldn't use his power.

After walking, he noticed something written on the wall.

"I'm afraid that you'll lose your way after this?"


The moment he finished reading, he widened his eyes to the extreme from what he saw.

Suppressing his fear, he asked with a trembling voice.

"Are you here for revenge?" He put up a battle stance.

Yes, the one whom he saw was his predecessor.

The original Izumi Miyamura.

"No. I'm not your opponent." The original Izumi shook his head.

"Then why are you here?" Izumi questioned regardless of his denial, he didn't drop his vigilance.

"I'm you and you're me. We're the same and one." Upon hearing this sentence, Izumi frowned as he didn't understand a thing.

Seeing Izumi didn't get his meaning, the supposed original Izumi changed his way of speaking, "What do you think about your current life?" Are you satisfied with it? Or.."

He paused and said with a smile, "Are you feeling something is missing?"

"I'm satisfied in my current life. You don't have to worry about your family's death. I'll avenge them for you." Thinking his predecessor must be feeling regret, he comforted him and told his thoughts.

"Hahaha.." The original Izumi laughed loudly and his laughter reverted in the gloomy atmospheric room.

"I'm really surprised that you are even now trying to deny the fact you wanted to have revenge just because they looked the same as your dead parents, am I right?"


"Don't worry I'm not trying to bring back bad memories, though I'm equally afraid of what's about to come. You shouldn't have entered this room. You don't have enough will to withstand this much pressure."

"Just get to the point. what's you're rambling about?" Izumi asked coldly.

"Okay. Let me tell you something that you aren't aware of. You're Izumi Miyamura, not a Transmigrater and I'm your sealed memory."

"And you expect me to believe this?" Izumi questioned with narrowed eyes.

"Of course... not. But I can tell you a big secret."

"I'm sure you felt some connections with Hajime, right?

That's because he's your brother's reincarnation."

As soon he dropped this sentence, Izumi held his head and dropped it on his knees.

"Yes, you heard it right. He's your brother and that means his parents are also your parents."

"They're still alive somewhere and living with your brother."


"No matter how much you deny it. Truth always hurts. Because of your mistake in your last life, they were implicated by your enemies and were killed in cold blooded. Your brother was just 6 years old.

Just imagine how he felt when he was killed."

The original Izumi shouted in anger as there were tears in his eyes. Even Izumi was crying while burying his head on the floor.

"Please Stop." Izumi begged without raising his head.

"No, it can't be possible. The moment you stepped into this room You're doomed to know about this. You cannot be a coward at this moment."

"Because of you our parents soul was divided into half. Half accompanied us and the other half went to our little brother.

And I'm that consciousness that received our parents' love and care while you were punished for ignoring them for years."

"I'm sorry for that. I really do."

"A simple apology cannot heal their wounded souls. You neglected them when you became rich. You only sent money but never came to see them once. Do you know how hurt they were?

Yes, you changed but it was only after you realised that in that shitty world only people you could have your own family."

Izumi just stared at his own consciousness with red eyes.

He looked lifeless, tears kept on streaming down.

But the voice didn't stop because of this, "Do you know how much I suffered just because of our mistake? My own self didn't remember his own memories. You want to realise our parents wishes? Did you even know what our real origin is? How ridiculous is this.."

"Why should you care? After all you have a system that is everyone's dreams. Yo-"

"Very Good. I want to know your real purpose." Izumi interrupted his consciousness as he could see it was disappearing.

"Yes, that's the look. Just remember one thing that this system deliberately sealed our memory thinking we're weak. And our parents were killed even in this life that wasn't supposed to happen."

Izumi's red eyes went cold after hearing this.

Terrifying Killing intent burst out with full throttle.

He closed his eyes as the consciousness completely vanished.

Obviously it went to its rightful place


(An hour later)

He opened his eyes as two tears rolled down his cheeks and fell on the ground.

But his eyes were a little different.

They were filled with hatred and all kinds of negative emotions.

He remembered everything clearly and each memory was precious.

He knew why he acted like that earlier.

Because anyone would act like that.

Iori Miyamura and Naozumi Miyamura were his parents reincarnations.

They were not his predecessor parents because there was no such thing as a predecessor.

It was just his baseless assumption.

A familiar voice rang inside his mind, interrupting his reminiscing about the past.

[Congratulations Host for completing the hidden Mission.

Quest: Discover your past and truth about your rebirth.(Completed)

Rewards: Universal Body.(Progress 1%)]

(A/N: Meaning he can only use the power of 1% for now.)

Only after this, he realised his body was a lighter and he was feeling very familiar with the kind of power.

It's like he has become himself.

How weird.

You think so, that's impossible, because not even a year had passed since he received the system.

"System, no, whoever you are. I think I want to meet you."

Barely suppressing his anger, he gritted his teeth and said.

[....Okay. But it'll be for a moment. You're not strong enough like you once were.]

A charming voice sounded completely different from the usual emotionless robotic voice.

Sure enough, it was a woman.

Izumi also caught the loopholes in its word.

'She knows me?'

"Of course, I do."

The same voice sounded again.

He turned around and saw a very tall, attractive woman with bright blonde hair almost as long as her hips.

She had fair brown skin, in addition to a purple bindi on her forehead. Her eyebrows and lips are also thin and slanted.

She was wearing a revealing pink tank top along with brown pants and a white lab coat.

And a thin, brown kiseru pipe, which she typically holds at the tip with her fingers as if holding a conductor's baton.

(Pic Here😍)

"Don't compare me to those annoying characters. I'm not who you think I am.

Just know that your parents death is very mysterious. When you become stronger, you'll naturally know."

She said while puffing up smoke then added.

"And who you truly are? I'll tell you once the time is right."

"You should go back otherwise those lovers of yours will be worried to death."

Saying this she disappeared.

Izumi could smell vinegar but shook his head to throw off these dangerous thoughts.

He closed his eyes as felt information about his new power.

A new kind of form to be exact.

This was the last push he needed so he could achieve his complete body.

At this time, he felt his consciousness became clearer, strength in all aspects had also increased, and the muscle lines all over body became obvious.

He had become more lethal and handsome.

He was so engrossed that he didn't notice that the said figure hadn't left and looked at him with a huge smile.

It was a smile that contained many emotions.

"I'm glad that you're finally free. Hurry up and get back all your memories. I..We can't wait anymore."

She whispered to herself before disappearing completely.


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