105. Arigato

Kaori quickly woke up from her thoughts, and picked up her staff.

How could she not know about her own lover's plan?

He's here. This means, Izumi-san should be somewhere around here.

Both Shizuku and Kaori had the same thoughts.

After all, in their mind Izumi was the perfect leader and obviously a better man, but Kaori only had admiration and respect for him after hearing Hajime's constant bragging about him and of course, she also saw the facts and knew everything was possible because of his help and plans.

It was Hajime's plan, howbeit the one who strengthened the whole part was Izumi.

"What?! Are you sure?" Some classmates couldn't help but get excited.

They were used to Cookie's presence and his stupid heroics fake comforting words.

So far, Cookie's kidnapping incident has always been a mystery.

But now.

"You're not happy, Shizuku?" Eri who was close to Shizuku noticed her change.

Suzu also noticed this.

Suppressing her nervousness, Shizuku caught a glimpse of some of her classmates who were rejoicing, then at Kaori who nodded at her.

"Just act like you always do and don't leave from my side. Trust me this time." Shizuku whispered slowly and both of them nodded as they trusted her very much.

Kaori was also within the range, if something unexpected happened then the Ring on Shizuku's hand would react immediately.

Even knowing that Izumi would be around somewhere, Shizuku didn't drop her guard like others.

He may fail but she believed that he wouldn't.

That's the level of trust and faith she had on her lover.

After a few seconds, the figure of a male came out from the deep trees.

He was wearing tattered clothes revealing several bruises covered with blood and soil on his body and his face looked very pale.

He looked like an escape from a prison.


(A/N: What? I just ate it.)

Everyone who was rejoicing shouted anxiously as soon as they saw his current state.

"Kaori. What're you watching? Hurry up and use healing magic on him." A guy shouted at Kaori who was still standing at her position.

"U-uh, okay." She didn't delay anymore and quickly cast her healing magic, warm and green light enveloped Cookie.

"W...r." A weak voice came from his dry mouth.

"What?" Ryutarou asked loudly while bringing his ear closing in.


"I understand." He stood up and immediately rushed towards their camping tent and bought two glasses filled with water.

Someone helped him sit up and he drank water like it was the last thing he would do.

Watching him greedly demanding water again and again, some of his classmates felt sad and pity, even Eri and Suzu who were with Shizuku couldn't help but feel the same.

Shizuku and Kaori who knew the inside story could only shake their heads.

This kind of acting might have fooled them if they hadn't known the truth.

Simply an Oscar deserving acting.

Sure enough, just what you would expect from a person who became the God and played the entire Tortus in the palm of his hands.

In their minds, they thanked Izumi and the liberators who sacrificed their Iives.


Half an hour later..

Now, the whole group has been divided into 2 groups.

After Cookie woke up, he told everyone the truth by adding some exaggerated stuff while taking advantage of their internal dissatisfaction with Izumi and his party.

But some still decided to stand with Shizuku and Kaori.

Their group had mostly consisted of girls, at least his intention to cause conflict amongst them had succeeded.

One of the boys pointed to Kaori and demanded loudly, "How can you still defend that monster? After hearing all his dirty deeds, you along with Shizuku still choose to stand against us? Tell us why?"

They seemed to have forgotten Izumi's power and still thinking that their not so otherworldly Heroes status would work to turn people against Izumi.

"Eh, you should shut up! You can't just judge from one point of view and even if he did it, I'll still stand with him because he's my lover." Shizuku retorted excluding powerful momentum.

'This annoying bitch. I must capture her to make him more uncomfortable. Yes..' Cookie cursed inside his heart and started formulating new plans without knowing that there was a death mark hanging on top of his head.

"Shizuku *cough*, you should think clearly. Haven't you noticed how his power is constantly increasing? I am sure he is that Fake God in disguise." Cookie coughed and made a bold declaration, stunning everyone.

Boys who were standing with Cookie, looked like they grabbed a straw to condemn him for their own inferiority complex.

"Yes. He's right, otherwise how can a human being have that kind of power?"

"Damn it. If not for Cookie, I wouldn't notice this fact"

"So that means, Shizuku and Kaori have been brainwashed by him, right? We should have killed him together."

One by one kept on degrading Izumi completely forgetting that it was he who saved them many times.

"They are blaming Miyamura-kun for their own incompetence." Suzu who was standing behind Kaori muttered with obvious dissatisfaction.

"I know but don't worry. They're done anyway. He's already here." Shizuku smirked making a silent gesture.

Girls were taken back for a while, then a sudden realisation hit them.

"So I suggest we should capture Shizuku and Kaori to keep this information from leaking." As soon this sentence came out, all of them went silent probably feeling conflicted but it was soon replaced with determination.

"We're sorry Shizuku, Kaori. But know that what we're going to do is best for you. We'll protect you from that abdominal mon -"

All of a sudden, there were giant spikes made of ice, pierced through his throat and several parts of his body.

This was too fast to perceive, even Cookie was sweating.


Everyone reacted to this and their body trembled in fear.

"Fia-chan, look how you've scared these poor crybabies." A honeyed voice entered their ears.

"Who!" Cooki immediately stood up and was prepared to escape if necessary.

"I'm sorry, My lord. I can't just tolerate some inferior insects badmouthing you, my lord." The surrounding temperature was a little colder and Cookie widened his eyes after catching a glimpse of something that he didn't want to see.

Without a second thought, he jumped towards Shizuku's direction.

Well, too bad.

He was playing exactly the way someone designed his role to be.

Izumi waved his hand and numerous white segments instantly appeared from all directions launched and wrapped around the target in order to bind him for his projectiles.

It generally binds Cookie's weapon, limbs, shoulders, neck, and abdomen, rendering him completely immobile.

The more he struggled, the more it continued to twist and tighten with little force as if waiting to tear off his head and limbs at any time.

"Arrggh!!" Cookie kept trying to get out then let out a painful roar as the blade penetrated his right palm, dropping the hidden weapon.

"Wow. I gotta say you did better than I expected." Izumi walked towards Cookie after appreciating his performance.

Yes, it was Kongo Fusa.

After acquiring space magic, he tried to apply it like Gilgamesh's Enkidu.

It was very difficult to control though.

However, another boy stood in front of Cookie in a defensive manner.

"You monster. I won't let you harm Cookie anymore."

"Why? Is he your father?" Izumi asked incredulously.

"Okay, enough fun. Get out!" He was thrown out by an invisible force.

"Damn it. Stop him." Ryutarou shouted in despair as he could watch Izumi silently walking to kill his butt buddie.

"Checkmate, Ehit" Ignoring their shouts Izumi grinned like a madman.

"Damn You! You bastard! You mortal! How dare you raise your hands against me?! I'll definitely kill you all!! Ahhhh!" Cookie's face became hideous and his tone became different making everyone scared.

"Of course, only if you survive." Izumi smiled slightly as he could feel Ehit's soul was preparing to evacuate this body in fear.

"You should be grateful that I didn't finish you." Without waiting for his reply, Izumi took out Lucifer and stabbed his chest.

Surprisingly, there was no blood, only screaming could be heard.

"Devour it, Lucifer." Izumi whispered.

"Ahhhhh-hh!!! STOP!" His pleading and painful cries resounded throughout the whole forest.

He had never experienced such pain in his entire life... which he was going through right now.

Then it ceased and the body disappeared in the form of ashes.

Izumi turned around and looked at the Heroes party and was disappointed.

He was utterly disappointed by their behaviour just now.

They hadn't matured a little after coming to this world.

He won't lash out like before, it'd waste his time and energy.

(A/N: Any guess?)

"Izumi-kun, is it really over?" Shizuku asked softly.

Her friends were also looking at Izumi with eager expressions.

"Yes, my role is over." Izumi winked at her making her face completely red.

She looked down shyly.


It was her big sister and shy personality that attracted Izumi.


Although he didn't show it on the surface, he was feeling extremely complicated.

He would usually never give his enemy a chance after learning a good lesson from last life, but this time he did it for a stranger.

Until now, he couldn't understand why he did that.

Maybe because he feels the same hatred and anger in that particular stranger.



(Ehit's Domain)

"It hurts! Where are you fucking toy?! Hurry up someone.. I need a living body! Body...." A broken and mournful shout vibrates inside the whole castle.

A spiritual body was flickering constantly as if it was dying.

"Hahahaha! I never thought I would see you in this situation, Ehitorujue." A mechanical voice sounded.

"Who's here?" Ehit roared back in anger but he was shocked that someone knew his real name still existed.

Damn it!

When did I fall that low, where anyone could come and go as they like and ridicule me like I'm nothing.


"It's me." A small mechanical golem that had a smiley face and was dressed in bright robes stepped forward from the shadow.

"You... It's impossible! How come you're still alive, bitch?" The soul looked at the little golem and recognised it within a second.

"Why not? I cannot die unless I kill you. I'm your death, Ehit!" The usual smiley face went cold, emitting endless killing intent.

Ehit could feel something was wrong with her and his soulless eyes almost fell out from his sockets after noticing the key in her hands.

"Don't press it!! Nooooo!"


His remaining soul blasted.

A generation of Psychotic God wannabe finally died.

"I'm happy. So happy." There were tears pouring from the white golem's eyes.

"Hey my friends, Miledi-chan, the leader of Liberators has finally fulfilled her duty. I can finally reunite with you, Belta." She said longingly while holding something in her tiny hands.

"And Thank You for giving me an opportunity, Miyamura Izumi." She cried out loudly and the hall blew up.



There were several bombing sounds all over the city and the ancient started to crumble in an alarming manner.

Naturally, she came prepared to take everything along with her.

At last, she finally achieved her long awaited wish.


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