107. Final! See you next time

A/N: Hey guys, please comment your favourite female characters that you want me to add in the next volume which will be based on both real and fictional characters.

Yes, I decided to add real life characters, so please comments.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. Peace ✌️ out!


Now then, Hajime and others had busily moved around doing things like buying and packing some souvenir for their families.

After all, such an experience would hardly ever occur.

Women were doing their usual banter while Shizuku was peeking from time to time.

"Ara~Ara~Ufufu~ Our Shizuku-chan's missing Izumi-kun, right?" Remia smoothly showcases her mature charm.

"W-what are you talking about?" Being told openly was too much for a shy hearted girl like her.

"Fufufu~ No need to explain, little sister. Big sis understand. He's coming with Myu-chan." Tio, who was also a teaser couldn't hold it after seeing a chance.

"Stop it, Tio-chan and Remia-chan. She'll faint."

Fortunately, Grayfia came to her rescue after seeing the girl was unable to withstand such teasing from pros.

"Yo!" Everyone looked at the source of the voice and greeted with a smile.

Izumi who arrived with Myu nodded at everyone and walked straight towards his lovers.

No one asked why he was wearing a blindfold.


"Myu-chan, come to your Grayfia-oneechan." Grayfia opened her arms and said tenderly.

Her maternal love was overflowing almost suffocating Izumi's lust.

After leaving Myu with his family, he went to where Hajime was checking the artifact.

After Ehit's death, the restriction that was blocking their way back was finally lifted.

Izumi and Hajime made a God crystal key like a compass which could be filled by pouring all ancient magic, which is called Concept Magic.

It will allow one to interfere with the laws of the world and impress the concept upon it and only those who had all 7 ancient magic could activate it, but Izumi modified it.

Anyone with a small amount of mana could activate it by feeding it for a week which would be no problem for Hajime and Yue as they both were walking battery.

"Hey Hajime!" Izumi patted Hajime's shoulder who was a little distracted.

"Huh? Izumi." A smile appeared on his face as he gave him a brotherly hug.

He was excited as he didn't notice that Izumi's blindfold was a little wet.

"This is for your parents and this is for you." After separating, Izumi suppressed his tears and took out two boxes.

Hajime's expression condensed as he noticed a high amount of mana from one of them.

"What are these?" He asked curiously after putting it inside the storage space.

"It's a s-e-c-r-e-t."

"Anyways, what I want to say is that you should watch your back." Izumi reminded him with a serious tone, "And of course, I'm talking about those high leeches in your world."

Hajime tilted his head as he didn't understand the last meaning.

Sure enough, Izumi's interference in the plot made him a little cool-hearted.

Although Izumi felt bad for this, mostly due to him being his brother, and if it were someone else, he wouldn't bat an eye and mess up everything in order to achieve his goals.

Hey, he too has a family to protect and feed.

"Politics. Be attentive as not to fall in their trap and Don't shilly-shally to kill them if necessary otherwise they'll suck your blood without you knowing." Hajime immediately bobbed his head as he wouldn't be a fool to believe them either and he had Yue who was well-versed in politics like Tio.

He had seen how dirty politicians can be if required. They have no bottom line, so he had no good feelings for them.

"It seems everyone has arrived. Lets go." Izumi glanced at the crowd and said.

His gazes stopped at a certain group before moving towards shy Shizuku who was coming in his direction.

Hajime made a tactical retreat, giving them some space.

However, before Shizuku could speak, Izumi grabbed her hand and pulled her into a surprise kiss.

Shizuku's eyes widened as this was her first kiss and Izumi initiated it in front of so many people without any shame.

Her heart was pounding loudly and her body was honest.

She wrapped her hands around his neck and started a jerky battle of tongues.

After 2 minutes, they separated.

"That felt great." Izumi licked his lips and commented.

He didn't push too far, and ended their little session.

Shizuku quickly buried her face in his neck in embarrassment.

"Haha, sorry sorry. You were just too alluring so I couldn't resist the temptation." He teased her while stroking her back.

He could feel that she was about to melt. It was too much for a girl such as Shizuku.

Everyone laughed after seeing Shizuku behaving like a kitten and some were feeling a little bitter..

The onee-san who would always protect them had now become a maiden in love.


The God crystal key was floating with a black magic power twisting and spiralling around it.

Before long the leaves of the trees were blown and scattered around while a torrent of magic power was climbing to the sky, a clear will began to reside in it. Regardless that it was unseen by eye, everyone who was there felt it, an overwhelming will that made the skin to have goosebump.

(A/N: They were performing it near Shea's home Village as it was empty and have become a tourist place, after A new nation was established.)

At the same time, the god crystal began to shine. The stormy torrent of magic power was focused and absorbed into the god crystal with amazing force.

Calmly, yet sonorously Izumi spoke the power of words.

"Gate open."

Immediately it split into two leaving a gap about 10 metres.

And there was only black space 🌌 between them.

"It's done." Izumi signalled and walked away from there.

Everyone danced wildly, Hajime was being strangled by Yue and Kaori, while some girls were secretly throwing glances at his direction.

After that, they rushed and poured their mana and a picture of a school appeared in that space.

"That's our school!" Someone pointed out excitedly.

"Uooooo!!" "Yayyy!!"

"Sensei, we can finally return to our home." Aiko who was silent till now smiled at her students not knowing the disaster that was about to befall.

While her classmates were rejoicing, Shizuku's attention was clearly on Izumi and her future sisters.

"Izumi-kun, wait for me. I'll definitely contact you after finishing my business." She shouted on top of her lungs, making everyone dumbfounded.

"Okay then that day I'll hold my sword and pierce your defences!"

Shizuku nodded happily without realising the meaning behind it.

What a pure hearted girl!

Grayfia, Tio, Shea, Shalter, Remia, Liliana and her mother present blushed especially Remia, she hurriedly covered Myu's ears, afraid that she might be affected.

Looks like his habit was picking up again. They could only sigh and curse inside their hearts since they were also defeated by his mighty sword.

"Bye~Bee~Uncles and Aunties..." Myu was cheerfully waving her hands while jumping with a bright smile on her adorable face.

(A/N: They here refers to Grayfia, Tio and Rabbit duo. I'll write about Shea's and Shalter scenes in his world, along with Remia.)

Hajime sent a two finger salute gesture towards Izumi before entering the void.

With that everyone stepped towards their destination along with the key as it would follow its host, which was Hajime.

Eventually, their figures faded from everyone's sights.

After a few minutes, everyone also left, except Izumi and others.

He stood in silence, watching the sky for almost 15 minutes.(He can see without eyes though.)

None of his lovers disturbed him as they could understand his current mood.

"See you next time, little brother...."


A sad sigh escaped from Izumi's mouth as he turned around.

"Hey, let's leave this world too." He left after saying this.

"Papa is sad again. Myu is going to comfort Papa. Wait for me, Papa!" Myu quickly ran after her Papa.

Everyone could feel her flames of determination burning when she said that.

It looked like she had become a Daddy's little girl.

"It seems he needs our comfort. Fufufufu~ Sisters, are you ready?"

Tio waved her fan but her words were serious despite its playfulness.

"Myu-chan." Remia looked at her daughter who was running after Izumi and felt a little annoyed in her heart.

That's her daughter too.

"Her power has certainly awakened after 'that'. Now, she could sense emotions just like Izumi-chan." Grayfia mentioned with a smile and her expression changed into worry when she heard Shea's words.

"Izumi-chan. He will create chaos after he returns to his world." Shea muttered worriedly, contrary to Shalter who was residing inside.

Shalter had a cruel smile on her face and said inside her heart, "Hehe, I hope to slaughter them myself with you, Dear Husband. Worry not Shalter will always be at your call."

After all, she also had future sight and clairvoyance, but she had Demonic and Darkness energy while Shea had Berserker Bunny ability, basically a Demonic power.

Future sight would activate when necessary meaning she had foreseen what Izumi would do.

"He's not alone anymore. He has us by his side. It's our responsibility to support him and stand by his side no matter what happens." The usual stoic and silent Grayfia, this time showed her queen demeanor.

She vowed firmly inside her heart and others also nodded at her words as they were his only family and the most important thing in life will always be Family.

Even Remia was somewhat included.








After returning to Japan, what kind of turmoil Izumi would cause and how he'll punish those sinners?

Those stories, would be told at another chance.

The End.

(A/N: Although it took a long time due to my continuous absence for those annoying exams. Anyways, I'll be returning after a break. I need rest due to too much stress, and my constant headache makes me tired.

Also, I'll update his status and rewards he received in a new chapter...)


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Thanks for reading and supporting my story. Have a nice day ahead.

I'll be back soon along with a new twist.

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