106. See you next time 1

2 days later..

Currently on the battlefield.

Fighting had already ceased as everyone was recuperating.

Casualties were more than expected but not by too much margin.

Hajime was leaning on a huge white dragon corpse with half of his clothes destroyed.

He gazed at the remains of his opponent and shook his head.

Freid, during his last moment admitted that he knew that they were being used and even told him that if by chance demons won then they'd be wiped out, so it's basically a do or die choice.

"We won." Tio who was not far away said while looking at the corpses scattered around, the ground had been dyed red by their blood, even the sky was red.

"Yes, I've seen many humans running away from battlefield but many brave ones stood their ground so I managed to save a few." Yue said with relief.

She knew human nature and wasn't surprised slightly neither does others.

War, no one likes it.

Neither wanted it to happen but it was bound to happen whether you want it or not.

And it'll be left after teaching the most cruelest lesson ever.

"Now I understand why Grayfia-chan hates wars." Shea spoke while looking at the crimson sky.

As for, Shalter.

She had fallen asleep after too much fun.

"What was that?" She pointed at hole that opened up.

"Is that a house...No, a city?" Hajime was dumbfounded by this revelation.

"Yes, it was. Not anymore." Izumi appeared suddenly and said.

"Izumi-chan, you're here. Then who was that?" Tio questioned as they vaguely sensed a person inside there.

"Oh, that was someone who got what she wished for. Let's go. We've an announcement to make." Seeing Izumi didn't want to talk anymore about it, they didn't bother and disappeared from there.

Yes, it was Izumi's teleportation ability.

He left Grayfia with those mentally retarded weebs and teleported here to take everyone.


One day later..

Izumi was again standing on a podium with several big screens around him.

He glanced at the army and could feel their emotions, then said, "Citizens of Tortus, we've finally won the war."


Everyone who was watching this broadcast couldn't help but cry.

Finally, they won but they knew that a great price had been paid.

"But we've paid a great price in exchange. Many of our comrades sacrificed their lives bravely. It is their death that allowed us to win this battle.."

He paused to give them some time to adjust their emotions.

Those who all survived, looked at each other with tears streaming down and hugged each other tightly regardless of their races.

All their previous grievances had already dispersed when they fought side by side in the battlefield.

Now, they understood how cruel war is.

"However, this wouldn't have happened if every king had listened to my request, sadly it was greed and human nature that stopped them from doing it."

As soon he said this, he saw people from the affected kingdoms looking sad and clueless.

"Let me tell you, out of 23 kingdoms only 10 of them had sent their armies while others were waiting for fishermen benefits." He struck while the iron was hot.

"What!" "How come!"

"Didn't the king say that they have already stationed their army at the border to protect our land?"

"Damn it!"

Kings who were hiding knew that they were done.

They could curse themselves for their greediness and also blamed Izumi for exposing their scars and causing civil unrest.

"Everyone!" Izumi clapped to gain their attention again and prevent them from going out of control as he hadn't finished his impromptu speech.

"Listen to me first. In fact, they weren't the only ones. Holy churches are also involved in this situation. As you all know, it was the source of all the trouble. They couldn't accept that the God they worshiped was a fake. So they intended to take advantage of our absence and cause trouble.

They gave away some inside information to those Apostles and fled.

All of these happened because they couldn't accept the reality and caused trouble, of course your kings were also at fault. They got their karma."

He took a breath as it was getting hard to mix lies with truth and truth with lies.

"Pfft.." Hearing laughing sounds.

He swore that he'd clean up both sisters after this.

"This war taught us a lesson that Where there is Unity, there is always Victory. Let me tell you a story that you might have forgotten by now." He glanced at Tio and smiled.


Tio, who was standing felt Izumi's gaze but couldn't understand what he was smiling for.

When she heard his next words, she couldn't control her tears and she wasn't the one who was crying.

Adul and many older generation Dragonmen who witnessed everything from that era had watery eyes.


"Thousand years ago, Dragonmen established a national that prompted harmony and cooperation among all the races of Tortus. Initially, they were considered foolish idealists by most beings, but when they eventually succeeded, they were revered as the world's protectors. Though the Dragonmen lived in peace with other races for centuries, that changed when Tortus' self-styled god Ehit orchestrated a war against the Dragonmen to the deaths of most of its people. Fortunately, many of them escaped.

It was both Demons and Humans who betrayed the alliance and as a result everything that they built was destroyed by some measly benefit."

"He did it because he was afraid that we might take action against him united. So, he took advantage of our weakness and exploited it perfectly."

As for why Dragonmen didn't appeared in the war.

Well, they were stationed near the borders of other Kingdoms and were the one who actively participated in evacuation during the destruction.

He smiled slightly and finally said his purpose.

"I, Izumi Miyamura, on the behalf of the human race, vow to rebuild what they started. A single nation where all races would co-exist without any resistance and worries."

"I, Adul Klarus, on the behalf of the Dragonmen tribe agreed with Izumi's proposal. I wanted to do this a long time ago where we would live together as citizens of Tortus." Adul immediately supported Izumi ideals.


Seeing one by one leaders pledging, people of all races knew that they were truly about to be ushered under a new dawn.

A new Era.


Legendary great war.

The people naturally called the battle like that, a month had passed since that decisive battle where the fate of the world was staked.

A few days after that, although there was some chaos due to the healing of the wounded, the confirmation and burial of the deceased, and the annihilation of the several kingdoms which caused the people to lose their place, due to the hard work of every representative that worked together for a common cause, the post-treatment of the war was carried out relatively smoothly.


6 months had already passed since the war, and the new nation was created under everyone's effort.

Of course, all churches were vandalised and culprits were beheaded as well as those kings who rebelled at first.

Izumi left no stones unturned and kept his words.

He secretly killed some kings who were still stubbornly resisting even though their citizens had already left.

He abolished the Hierarchy System and introduced Democracy, when everyone heard its functions.

Not so surprisingly, he won unanimously by people's choice of being a leader.

He also told the truth about the liberators and how they were framed by Ehit.

He gave them a worthy title.

'The last protectors'

Obviously, he won't be stingy since their power helped him more than he had expected.

Now, while Tortus has become united.

But he knew too much peace would make them rust and give rise to many conflicts later so introduced games and light hearted battles to resolve their conflict if necessary.

This way, at least they could keep it to a minimum.

However, it won't happen as long he's alive.

No one would ever give birth to any strange ideas as they don't want to become the enemy of a man who single handedly played a God to death in his palm.

Somehow, stories about him and his parties were dispatched throughout the whole Tortus..


Currently, he was walking with Myu in his arms.

"Papa, are you sad?"

"No, I'm happy that we'll finally return to my world." Izumi who was wearing a blindfold said with a smile.

(A/N: Will explain after this chapter.)

"No, No. You cannot pool my eyes." Myu puffed out her cute cheeks angrily, but she ended up looking too adorable.

"Hahaha.." Izumi's sadness vanished listening to Myu's mispronounced words.

He knew she was doing it deliberately to ease his mood.

He kissed her forehead and her face quickly beamed into a bright smile.

"Papa, let's go and say bye-bye to Hajime Uncle and Aunties." She wrapped her hands like tiny red leaves around his neck and urged him to walk faster.

Izumi smiled softly and followed her instructions obediently.

Um, it seems Myu would be leaving with him.

But how did she find out?



When Izumi was busy managing the nation, girls were busy gossiping about the modern world, especially Tio, Yue, Shea, Shalter and Remia who had never been to such a world.

So, they were so engrossed in their talk that they didn't notice a figure who ran away crying, with three pets chasing her.

After an hour or so, Remia went to see Myu like usual but suddenly found out she was not there. She thought she might be playing with those pups at the garden and found out she wasn't there either.

Terrible premonition rose as she dashed towards her room and saw her daughter's figure was crying with Fenris, Ulf and Adalwolf were trying to console her.

Her eyes were red and a little swollen.

She looked at Remia.

"M*sobs* Mama, will Papa *sobs* leave Myu?" Sobbing she asked Remia.

Seeing her daughter's state, she felt heart tightening, she hugged her and promised that Izumi won't leave her.

Remia made up her mind to follow Izumi along with her daughter.

Her daughter's happiness has always been her first priority.

"What happened!?" A voice filled with worry came from the door.

"Izumi-san, she.." Before Remia could say anything, Myu ran and hugged Izumi's thigh.

"Uuuuuu..Papa, pleasee don't leave MyuWaaaaaaaaaa." She hugged his leg tightly as if afraid he might leave her.

Her howling cry startled Izumi and Remia as well as others.

Her tears were flowing steadily.

"Okay, okay, Papa isn't going anywhere. Myu-chan is Papa's angel so, how can Papa leave her cute angel.." He picked her up and held her in his arm, then wiped her tears.

He never imagined that she would behave this extreme and previously he was planning to leave without telling her.

Just thinking of it again disgusted him.

Myu blinked cutely at Izumi and there were some tears in her eyes.

"Pinky *sniff* promise?" She sniffled between her words and extended her pinky finger.

Seeing her gesture, he glanced at Remia, after all her decision matters the most.

Remia nodded with a small smile, her eyes were also wet.

"Pinky Promise!" He locked her pinky finger with his own, signifying that a promise had been made.

"Yay!" Myu exclaimed happily while putting her head on his shoulder and her arms around his neck.

Perhaps, she was exhausted from crying, she fell asleep instantly.

Izumi gently patted her and left with her.

Obviously, he was afraid that she would cry again if she woke up and couldn't find him.

No matter what her race was or how intelligent she might be. In the end, she was just a 4 year old girl who needed the warmth of familial love.

So, when she heard others talking about another world, her mind reacted quickly and understood some clues.

After tasting what a real family is, no one would be willing to separate and more less a girl who was extremely dependent on Izumi Papa.

Remia didn't complain as she knew that Izumi would never harm their daughter.

She saw that Izumi really loved Myu as his daughter and the heart was no longer sad and painful, but a sense of happiness.

An inexplicable blush flashed through her cheeks.

Grayfia and others smiled knowingly at Remia making her face more redder, she hurriedly averted her eyes as she was ashamed.

What a shame!!

Because she always keeps her true emotions to herself and at this moment everything is exposed.

Ahh, there's no going back anymore...

(Flashback Ends)


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