101. Meeting

After displaying his terror, the party returned to the base.

Everyone went to their respective room, of course except the couples.

Izumi was dragged by both Grayfia and Tio while Shea could only look enviously as he hadn't fulfilled his promise.

He gave her a deep kiss before disappearing.

Myu got her goodnight kiss and went to sleep under Remia's concerned watch.

She could see how deep her daughter was attached to Izumi and that's what made her distress making her unable to sleep.

Of course, Hajime wasn't spared either. Kaori and Yue dragged him.

All others left with a red face as they probably guessed what was going to happen.


"Please, Izumi. Tell us everything."

Closing the door, Grayfia and Tio quickly came and sat besides Izumi, held his hand and spoke with red eyes.

Finally, they couldn't keep their act anymore.

The moment Izumi's anger broke out, they felt it due to their connection and decided to keep it to themselves.

And their worry increased when they saw him in his form.

That cold, ruthless expression shocked them to the core.

Tightening their hands, he said tenderly.

"I've never told anyone about this, but I'm sure Grayfia-chan knows about it. It's better to watch it yourself."

He showed them everything he had experienced including his past life except the system.

Of course, he avoided that they were just a character and their destiny was predetermined.

After an hour..

Both of them hugged him and promised that they wouldn't leave him no matter what.

Then took initiative to undress him and showed him how much they loved him, though they collapsed when they noticed his stamina had become more monstrous.

Before they could last for a day or half a day but now only 5 to 6 hours and were lying wasted.

Izumi wrapped his arms around them and smiled warmly.

He knew they were worried about him as he could perceive their emotions easier after getting stronger.

And, he reduced the power output behind the attack because of this.

As for telling about his secrets.

He wasn't worried at all.

They'd eventually know one day or another.

So what's wrong with knowing earlier?

Perhaps, if it was Izumi before the transformation he would keep it a secret.

Not now anymore.

He trusts his own women very much and even planned to tell Shea and Shalter about this though.

Thinking about his memories, his little brother and most importantly his parents.

That time he failed miserably, this time he won't.

He didn't have a lofty dream like saving the world or becoming a hero who sacrificed his life for strangers.

Sorry. What is that?

We're not the same at all.

Just becoming strong enough to protect your loved ones is enough for him.

For this, it doesn't matter if he would be labelled as a devil or even worse.

He closed his eyes and murmured with hatred, "I can't wait to burn you all.."

Grayfia and Tio sighed as they could hear this.

Without opening their eyes, they snuggled closer to him.

Really, a person who was so gentle and playful could also become like this too.

Truly what a change of events.

So emotions can change people.

Izumi's anger was justified, even greater than Tio whose parents died in the battle, at least they died as a warrior, as a protector.

Whereas, Izumi's parents were killed while being tortured with no ways out.

It's like making the mouse bridesmaid for the cat.

Those damn greedy bastards didn't even let them live simply.

The most painful thing in the world is to give hope and take it away mercilessly.

Nakiri Family!

They had awakened a terrible beast.


(Next morning)

Izumi walked on the air and appeared in the Throne Hall.

"Your Majesty!"

Every person presented inside the room, bowed and greeted him.

Izumi waved his hand in return indicating that they could sit.

Izumi just stood there folded hands.

Not even sitting on the Throne.

"Are all Kingdoms under the Empire present?"

"..Your Majesty."

An old minister stood up with some hesitation.

Izumi didn't bother looking at him...

"Your Majesty. Except 2, all are present."

The Minister didn't delay and said.


".... T...They refused and killed our messengers."

"I see. You can sit now." Izumi didn't have any fluctuations.

"Grayfia, please send their information to the Captain of Assassination Unit."

He calmly ordered Grayfia who was standing beside the throne.






"It is done, My lord."

"Thank you as always."

Izumi thanked her, making some minister's faces ugly.

Because in their Emperor's eyes, they're not even worthy.

Women, whom they always disdain and use as a tool for pleasure, was now standing on top of their heads.

Of course, they could only curse in their hearts, no one wanted to die after all.

Izumi sneered inside as he could read them as clean as paper.

It seemed the deep memory of that day was still vivid.

This man whom people believed to be a saint was worse than the devil.

That night, he slaughtered the whole church.

Even some ministers also died because they plotted against his women.

They woke up from their nightmares and glanced towards the source of noise.

"They're here." Izumi said and finally walked towards the exit of the hall.

Seeing this everyone stood up and none of them spoke about why he was standing there.

What a joke!


"Listen, In this hall what I say is law and what I do is my choice. If you have any objections then please leave.."

This was what he said before he started his first court meeting.

None of the ministers and Kings present objected.

He is the Emperor, who lives his life by this own rules.

Now enough of this.


Tio walked with her style while holding her fan, behind her were three people.

Adul Klarus, Tio's grandfather.

Representative of Dragonmen Tribe.

Behind him was a woman but had the same long ears like Tio and Adul.

She appeared as a beautifully mature woman that is overflowing with motherhood and sex appeal.

Her name was Venri Colt, she was a former bodyguard and caretaker of Tio.

And lastly, Ulfric was an elderly man with long blond hair and blue eyes. He had a frail appearance and had many wrinkles.

One of the Representatives of Demi-humans.

"Fufufu~Izumi-kun. I've bought the guest."

Seeing Tio's behaviour inside the Throne Room.

The newly arrived guest's face went pale.

Especially, Adul who was ready to fight if these unscrupulous humans dared to speak badly then realised that no one reacted as if they didn't see her.

'This? What's going on?'

Adul quickly landed his eyes on Izumi.

"Is he..?"

"Yes, Grandfather. He's the person I was talking about. He's my man."

She introduced Izumi without any shyness, but her long ears were little red.

This time both Adul and Venri were dumbfounded... and Ulfric only smiled as he knew about this.

He was their saviour after all.

Izumi personally went to their country Verbergen, to meet them and completely traumatized the leaders of Tigerman and Bearman.

Their arrogant behaviour irked Izumi so he beat them to near death, shattering their arrogance.

"I'm Izumi Miyamura, contemporary Emperor of Hoelscher Empire. I want to thank you for responding to my call."

"Please come."

Izumi gestured to them to enter with a smile and show them their seats then winked at Tio who giggled slightly.

Adul and others were taken back why none of these humans were targeting them?

Isn't this where they usually show their inferiority?

What's going on?

After all, they knew how humans thought of them.

"*Cough* I'm sure all of you know why I called you here?"

Everyone nodded solemnly as their eyes became serious.

"Except Demons, all the leaders of 23 Kingdoms under the Empire, Heiligh Kingdom, Dukedom of Ankaji and finally the Dragonmen and Demi-humans are gathered here."

Izumi finally sat on the throne.

"Aren't there 25 kingdoms? How come it went to 23?"

These kinds of questions circulated under the newly arrived leaders, only in their hearts, of course.

"As you all know, the demons are sided with Ehit. And please don't underestimate your enemy.." Izumi could see some kings present didn't put Ehit in their eyes because of his existence.

"Did you forget about that Apostle? He has countless of those. Each one can destroy a Kingdom."


"Impossible! No one can make those as if they are toys."

"Your Majesty, please tell me this is a joke.."



As soon his voice fell, countless objections were raised by brainless ones.

Watching these dancing clowns, Izumi's face went colder as he asked, "Are you doubting my words?"

Those who raised their voice moments ago suddenly remembered that this was not the Previous Emperor where they could do whatever they want.

They immediately slapped their cheeks three times and said in unison, "Forgive us, Your Majesty!"

What face! What dignity!

Life matters the most.

Adul was shocked by this sudden change and glanced at Izumi.

'This young man has a perfect aura of oppression. Ohoho, my dear granddaughter you've really a great vision.'

Adul stroke his beard as the more he observed, the more he was satisfied with this young man.

Not only he had power and capital to suppress the opposition. He had an extremely high IQ surpassing his naughty granddaughter.

Adul was immersed in his fantasy as he didn't notice that Venri and Ulfric were giving him a weird look.

As for Grayfia and Izumi, they ignored him.

Because only their presence was needed to show that they were also in the alliance.

After explaining the detail situation, he assigned the tasks to each one of them and told them to become ready at any moment.

With this their talk came to an end.

One by one left leaving only 5 people inside the Hall.


"Fuh! Sure Enough, managing an Empire is too troublesome." Izumi sighed in relief as he watched how Tio arrived with her usual style.

"Fufufu~ I'm sure if those people heard you outside. They'd vomit blood and may rebel."

"Oh, That would be good for blood donation."

Everyone's lips twitched but Adul was very relieved to see his granddaughter could move on from her hatred.

His son and daughter-in-law's death bought her nothing but a painful childhood.

Before, she would only train herself and constantly think about revenge.

However, that's not what he wanted neither do her parents.

After that, he had never seen her smiling so happily like she was doing now.

He knew how powerful the perpetrator was so he didn't think of revenge... No, he couldn't let his tribesmen die meaningless death.

He wiped his tear before it could fall and coughed to break this awkward atmosphere.


Both Izumi and Tio stopped their lover's quarrel and glanced at Grandpa.

"I want to know your true purpose, young man." Adul spoke seriously.

"Izumi-chan.This time, I win." Tio said proudly, she won once after repeated defeats.

"What's the matter?" Venri couldn't help but ask.

"Nothing. It's a secret." Tio smiled mysteriously.

Izumi raised the corner of his mouth.

"As expected the man who once ruled the whole Tortus."

"I want to integrate the whole Tortus under One banner."

Adul body trembled slightly as he shook his head gravely.

"Sure enough. Do you also want to become a God like him?"

"God? No, that thing doesn't matter to me."

Izumi denied without any scruples and smiled slightly.

"What I want is to finish my mission as soon as possible. I have some unfinished business in my home world."

This kind of look.

And how come he has this amount of bloodlust and hatred inside his heart despite being so young.

Adul and others who were sensitive to emotions could feel his intent to kill and destroy.

They can't move after being exposed to his inner negative emotion.

Damn it.

"My lord. Someone is causing commotion outside the palace."

Fortunately, Grayfia came to their rescue.

Seeing Izumi was a little distracted, she reminded him about the commotion that had been going on for almost 10 minutes to which she was sure he also noticed.

"Aah, I want to keep the trouble away. It seems some lessons are necessary."

Izumi stood up and smirked at his women.

He left to teach some cruel facts, though it looked like he was deliberately walking slowly.



Sighing, Tio looked at Grayfia who nodded.

"Grandpa, Venri-chan, Ulfric-san. Please come with us. We're going to discuss something important."


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