110. A chance encounter

The day incident occurred.


It was around 7:30 PM.

There was a big residence in a desolate forest area that could be seen as various luxury cars were parked on both sides opening a huge pathway towards the beautiful lawn. A high frequency DJ's music was resounding throughout the surrounding, not causing much trouble as there was nothing within 200 square metres except big trees all around..

In other words, it's a private property.

Even if it caused problems for the neighborhood, the officials would close one's eyes as the organisers weren't something they could afford to provoke.

In a wide lawn, all kinds of people were seen talking, dancing, etc. while some adults were playing in the pool.

By the way, the crowd capacity wasn't too much..

Several beautiful waitresses and handsome butlers hold a tray of foods and drinks, constantly walking from one place to another on guests demands.

Even some were unsuitable for children.

Many Rich People don't have too many restraints on certain things.

Now, the only strange scene was that there were 7 old men sitting in a circle with wine glasses in their hands and laughing, chilling like good butt buddies.

"Our business has become a huge success and from now it'll only grow... hahaha." One of them said while taking a sip.

"Hmph! Of course. Anyways, it was all thanks for his help, don't you think so?"

"Hmm, you're right. It's just that we've never seen his face, but from the voice I can tell you that he is younger than Azami. Also has better vision than the old man's. His methods are greatly suitable for our tastes, really he has been a great help. I can't wait to meet him in person and discuss business."

An old man with a bald head didn't feel ashamed to admit that he was inferior.

"Yeah, it'd be good if he was from our family. Except Azami's son and daughter, the rest of the heirs are now drowning in women's belly." One in the middle scolded with a dissatisfied expression.

None of them present refuted his words as it was the general truth after all.

Obviously, he was referring to the younger generation of Nakiri Clan.

They were already old, but that doesn't mean anyone can enter their sights and earn their respect and admiration.

So far, that person was probably the only one.

"Too bad Senzaemon couldn't come." One of the old men sitting in the last sighed in regret.

"Well, you can't blame him. His wife just passed away."

"And, judging from that rate we're developing, within 2 or 3 years, our Nakiri Clan will rise to the top."

"What about the Vermillion Royal Family?"

Another old man flashed his eyes in disdain and his tone became arrogant, "So what?! We've him. In front of him, mere Vermillion...hehe."

"Hahahaha! You're right... Cheers!"


All of them raised their glass with enthusiasm.

*Clap* *Clap*

"Everyone! Let's go, it's time. We should prepare a grand welcome feast for our guests."

One of them stood up and his voice caused a huge wave of cheers amongst the crowd as they were finally waiting for this.

One by one old men stood up excitedly, their ambitious gazes couldn't be hidden from others and looking at them grinning like children, their family members couldn't help but look forward to meeting with that mysterious guest.

Gradually, the noises quieted down a little as everyone went inside for the preparation of a big surprise.


"Who would have thought that these greedy old fossils are still hiding such ambitions?" A figure wearing Butler's uniform exited from the lawn with a masquerade mask on, entering the parking pathway.

(A/N: Yes, sometimes the staff in higher parties wear masks to protect their privacy and you know whyʘ‿ʘ... According to me, this is stupid. But I implemented that system here.)

He took something from his ear and put it in his pocket while muttering to himself, "But who is the mysterious person that made those geezers addressed with such respect?"

"Shall I continue to hide and see?"

"But what is this gloomy feeling?" His brows furrowed as he bit his nails, and finally made up his mind.


Sighing, he secretly glanced at the security team guarding the front, then decisively turned around and took off his mask before disappearing into the forest.

There was only a masquerade mask lying on the floor.


A handsome man with messy shoulder-length dirty gray hair that covered his face, as he seemed to be talking with someone.

"Damn Kyousuke! Today was supposed to be a family dinner, where are you?" An annoyed voice came through the cell phone he was holding.

He scratched his messy hair and responded nonchalantly, "I'll be there in an hour. Wait for me, okay?"

"Huh? Then what's up with this bored tone?"

Before he could reply, his golden-brown pupils squinted at the sudden noises.

"Something came up, bye." He reacted quickly and caught off the call then hid behind the bushes.

Staring at the scene, he was sure it was an engine sound and at the same time also curious who could it be this late?

That mysterious person?

He had some expectations in his heart.


A luxurious line-up of Range Rovers drove carefully in a single line with an unusual odd tank-like car in the middle followed by another three from behind.

If not for his careful observation, he would believe that the President of some other country or Kim Jung-un of North Korea had been meeting secretly to take over the country.

Who can have this lineup except the country's leading figures?

He frowned involuntarily then his expression became stiff as he caught a glimpse of a man wearing sunglasses with left elbow resting out of the car's window and the other was on the steering wheel.

That face!

His emotions for a moment almost went out of control.

How can it be him?

Didn't he know that his parents were plotted to death by those geezers?

No.. Something doesn't feel right here.

What is that?

A Cage?

Kyousuke suppressed his emotions and noticed a truck behind his car, carrying a cage covered in black cloth.

Due to his training in the army, he could see through a long distance.

So he examined the cage trying to catch a detail or two, then noticed there were few killing intents focused on him.

'Shit! This sensitive.'

He quickly averted his eyes and didn't act rashly anymore, but his face was filled with sweat even twitching constantly.


He groaned internally as his body was not responding to his command.

Obviously, it was the result of countless murderous aura.

In this case, if they shoot, he'll be a dead man walking.

'These terrifying murderous auras are far stronger than what I felt in the army. What the hell is going on here? And most importantly, where did he find these guys?'

Although due to the car's windows it wasn't noticeable, but an experienced veteran like Kyousuke could tell that they were staring at him right this moment.

Furthermore, he wasn't known as The Resourceful General by plucking flowers or eating fried chicken, you know.

His mental endurance was terrifying as he could still think rationally after being exposed to a high amount of murderous intent.

Instinctively, his cerebrum started running at an alarming rate, thinking of possible solutions, however, contrary to his surprise nothing happened.

They didn't even stop for a moment.

His eyes shifted as he saw they had already left, but he didn't dare to be careless anymore.

After a few seconds, he came out from the bushes, "Luck? Nah, mine wasn't always this good."

He simply denied this, "My previous guess was wrong. This kind of style doesn't look like someone attending a welcoming ceremony."

Kyousuke just stood there and stared at their trails and spoke slowly, "Hey, this place will definitely turn into a hell hole anytime soon. Better be Outta here."

His instincts were warning him not to get too close.

He didn't waste anymore time and walked fast as he could while thinking on how to explain this matters to his annoying sister.


The man in the question had his mouth curled up slightly as the lips moved.

"Fate is indeed an interesting thing.."

With that, he took back his elbow before waving his hand and the window slowly closed up as all the cars began to speed up like they were inter-connected.


Please drop some power stones and reviews. It'll increase my motivation!

Thanks for reading my story. Have a great day ahead!

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