102. Brother's Chatter

Adul and others were sitting in the guest room.

They were not alone.

Hajime, Yue, Shizuku, Shea, Kaori, Tio, Grayfia, Liliana and Meld.

They were gathered to discuss the strategies for dealing with the Enemy's Leader.

"Izumi. Damn it. He's paddling there."

Hajime cursed out loudly.

Both Grayfia and Tio smiled knowingly.

"Fufufu~ Hajime-san, I think we shouldn't wait for him. Let's start with you being the lead." Tio proposed while folding her ogi fan.

Grayfia and others nodded.

"I have a feeling that he's deliberately doing this."

Hajime thought then shook his head.

"The purpose of this meeting is very important. If successful, it could turn the tides of the war." Hajime said with a serious expression as he looked at everyone, who immediately became serious.

"We need to think how to get Ehit out of his haven."

Shea who was standing behind Yue expressed her opinion.

"Why? Can't we just destroy him in his own realm?"

"What a FOOL!" Shalter, who was watching this from inside, covered her face in embarrassment.

She was sure when Izumi was explaining before her stupid sister didn't listen.

"That's not possible."

Grayfia shook her head to deny this possibility.

"Why not?" Adul asked as he was curious.

"Because he has perfect control in his realm. It is the heart of the Enemy. He is invincible there. Only Izumi could theoretically enter, it's just our guess."

Hajime replied with a frown.

"You mean.. " Ulfric widened his eyes as his body trembled.

Hajime nodded and continued, "The moment you step into his abode. You're dead. No magic. No mana. Just a normal person waiting at his mercy."

(A/N:This is AU.)

Everyone who didn't know about this gasped in horror.

"What about physical strength?" Shizuku raised a question.

"It's the only solution for us right. That's why we're looking for another solution."

"How about throwing bait?" Shalter who took over told her idea.

Hajime eyes lit up and quickly gave a thumbs up to Shalter.

Then everyone began to think what could possibly attract Ehit.

Yue raised her hands as she found a clue, "After hearing about my past. I could tell he's indeed aiming for me due to my immortal body."

"I absolutely cannot allow this." As soon as she finished, Hajime was the first to object.

"Another one is Remia-chan."

"Izumi won't allow it. I am sure none of us can approve of this." Grayfia who was on a break from her duty, disapproved.

Shea and others nodded their heads in support.

"We're at the dead end again..."

Everyone fell into deep thinking again.

"I have a plan." Hajime's eyes glowed as he remembered something.

"We can use that. He has great hatred for Izumi. And knowing Ehit, he would definitely take this bait."

"You mean him?"

Grayfia and others nodded weirdly as they were the only ones who knew the inside story.

"Who is this person you're talking about, young man?" Ulfric asked with a doubtful expression.

"A delusion idiot. Who thinks the whole world revolves around him." Tio said with utter disdain.

Liliana and Kaori were shocked.

They knew who she was talking about.

Missing Cookie.

"But hasn't he disappeared?" Kaori asked with a trembling voice.

Hajime looked at her with pity and said, "No. Izumi kidnapped him with the help of Haulia. And later he used him to create turmoil inside the Empire, almost wiped out all the heirs of the Emperor through him and when he ascended to the Throne. He threw him in the basement. You can only blame him for being too delusional and Izumi's enemy."

Except for his party, others were taken back by this much information.

Shizuku's expression didn't fluctuate at all.

She had been informed about this by Shea before.

And as Hajime said, Cookie could blame himself for provoking Izumi.

Adul was also surprised by Izumi's vicious and decisive personality.

"But..No matter what. He's still our friend."

Kaori who woke up from the shock said uncomfortably.

"Young Girl, you're too kind. Powers change people. I'm sure that man must have done something to make my Grandson-in-law take this step." Adul reminded Kaori with a gentle expression.

"Since he wanted to become a Hero that much. We should fulfill his wish." Hajime said with a cruel expression as he wasn't bothered by Izumi's behaviour at all.

After staying with him, he was accustomed to his personality.

What he had done was essential for them.

He then proceeds to explain the plan step by step.

"Fufufu~ This plan is excellent. Izumi-chan would agree as well." Tio giggled slightly.

As expected from his brother... She thought to herself.

Grayfia was thinking the same as Tio.

"What a sinister plan. That guy deserves it." Shalter also agreed while her lips curled upward.

Others also nodded as this was the perfect way to capture the fish, though Kaori was uncomfortable, she didn't object.

With that they talked about other things for the war that was looming over.



"So everything went as planned?" Izumi asked while cuddling a blue eyed junior wolf.

Yes, this was the same wolf who attacked them.

He wanted to leave them somewhere safe but it seemed they didn't want to leave Myu's side.

So he could only give in under numerous puppy eyes.

He was lamenting why all these monsters were always clingy with Myu despite him being their saviour.

After spending time with them, they gradually opened up to everyone as a result everyone loved them and he was no exception.

So he named them in the Nordic.

Fenris.(Green Eyes)

Ulf.(Blue Eyes)

Adalwolf.(Red Eyes)

Quite domineering, am i right?

But immediately after hearing the meaning behind the name, they fought.

Even all three of them looked exactly like each other.

Izumi and others could determine which one was which by their eyes colour and their aura.

(Read the names again.)

Now Izumi was lying on the grass inside their base watching the moon, enjoying the view though this would be the last night before the war starts, with Ulf sleeping on his chest.

Next to him was Hajime.

"Yeah. He 'ran away' after learning some 'information' mistakenly." Hajime replied while looking at the moon.

He obviously noticed Izumi's change when he would talk with him.

He could feel something but couldn't get what it was.

"It's okay. Even if it fails, it doesn't affect the outcome. I've already designed a set of webs for him."

"Also, Did you forget Shea and Shalter's future sight? If anything dangerous approached us, it'd warn her." Izumi shrugged with a nonchalant expression, trying to ease Hajime's mood.

Inside, he was very complicated. His little brother was right before him but he couldn't say anything.

He could only endure it silently.

Ulf, who was lying on Izumi's chest licked his fingers unconsciously as if trying to ease his mood.

As for why Hajime would be nervous.

Because it was the first time, he planned something so big and Izumi's intervention in this world made him depend on him and reduce his presence.

"Just Remember. When you return to your world, never ever show Adamantium Alloys to the outsiders.

Not even your Girlfriend's parents."

As if remembering, something important. Izumi said with a grave look.

Hajime raised his eyebrows and asked, "That serious?"

"You yourself tested how hard it was. It could survive a nuke attack. If it were to be exposed then your world will be in total chaos."

Izumi reminded him again. "It'd be better if you don't tell your parents too."

"Okay. I'll do that." Hajime nodded as he knew Izumi was doing this for his good.

But why?

They're just friends.

"You're my first friend in my life. I'd be lonely if anything happened to you." As if noticing his mood change, Izumi hurriedly lied.

Though it was the truth.

He was really his first friend.

He never had any friends in his world or neither in his last life.(A/N: This is different from anime. There is no Kouichi Shindou.)

Only partners in business for interest.

As the saying goes, there are no eternal enemies, not eternal friends, only eternal interest.

But Hajime was really his friend before he got to know the truth.

"Really? Me too. I was always bullied for being an Otaku. You're the first male friend ever."

"But hey, how will you convince your parents to have more than one woman?"

Hajime asked with a smile while thinking of his possibilities.

He didn't notice that Izumi's eyes became wet.

Izumi quickly wiped the tear and answered, "Of course, I'll tell them... truthfully."

"Yes! Why didn't I think of this? Only telling the truth I can rest assured. They'll definitely dance in joy when they see me marrying two women."

'Two women? Heheh.. What about your teacher, Princess Liliana and your mistress Sonobe Yuka?' Izumi thought amusingly suppressing his sad and negative emotions.

Although his parents were alive and their souls had already returned to their other half.

He still couldn't get over his past misconduct and how could he allow his parents' killer to live happily?

And he doesn't want to interfere too much with his little brother's life, unless he finds the true reason for their death.

From what he had learnt from that Woman, that his parents died due to some mysterious circumstances.

So unless he found the cause of it, he won't interact too much with them.

He glanced at the Moon who was shining brightly in the ragged clouds and winds.

It was all alone in the darkness.

But he won't be like the Moon, he'll become darkness and light itself to protect his family.

His heart became clear as if it let go of all heaviness and instead welcomed his newfound conviction.


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