100. Izumi's Changes

Izumi's hair fluttered due to his magic fluctuations.

Perceiving no presence of his party.

His eyes glowed dangerously and his magic power exploded.

His was mad but still had his sanity before he could unleash his anger.

Within the perimeter range, i.e., the whole Labyrinth, all the beasts, monsters even Tio and others were alerted by this sudden change.

Because his mana was directly connected with his deepest emotions.

Not everyone can connect and make their feelings appear in the form of mana.

So it contained all his hatred against those guys.

These amounts were enough to crush Tortus if really vented.

"I want to try this new form and also there's no need for this Labyrinth to exist."

Izumi grinned madly and there was only destruction in his eyes.

As for why I wanted to destroy it.

It's simple.

Because I can.


While Izumi was busy on his business, the party had already received the last age of God's magic.

Metamorphosis Magic.

Grayfia, Tio, Shalter (not Shia), Yue and Hajime had the highest talents except Shea, Shizuku and Kaori.

They couldn't comprehend this magic at all.

Okay, remember Shalter and Shia are different souls just because they existed in one body doesn't mean they could teach each other techniques... just a few.

"Izumi-chan, still hasn't arrived yet?" Shea asked nervously.

"I think we should get outta here as soon as possible." Tio raised her voice as everyone could feel her chest was glowing.

"What's going on, Tio?" Yue questioned as she could feel her sister's breath was a little abnormal.

"I don't know but I could feel it's like some sort of warning. Grayfia-chan, please."

Tio urgently glanced at Grayfia who was breathing hard.


"I'm fine. Let's leave." Grayfia stopped everyone from worrying and immediately prepared the magic circle.

Indeed, even Grayfia could feel his hatred due to her being connected to him.

Also due to their mark, Tio could feel Izumi's sudden changes and this scared her.

No. She wasn't scared of Izumi's change.

The immense power he was radiating, was enough to crush her will.

Everyone stepped inside the circle and vanished.

And that very moment, the whole labyrinth was shook and various screams, howling overwhelmed the whole shaking.


Everyone appeared on a huge ice covered mountain far from Frost Labyrinth.

They could hear a frightened roar of beasts and monsters from the labyrinth.

"Just what is going on?!" Shizuku couldn't keep her composure and turned towards two women.

"Izumi. He is angry for some reason."

Grayfia glanced at Izumi's direction, trying to understand what caused him this much anger.

Before she could analyse.

A terrifying aura descended.

It was at this moment that Izumi started his transformation.

Hajime and others trembled.

Three Halo-like barriers appeared and protected everyone.

"This is.."

"Sure enough. I was right. Izumi's breath has changed again."

"But what is this?" Kaori asked as it was her first time seeing the barrier this big.

"This is made by Izumi-san. And only Tio-san, Grayfia-san and Shea have this."

Shizuku explained to Kaori, who became jealous and glared at Hajime when she heard Izumi make a ring for his lovers.

"But it shouldn't be, unless it sensed the danger ahead of us."

Shea guessed correctly.

Izumi had installed instant emergency activation sensing the danger level.

"I hope he is fine." Tio could only pray for her beloved safety.

"The labyrinth. It has begun to collapse." Yue pointed out and all of them had their eyes on the Labyrinth that had been falling apart.

Perhaps they didn't notice that if the barriers weren't strong enough they wouldn't be standing still.

Grayfia and Tio glanced at each other worriedly.


A huge explosion occurred and the top of the labyrinth was destroyed.

From there, a huge black energy floated towards the sky.

A terrifying coercion fell from the sky and enveloped the whole labyrinth and its nearest areas.


A crack appeared and made everyone shudder.

Everyone activated their defensive barrier, normal barriers, of course.

"That is, Izumi's energy. And it is dark. I could feel negative emotions from here."

Hajime wiped his sweats and said seriously.

The whole sky of Tortus changed.

Every corner of the Tortus could feel this coercion.

Though barely, it was enough.

The ever-spreading dark aura made countless people feel that they had seen the evil god.

Even just looking at the cloud makes them feel like they were going to fall into a bottomless abyss.

In a trance, the cold sweat produced instantly making a few powerhouses back wet.

They immediately informed their spies to inquire about this phenomenon.

Some cowardly kings under the Empire even birth to the idea of surrendering in advance to avoid death.

At least, they can live.

As for linking that their Emperor and this mysterious person do the same, no, they never thought about it and if anything they would like to watch both of them die together.

There seemed to be another sky in the sky and the terrifying coercion released from the sky fell from that sky, putting continuous pressure on the labyrinth and the Ring of Halo.

Seeing the severity of the situation, Grayfia teleported everyone further than the labyrinth.

"Damn it... ah ah."

Everyone kneeled on the ground as the Halo-like barriers appeared again.

This was the only disadvantage of the Ring Of Halo.

Because you cannot teleport when the barrier is active.

So when they teleported, they were opened to that force and it made their soul tremble.

Stubbornly resisting, they saw the mountain where they were standing was crushed directly under the shroud of terrifying force.

"There is no need for this place to exist anymore."

A majestic voice came from the sky and everyone looked up.

They saw a figure shroud in darkness.

As the darkness subsided, revealing a cold and ruthless smile.

He had black shoulder length hair, blue eyes and a quarter sleeved shoulder tattoo, designed in 'Celtic Tribal Tattoo'. It consists of different black inked symbols like knots, circles with trinities designed like two-three separate places. Celtic circles and trinities represent nature, time, and organic energy.

It starts from his left chest and ends in his mid biceps or just below the shoulder. All in all, the man looked extremely handsome, not counting the unique clothes he wore.

He took the appearance of a vest-like coat that only covers his armpits, which flares out at ragged ends, and has a very high collar which is spread wide. He also had two wrist bands, made up of the same darkness as the rest of his clothes. His pants connected to his feet look like a bird's talons, but with five toes.

And inside his eyes, there was only endless destruction.

He spread his hand and a dark 🌑 ball appeared.

Just looking at it, Hajime and others felt endless palpitations.

If it was aimed at them, then they would die for sure.

Several cracks opened up the first layer of the barriers.

(A/N: Remember it can only survive three divine so obviously there are three layers. So far Izumi still hasn't used his full power and the first layer cracked.)

"To my enemies. Hope you're prepared. If not you'll become like this labyrinth." His arrogant threat sounded throughout the whole Tortus.

Even Ehit, who was hiding in his abode could feel his terrifying coercion and the seed of fear that was planted deep inside his heart began to sprout.

The dark energy ball fell from his hand and floated like a flower.


A terrifying explosion occurred.

Surprisingly, there were no fluctuations of mana and shockwave.

It's like time has stopped.

But, exactly at that moment..

A huge shockwave was generated, the ground cracked, the whole earth trembled and the smoke rose like a mushroom cloud.

Hajime and others were overturned by the terrifying aftermath.

Until the smoke is clear.

Revealing a huge pit about the radius of 10 km.

And that was not his full power.

Just a tip of an iceberg.

The soil in the pit turned white and the white snow sand had completely turned into glass.

The long existing labyrinth was nowhere to be seen.

It happened so fast like it was not there in the first place.

Grayfia and others who were watching this, couldn't believe what they saw.

With their enhanced vision, they clearly saw it.

Except Shizuku and Kaori, but they could feel that when the wind became silent.

Fortunately, they escaped or else...

Grayfia shuddered as she knew even though the barriers would protect them but experiencing it from too close would likely cause some of them to be terrified of Izumi.

You know, that's a Labyrinth which existed for millions of years.

Many kings, Demons, etc. had previously tried to destroy it but much to their disappointment.

They couldn't graze it.

Even the Fake God, Ehit couldn't destroy it.

And here, Izumi erased one without much effort.

In a blink, Izumi appeared in front of the barrier and touched it.

He was the creator after all.


It dispatched back and Izumi immediately was hugged by Shea.

Her heavenly peaks were rubbing his opened chest and his bunny ears were twitching.

Izumi wrapped his arms around her hips.

"Don't worry. It's my new power. Destruction Form."

He could feel it was Shalter in disguise, but didn't point it out.

Compared to Shea, Shalter was more dependent on Izumi and would act violent every time something happened to Izumi.

Obviously, she was more emotional than Shea.

"Fufufu~You had me worried there, Izumi-chan. And you look ahh~" Tio touched her lips seductively while admiring Izumi's well toned muscles and abs.

Grayfia and Shizuku were blushing profusely.

Though, Grayfia was just shy to show affection openly.

Looking at everyone, Izumi said, "Let's leave. I'm sure Myu-chan would be mad at me if she didn't receive her Goodnight Kiss."

His jokes made everyone laugh and their moods became relaxed.

No matter what, it was the same Izumi they were familiar with.

But what they didn't know was that, Izumi had undergone earthshaking change.

He'll only show his true self in front of his closed ones... Maybe show respect to some people who are worthy of respect.

While dealing with others, he will become cold, quiet, ruthless and murderous as he would attack and kill anyone without mercy.


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