104. War 2

Izumi stood up as the horn sounded, meaning the war had begun.

His smile grew as he noticed that another message appeared.

"Things suddenly become interesting. Fia-chan, let's go."

As a result, a white circle appeared and enveloped them.


(Scene change)

Both armies were facing each other.

On one side, Hajime and Tio were standing with millions of soldiers along with mages stationed behind them.

There were countless Demi-humans holding hammers or axes with a wild look on their face, especially the leaders of Tigerman and Bearman, as they were known for their ferocious and arrogant nature while some Dragons were hovering in the sky.

At the other side, there was a huge horde of Demons glaring at them, if you look from the deep above, you could see there was never an ending line.

"Heretic, where is your leader?" Freid Bagwa who was standing on the top of white dragon shouted as if he was mocking them.

"Huh? Izumi is busy with other things. You should worry about yourself." Hajime sneered.

He could guess his intentions.

"Pointing your swords against your God is an unforgivable sin. Give me to die. Now!"

Freid didn't waste anymore time and quickly gave the signal.

Three huge rocks fell from the sky as Hajime silently turned his left elbow towards the rocks and without any hesitation, he shot with his shotgun in quick succession. Three roaring sounds resounded and at the same time, the rocks turned into small chunks and were blown away.

"Humph! God? It is ridiculous that you still believe in that fake who is cowering inside his safety castle."

"Our Allied Army, won't show any mercy to you deserted pawns." Hajime's mockery made Freid angry, though he was telling the truth.

"Attack!!" "Kill them!"

Both Hajime yelled and Freid yelled in unison as both sides ran madly towards each other intending to overwhelm each other while some mages started hurling spells.

"It seems they wants to finish us in one go, Hajime-san. Well, here they are.." Tio stated as she noticed Freid was coming at them killing intent.

"We'll act according to the plan.."

Hajime nodded.

The white dragon landed 50 metres from then and Freid said with anger, "I'm God's Apostle Freid Bagwa and I'm here to purge your Heretical existence."

"Really? Then you'll be disappointed as we have no intention to die." Hajime rose to the air, but the white dragon suddenly opened its mouth and fired off a violent attack.


Another attack countered it forming a shockwave.

The dragon's length was at least seven meters. With its whole body covered in jet-black scales, there were five sharp claws on each of its long forelegs. Big wings grew from its back which were slightly shining as they were clad with magic power.

The golden eyes glowed as it spoke, "As expected from Apostle. A sneak attack is what they are best at."

It was Tio in her dragon form.

"Damn it. It's those lizards again. How many times do you want to stand against our God? Was the last time not enough?" Freid mocked.

Hajime immediately jumped back.

Tio did one rotation in high-speed as if trying to dispel its grudge and its large mass of a tail hit.

By a hair's breadth, Freid used the shield and jumped back to kill the impact because of this, he was greatly blown away at the same time, and disappeared into the sky while his mount slammed into the ground.


The Black Dragon, Tio used the momentum from the rotation and recovered its posture, and its golden eyes were glaring at the air.

"Damn Lizard, that was my favourite shield."

A voice sounded from the sky as a slightly wounded figure appeared though it was healing.

He pointed his sword at the Black Dragon but Hajime immediately put the large shield back into "Treasure Box", then pulled out Donner-Schlag and fired them by saying,

"Your opponent is me."

And Tio, directed her anger towards the white dragon who was struggling to get up.

Poor guy!

Gonna suffer calamity instead of its master.

(A/N: I won't write about their fight anymore.)


Other side,

"Crimson Javelin." A flame quickly turns into a spiral shaped spear and is pierced through the huge horned demons.

"Bitch!" Dozens of Demons ran in fear after seeing this attack.

But, the attacker, a petite figure didn't give them any chance.

"Glacial Sleet" As twenty needles of ice formed and attacked the enemy.



"Hajime, I'm coming."

(Please Guess. Wrong answer only)


Another side..



After a series of attack, there was huge pit formed as Demi-human girl holding a hammer, single-handedly decimated the majority of Freid Bagwa's army that consisted of highly skilled demon mages, as well as legions of incredibly powerful monsters, leaving their corpses and broken limbs everywhere..

Some even cursing their parents for not giving them two more legs.

"That was exciting. Come On! One more time." An excited roar scared the remaining enemies.

"Told You. Your mad behaviour is scaring them. Give me back my innocent body." Strangely there was another voice sounded from the same body though only they could hear it.

"Shut Up! Fun is just starting." She responded grumpily then looked around as if searching for new prey.

Looking at the woman who was inexplicably excited, those who were standing behind her stepped back in fear while some demi-humans who recognised her puffed their chest proudly.

Even though they were united, their old habits would surface from time to time.

But they had to agree that this woman was really fierce.

(Wrong answers only)

Their fight ends here.


Izumi and Grayfia appeared on top of a desolate building.

There were countless corpses that could be seen but everyone had the same thing in common.

They were wearing priest vestments.

"It seems our little subordinates have grown up. What a twist." Izumi sighed melancholy as he noticed that all of them had a hole in their chest.

Grayfia, who had been standing beside him rolled her eyes.

As for feeling disgusted by what she saw.

Oh, please!

"Izumi-sama, please be serious. According to the information we've received, they were planning to gather all the remaining holy churches while taking advantage of our absence to instigate rebellion in those kingdoms."

She reported with her usual stoic expression but Izumi was enthralled by her small red lips.

"Izumi-sama?" Grayfia who noticed his aggressive gaze on her lips was calm on the surface while feeling flustered inside.

"Hah, don't worry. I've already thought about that, in fact, this will make our plan easier, so let them do our chores." Izumi smiled nonchalantly.

"Issue a kill order for some corrupted royals by disguise as a member of the churches. Remember to leave traces and do it in those 13 kingdoms."

Grayfia shuddered as she could foresee what would happen after this.

"Anything else?" She asked but immediately regretted it seeing Izumi's perverted smile.



After 10 minutes of sucking and groping, she left with a small smile not before glaring at a certain distance.

"Woah..." Suddenly, a huge amount of killing intents aimed at Izumi.

He raised the corner of his mouth and was not worried about this much killing intent.


"What a surprise." He narrowed his eyes with a surprise expression on his face, obviously not a normal person would do if they were surrounded by 100 silver haired people, capable of destroying a city.

One of them came a little closer and said, "Cease you Heresy, Heretic. You've no way out. If you surrender now, my merciful master may spare you and your party from the slaughter that will be commenced in his name."

Izumi snorted and asked with a ridiculous voice, "Oh, you don't have to worry. I'll take care of your master."

As soon his words fall, a huge dark square barrier lit from all sides trapping everyone inside it.

There was only white space and they looked like they were standing on air.

Some Apostles tried to break it but to no avail.

All their attack dispersed.

"Master Hearst, our teleportation is not working." Hearing this, Hearst's indifferent expression changed drastically.

Even though their creators didn't instill any intellectual knowledge, she could feel it.

"What did you do, you damn Heretic!"

"Since you're so 'nice' to me, let me tell you this called 'Death Room', an entirely new world. It can't be destroyed from the outside or inside unless you defeat the source, which is me.

Also you don't have to worry, here time doesn't exist so your master won't notice your disappearance. Enjoy your stay forever."

Izumi's figure slowly disappeared and a white sword passed through him, but he shrugged with a sunny smile that hadn't disappeared from the moment he met them.

"Kill you. I must kill. How dare you. Ahhhh!!" Hearst who failed to hit him roared madly.

After all, this space was his creation. How can he get hurt inside here?

It's like Tsukuyomi, but it was different from Tsukuyomi.

He could trap the opponents who are stronger than him while having full control.


"Hahaha.." He laughed while holding his stomach.

After laughing for a minute, he wiped the tears and said, "Now it's time for the last dish."

"Izumi-sama, he has arrived." Grayfia immediately appeared using her other teleportation, which she practiced after getting space magic.

It can be teleported to the place where she had been and could carry a maximum of 3 to 4 people.

However, it is consuming.

Then she peeked with a question mark on top of her head.

There are no signs of fighting here. Could it be that I was wrong?

No! It's impossible.

Obviously, I sensed many presence hiding before I left.

Seeing Grayfia was on the verge of collapsing, fortunately, Izumi woke her from her stupor.

"Calm down. Fia-chan. I'll tell you later. Now let's go." Izumi resisted his urge to laugh and they left immediately towards the emergency division, which was located near the forest.


Elsewhere inside a forest.

A group of teens could be seen in different armour with their choices of weapons.

However, some of them were trembling with tears on their faces.

There were a few demon corpses scattered around, along with two three humans.

"They're scared. What a disgrace to our party." A black haired ponytail bishōjo spat out angrily.

"Shizuku-chan, you should calm down. Now's not the time to become angry."

Another bishōjo with long black hair that reaches her waist and brown eyes, wearing a light blue priestess outfit trying to calm her best friend.

"I'm calm, Kaori." Shizuku replied, "They can't just keep quiet. He just had to open his mouth and look how he ended up."

"Yaegashi, you've changed." A bear-like physique boy scowled.

"Stop it, Ryutarou." Another stern voice came in.

At this moment, Shizuku stood up and gazed at the depth of woods, "Who's there? Show yourself."

Her actions alarmed everyone as they immediately raised their weapons and got into position.

"I won't ask again. Come out." Seeing it wasn't working, Shizuku immediately raised her katana and chanted a spell.

A small yellowish wave generated from her katana but before it could happen, a huge spear interrupted her rhythm.

"What are you doin'?" She glared back at Ryutarou.

"That is Cookie. I can feel that familiar presence." Ryutarou pointed out calmly, contrary to Shizuku's horrified expression.

Even Kaori who was ready for combat dropped her magic staff..


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