111. A Bloody Feast

*Cars Engine....noises*

A tank-like car abruptly stopped at the very beginning of the pathway.

It was a diamond designed which goes against conventional design methods. In other words, the exterior was asymmetrical. On the right-hand side, there were only two doors, the front and the rear while on the left-hand side of the car, there was only one door.

(Pic Here)

As if obeying its commands, the rest of the cars also stopped in a straight manner.

All the doors opened simultaneously except the middle one.

People wearing formal attire walked out of their respective cars wearing gas masks and stood motionlessly as if waiting for someone.

*Door Opens*

A pair of burgundy shoes stepped out of the car in the middle, slowly revealing a figure of a man wearing a pinstripe suit which had been a symbol of power.

The door was closed automatically while his face couldn't be seen as it was covered with smoke.

"Call.." A deep voice with smoke escaped from his mouth.

His left hand was in his pocket wearing a white gold Rolex watch while the right one carried a 930 mm AK-203.


He spit out a cigarette butt.

As the smoke gradually dispatched, revealing a stunningly attractive, charismatic face with shoulder length hair tied up along with an antique gold/orange lens, a Matsuda 2809H-V2 sunglasses.

Also, there were two charming black studs in his ears encased in a thin metal rim surrounding the stone. It shines from time to time giving it a dapper and glamorous look.

His crazy get up coupled with the surroundings was exactly like a badass gangster.

He tilted his head slightly as half of his guys immediately took out kerosene from the car while two of them knocked out all the securities.


(Inside the residence)

Senile Geezers were sorta discussing about some deal, just imagining standing on the top made them feel ecstasy.

They almost had unstoppable orgasms, a boner and quickly made up their mind to find an excellent venting object later.

Since he had promised that he'd help them dethrone Vermillion Family and for the other part of the deal, he said that he'd discuss here.

*Engine's noise*

"That sound...He has arrived." Old Geezers stood up vigorously in anticipation, like they had regained their youth right this moment.

"Cough, Cough!" Someone coughed slightly on the mike to remind everyone, the music also stopped.

The people present in the hall suddenly quit and they all turned their heads towards the huge door in interest.

It's a pity that they don't understand some simple things.

Expectations are dangerous when they are both too high and unformed.

A pity indeed.


At the same time, in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Inside the superintendent supervisor office room.

A middle aged person was sitting behind the desk and writing something, suddenly the emergency phone rang.

He pressed the button and asked politely, "Who's this? This is the deputy head of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department speaking."

He knew only a few influential people could directly call his office, so he had to be a little polite.

"If you want to save them, come as soon as possible. We're currently in Nakiri's private houses *Beep*"

The middle aged man stood up in fright and hurriedly dialled to someone, "Sir, A Big trouble! Nakiri Clan is being targeted by an unknown force. I just got a threat call from them."

He keeps nodding whatever coming from other side, "Okay, I'll immediately mobilize the teams now and reach the destination."

He put down the phone and wiped his sweats then picked up his cap and directly left the office while cursing aloud.

"Bastards! Scums! Why can't you just sit at your homes reading those wonders of Japan? At least, tell us your location. Why are you using your brain here instead of putting them to good use somewhere?"

His cursing startled everyone in the department as they understood that some big shit happened or else their boss won't get this worked up.

Everyone knew how much he hated highly intelligent murderers.

After all, multiple cases were still pending due to them unable to find a clue.

"Huhhh....Hurry up and gather at the main hall immediately!" After calming down, he roared again.

"Hey officer, take this paper and inform all the stations about this particular incident. Ask them if they know anything about a big party hosted by Nakiri clan. Go !"


(Back to the previous scene)

"Sir, it's done." One of the guys affirmed then went to do his job.

The person who was standing in the middle put the gun on his shoulder and began to walk leisurely for the grand welcoming party.

However, there were two guys standing near the covered cage with their heads down.

Faints growls coming from it frequently.

(A/N: I'll arrange the lyrics according to the story but if you don't like it then i won't write BGM again.)

(BGM: Salute to the Devil!!)

Basically, during his walking.


An order to walk! An order to stop!

Ruling over life! Ruling over Death!


Don't dare stare at his life!

Lightning will strike...Run away!


Fire and Storm, Whenever they untie!

A dynamite like him is born!

Oh God! Look here!


If he comes to rule, He is the Emperor!

If you oppose him... He is the very Devil!

Oh God! Please Stop him!

🎶🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶 🎵🎵🎶🎵 🎶

The hidden one is acquired! The one who revolts is captured!

In the streets of Japan, With fright they will say 'Salute'!

This place is yours Don! You are everyone's Boss!


(Try this with little emotions)

The ones who held your fingers and made you walk...

The ones who taught you your first words...

Their words are sacred!


One who has grown with fire!

Persistently moving ahead!

A warrior who had taken an oath!

🎵 🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼

Where can you find an army to stop him?

Is it possible to control a surging wave?


He is filled with character! His hand is like iron!

He sells fear, cares nothing for life!

Move away. There's Danger!


The hidden one is acquired! — It can't be done! The one who revolts is captured!

In the streets of Japan!

With fright they will say 'Salute'!


Salute to the Devil!


Salute to the Devil!

Japan is yours Don! You are everyone's Boss!



Standing in front of the huge door grinning excitedly revealing white teeth.

He had been waiting for two long years just for this damn fucking moment!

Due to too many emotions his eyes glowed for a second then restored to its former calmness.

He didn't do anything, just let the door open 'automatically' for his cool entrance.

All the light went on at the same time and with loud cheers, blowing the party poppers and sparkled the lively atmosphere.


"Hahaha...." His strange laughter made them little taken back.

"Indeed, welcome to the bloody feast!" At this moment, the announcer noticed that he was holding a machine gun before he could shout.


A bullet entered his skull and his body fell down with a loud bang.


This shot was too fast as it shot at the same time the music volume increased.

Due to him wearing a mike around his tie made the sounds a little bigger.


That scream scared everyone as they looked at the source.

A woman crawled back in tears while her finger was pointed at a direction as everyone followed and found the announcer was lying on a pool of blood.

And there was a small hole on his forehead.

"M-murder! Call the police!"

(Gunshot sounds)

The woman who shouted ended up exactly like the guy she was pointing at.

"Don't interrupt me.." This voice managed to wake everyone and they all turned towards the person standing near the entrance while aiming a machine gun at them and there was a leftover smoke ejecting from the barrel.

Her closed ones could gritted their teeth in fury but no one raised their voice anymore fearing that the next one would be them.

"It's you?!" One of the old geezers shouted in horror.

"Shhhhh" His silent gesture made everyone terrified and they never thought that the guest they were expecting would be their death

Everyone in the hall silently glared at their own geezers with hostility inside their eyes because everything that happened was their fault.

The old man took a few steps back and in addition, there was a gun pointed at him that didn't help either.

They seemed to be not aware of the hostile eyes around them at all, more importantly, they were communicating with their eyes among themselves about how to survive.

Izumi also didn't care about their so-called small action and he was more busy looking in a certain direction.

"Come out, now."

A shadow flickered in front of him and kneel down on one knee.

"Diana, why are you here? And what's going on with that?" He was questioned with narrowed eyes.

He couldn't help but release a trace of his aura which only she could feel.

"Ahhh, Master! It was mistress order." She was wearing a waitress's outfit, said with a pitiful expression, but he wasn't buying it.

She had black hair and blue eyes and she looked between 13 to 15 years old, as one could tell at a glance that she wasn't Japanese at all.

(A/N: Comic one.)

*Brring brring*

"Hmm?" He took out his phone and was bombarded by a familiar voice.

"Stupid Husband, don't blame her. This is her training and I have prepared a huge surprise for you. Hope you'll like it. See you at home soon, bye."

He put away the phone then looked at the girl kneeling on the ground and asked softly, "So, what's the surprise?"

The woman who was kneeling stood up with joy written all over her face, leaned closely at Izumi then whispered something in his ear making his smile more devilish.

"Thanks for the work. I'll send my book for you to read."

When she heard she almost squealed in delight, but managed to hold it in.

No matter how unruly she might be at home, she doesn't want to make her master faceless in front of these inferior creatures.

Or else, her mother would never let her see the outside world again.

"As you wish, Master." Her figure flickered as she disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Her speed has increased again. I wonder if Hippolyta and Antiope would blame me for her corruption." He cut off those thoughts and put it inside the 'thinkforlater' folder as he retained his former cold demeanor.

His gaze lingered on old geezers, and upon seeing his attention was on them, a terrible premonition rose in their hearts and his next words confirmed it.

You know they had been secretly trying to make calls but when it connected the signal suddenly went off.

After three or four times, they gave up and vowed that if they get out alive, they'll hunt down this person to the end of the world.

"As I was saying, the deal is closed." He steadied his gun at the guests and started a heavy volume of rounds over a short period.






*Intense Crying noises*

Various breaking sounds sounded along with bodies falling like statues here and there.

"Why are you doing thi-!"

Not a chance was given to hear their baseless words.

And, Not a single shot was wasted. Each one hit the Bullseye, even went past their flesh and bones, damaging the property.

Of course, except the geezers.

They almost suffocated watching their own families dying like pigs.

After a series of five minutes, his hands stopped as the gun was already overheated.

The heat inside the gun barrel had climbed to very high temperatures.

"Oh well, not necessary anymore though." He threw it away as his purpose had been fulfilled.

He was standing in the bloodpool with corpses and blood splattered all around him.

What a bloody massacre!

"Are you feeling despair yet?" His voice was directed at the geezers who were looking at their descendants blankly.

"Y..Why?!" One of them shouted desperately, "What have we ever done to you?"


His eyes widened and his breathing became stagnant for a while when he saw the face behind the sunglasses.

Others weren't any better either.

They weren't fools either. When they first saw Izumi on the news channel, they shrugged it off and thought to keep him for amusement then shock him with the truth.

But hey! Who would have thought that they just let a wounded beast resurrect into life?

"Remember me?" He smiled as took off his glass.

"You're....are Izumi. Son of Naozumi." They quickly regained their senses and tried to play innocent familial love, "...We're your granduncle. Yo-!"


Izumi dragged his hair and punched his face.

His face distorted for a moment.

"Still lying."


"You think I didn't know anything."


Others gasped in fear, their body shivered watching how Izumi....no, a devil in human clothing beating their butt brother.



Izumi's bloodied hand stopped for a second then rammed him face fiercely again.


"Did you leave my mother alone after taking her husband from her?"


"Sometimes, she arrives home wearing bandages on her head. When asked she'd always lie that she slipped.

At that time, did you scums leave her alone?!"

"Did you feel bad for her?!"

"No!" *BAM*

"For many nights, I could hear her crying, but still she stayed strong. However, you continue to harass her as it becomes your weekly routine!"


Remaining Old geezers could feel his unconcealed hatred and killing intent every time he speaks.

"After killing my father, you toothless geezers weren't satisfied, you even went as far to kill my mom and made their deaths look natural!"



Last chapter. Hope you like it. Peace ✌️ out!

Thanks for reading my story. I ask readers to vote as it'll boost my motivation.

Have a great day ahead!

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